What's up everyone, it's good to be back.

I've had some very interesting **** happening in my life lately and for those that remember me, you remember i was going to be married, i even did something i never said i was going to do and posted the chica's pic on the site to introduce her to everyone.

Well she left a month ago, just up and split. So i've been dealing with it in the gym.

Been running
750mg Test Enanthate (week)
400mg Deca (week)

was trying to bulk up a lil' bit, i was trying to put on a few pounds of muscle and drop the body fat a lil' bit. Well it's working.

Just finished 8 weeks worth of eating like a pig (still doing some cardio) and getting the strength back to where i want it, while putting on some quality pounds.

So far i've been on 8 weeks, I weigh right around 215, prolly around 18%bf, i have some pics at home i think and will post them here later.

Not bad from about 200 @ 16%, now it's 16 weeks of contest prep, so the dieting has began and the cutting is here.

Still running the same ****, but now it going to be clen/eca stack with some t3 for the last 6 weeks of the diet. I'm doing the same diet i did last time when I had great results, hoping to hit around 8% about 3 weeks out from the show, and come in around 6%. Now that i'm single it is a lot easier to be focused on the gym.

I still can't believe how heavy i am currently! I'm trying to make the middleweight division, which I think tops out around 176-180 (not sure for this show) This should be interesting...

I know my weak points (however one is my chest, so i'm hitting **** hard)

An example of my strongest lifts so far are

Military Press (not in a smith machine) 225X12 - 245X10 - 275X4 (i was so suprised, given i've never lifted over 245 on military press)

Incline DB (100X10 - 115X10 - 130 X 6) The 130's i've never done on the incline DB, and i swear i could have done more if it didn't feel like my wrists were going to snap!

I also recently started deadlifting, not doing anything fancy yet, but a week or so back, i was pissed because of the ex, and i did
315X10 - 365X10 - 405X10 - 425X8

nothing impressive but i just started deadlifting about 8 weeks ago...

I personally have never cared about the weight on the bar, and always followed strict form, but now i'm watching my form and re-focused again, and the strength is just there. It's so odd to me...yesterday i did the 275 (on military) and it was hard, but when i got done, i just smiled and said, ****, now i gotta get that for 10 reps....so that's my new goal.

anyway, i'm all about opinions and if you guys think it should be terribly hard to get down to 6% at around 176-180...i'm trying to find one of the cacluators to do the math.....

