I am just wondering who you all will be voting for come Presidential election time?
I am just wondering who you all will be voting for come Presidential election time?
Bush here....
Not sure yet, but as of now Bush.
My vote goes to George "Dubya" Bush!
G Dub!
Kind of slow so far...I guess those folks in the Republic of Kalifornistan haven't gotten up yet.![]()
if i vote, iw ill vote bush
hey daman1
hahahahaOriginally Posted by barbarian
Originally Posted by barbarian
If the Supreme Court didn't ruin my illusion that the canidate with the most votes would become president,I'd vote for GW,just in hopes he could get us out of all the lovely(for lack of a better word) "positions" that he has put our great country in!
Mr Bush.
That's one way to refer to him,another would be Governor Bush!!Originally Posted by 1victor
I'm here in Texas, and since 90% of everyone here will vote for Bush 'cause a third of 'em hate queers, another third hate liberals, and the other third hate democrats, I suppose it doesn't really matter who I vote for. Kerry doesn't stand a chance in Texas.
Anyone want me to write their names in?
LMAO!Originally Posted by Tock
Kerry for me because of my deep loathing for Cheney, Rumsfeld, and Ashcroft.
I have to vote for Kerry, mainly for 5 things-
1) Gay rights not being equal rights
2) Pro-choice
3) People who say god tells them to do things are scary
4) I think the Bill of Rights is a pretty good thing, but Ashcroft seems to disagree
5) Enough of my friends have come back in boxes from Iraq for no apparent urgent need
Runners up to those main issues:
1) Complete lack of environmental policy
2) Came into office talking about smaller government and less spending, oh well!
3) EVERYTHING somehow is now related to terrorists... "Those pesky telephone workers are striking?!?! It must be the work of Al Qaeda!"
4) If you even think about saying something bad about this administration, you are immediately branded as "Unamerican" or a "French Pussy" and people question your patriotism.
Anyway, enough about that. What I am really hoping for is a Kerry/Clark ticket. Career politician with a Career soldier. Clark is moderate enough to keep the west wing from careening left over a cliff. Kerry knows how to work congress. Clark knows the military.
On the other side, I think Rumsfeld is the PERFECT secretary of defense. I would have no problem with him staying. He SHOULD be the one voicing for war, that's his job. He cleaned up the pentagon budget, cut pork programs, so on. We just need someone in the oval office with some cajones to say "No to war" when nessicary.
Anyway, that's my 0.02.
i dont like either of the retards running, so im not voting..
I'm voting for Nader only because I think the two party system as it currently stands is an absolute disgrace. Call it throwing my vote away if you will, but i'm an idealist at heart.
Well,if push comes to shove once again,in this election.I'm sure "Uncle Jim Baker" will see to it,that the public vote will be irrellivant once more.Originally Posted by BigGreen
I vote for nathan...Seriously whos gonna **** with a nation thats leader wears a cape?
OMG you and I agree on something??? stop the presses... LOL .. yeah im not voting.. plus if i register to vote in the county where I go to school ill be getting all those jury duty crap thingsOriginally Posted by decadbal
Originally Posted by Tock
Well, if it makes you feel any better tock - Im here in NY where a third of the voters are queer, a third are liberal and a third are democrats - so my vote doesnt count here either
BUSH is going to win
but better yet - just elect me president![]()
Hard to say, since Bush is an idiot and Kerry is a moron! Haven't decided if I don't vote of if I vote for the one I dislike the least... tough call.
ExRx (Exercise Prescription)
- Sweat plus sacrifice equals success. - Charlie Finley
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Bush....of course....
To decadball: if you don't vote, don't complain about anything, period. To BigGreen: thanks for voting for Nader, I love that guy, he needs to be on Bush's payroll. My vote definitely goes to Bush, I am a life long Republican.
Agreed. Harry Browne has my vote. Though, I'd rather extrude concrete through my penis then vote for Nader.Originally Posted by BigGreen
howard stern
What are you? A "French Pussy"? J/KOriginally Posted by navydevildoc
GW all the way. I don't agree with everything that GW has done, but I think he will get it done better than Kerry. JMO. No need for another political debate.
Last time I heard(I might be wrong) they stopped going by taxes and vote registry and go by drivers license number or your social or something.Originally Posted by ttuprincess
I'll vote for pretty much anyone that isn't Bush...pretty much for all the reasons so well posted by navydevildoc. IMO, Bush is not only incompetent, but actually dangerous. It is amazing how the world was coming to an end because Clinton got a blowjob in office, but everyone seems to be turning a blind eye to all of Bush's mistakes (well, I guess they aren't mistakes if he can't seem to admit he makes any...) I miss the days when we had a president that was a true statesman and commanded respect from the rest of the world...
These are dangerous times that call for a strong president.
Bush is da man.
i wouldnt know I could be wrong. The lst place I was registered to vote was 8 hours away where I went to college my 1st year andthat was 3 years ago and I still get jury duty letters to my partents house for that sh*tOriginally Posted by Symian
Originally Posted by CYCLEON
Two questions . . .
1) What are you doing in New York?
2) WTF am I doing in Texas?
We need to work out some kind of a deal here . . . trading places or something . . .
worry about what you complain about, not me...Originally Posted by Jeremy34
Face it, even gay guys dont want gay guys - I know you are just down there to troll for all the hunky straits - meanwhile, I figure I have less competition up here in the big cityOriginally Posted by Tock
Originally Posted by CYCLEON
LMAO funny
I prefer shaved over Bush, but thats just my opinion.
Originally Posted by BigGreen
lol....that is the same exact thing i say..........i'm going for Nader too.....i'm a registered independent............but Kerry will win New York, no question.........
Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, THAT IS STRENGTH
kery, because i hate the male cheerleader
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