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Thread: Ladies...........

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Flying South.........


    I have a girl friend ( not a girlfriend ) who is wanting to cut some bf before summer. She wants to do some Clen, but says she heard Winstrol can be used in the same way.
    I told her Clen was more or less going to burn fat only, where winny would actually build some muscle.

    Anyway, input and cycle help would be greatly appreciated!
    Last edited by Mighty Duck; 02-13-2002 at 11:30 AM.

  2. #2
    Mike Guest
    can you give more details bout her? stats etc? I know I am not a girl but thought I may be able to help

    Primo would be a great one ot talk to also (as well would be MsFit)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Flying South.........
    Hey Mike, you may not be a girl-but advice from God himself is actually better!!!!!

    She is 5' 8" tall 135lbs,29 yrs old, I'd guess bf to be around 15%+/-. Little or no weight training, she does regular cardio. She's just wanting to get super trim for bathing suit weather.

    Thanks for the help Mike!!!!!!!

  4. #4
    Mike Guest
    Ok but remember something bud. She HAS to be willing to work for it. I have seen many females think that clen is just a wonder drug and they pop that crap like metabolife expecting to not have to make any changes with their routine or diet to shed some weight. The cardio needs to stay as well as the a good diet. I have noticed that clen alone for weight loss for someone not willing to work for it - is useless. I watched a woman lose maybe 2 lbs tops who went on clen and did nothing else for herself. Clen emphasizes other efforts IMO. So get a good diet and cardio going then start on the clen.

    If she just gets regular clen then tell her to start with one pill. She needs to decide her optimal dose with clen - it's not like if I were making a test cycle for you or something and I gave you xmgs/wk. Everybody's body is different and people react differently to it.

    Start with the one pill then as physically permitting - move up the dose in small increments. She can start moving up by a pill a day if she can tolerate it. She will hit a point where her body starts to really feel the clen. Her hands will shake to the point where she doesn't have much control of that. Little things like that. So she will need to just increase her doses until she reaches that point and then stay at that dose until her body becomes acclaimated to it. Say she starts off on 1 pill then 2 then on day three she's on 3 pill and she starts trembling a bit and it's kind of uncomfportable. Then day 4 she will stay with three pills and she will most likely tolerate it much better.

    It's a funny drug - you just have to listenm to your body and let it decide the dose for you. She will do this until she hits her optimal dose (probably somehwere around 5 pills) and then stay on till she has been on two weeks. Take a break for two weeks (at which time she could use metabolife or xenadrine etc) and then start on clen and repeat.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Originally posted by Thump
    Hey Mike, you may not be a girl-but advice from God himself is actually better!!!!!
    Okay so i won't give you my advice then...except to say that in her situation, there is absolutely no need for winny

    My other piece of non-advice is that she should start weight training...

    Have a nice day
    What happens here, stays here

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Flying South.........

    That was actually a joke. No offense meant in any way!

    Thanks for the non-advice, anyway.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    The dark jungle...
    Tell her to use metabolite and to start working out. That'll help alot.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Originally posted by Thump

    That was actually a joke. No offense meant in any way!

    Thanks for the non-advice, anyway.
    I know...i was joking as well...not about the advice though
    What happens here, stays here

  9. #9
    Mike Guest
    Primo - bestow a morsel of your superior expertise on this man would ya?

    Thanks doll

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Flying South.........
    Glad you weren't offended, Primo.

    Thank you all for your help!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Why I said i wouldn't recommend AS in this situation... no AS will help in burning fat...period

    Diet is the most important thing she can control to help her reach her goals...

    Why I said she needs to start training...the more muscle you have, the more fat you burn even when you're at rest... and if she's worried she'll get too muscular (which is an all-too common phrase said by cardio queens who don't train), tell her I'm sure Vicki Gates isn't too threatened by her

    Winny, in particular, is a drug that can be a girl's best friend or her worst nightmare...i know women who can take high doses and have no sides and get great results...and i know others who look at the stuff and get wicked sides

    There are safer drugs out there for women...but like I said, in this situation...they aren't necessary

    Get her diet in order...have her start training...add in the clen if you want...and call me in 3 months and let me know how she's doing...
    What happens here, stays here

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