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Thread: cutting tips?

  1. #1

    cutting tips?

    going to the beach for spring break and need to lose a few pounds on the stomach.....i have about 2 more weeks worth of sus......should i take win 50mg/day or clen......or both.....i have heard that clen may cause u to lose a little muscle that true.....??...and would it hurt to finish off the sus??

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Los Angeles
    i dont think anyone says will cause u to lose muscle mass...its is mostly thought of as anticatabolic, meaning it will help you retain muscle mass...You should run the clen 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off when you start your clomid therapy. on the off weeks you should consider eca. I am not 100% sure about running the winny in essence by itself during this time, but some people seem to get results from it. (50mg/day does seem to be the correct dosage thougg AND make sure you do not run it more than 5-6 weeks).

    *Side note: What could cause muscle loss is T3 not clen. I think that may be the source of confusion for u

  3. #3
    how much clen should take a day??.....would it be better to take than winny???

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Do a search on Clen or go to drug profiles on home page. There is tons of info there. Most Clen is in .02mg tabs. You could do something like this starting 1st day and going to day seven of week 1 1,2,3,4,5,6,6 taking a max of six on the seventh day then 6 ed for seven days. You should run Clen 2wks on and 2wks off

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