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Thread: finally my cutting cycle

  1. #1

    finally my cutting cycle

    I have researched and debated several weeks on my cutting cycle and here it goes:

    Week 1-10 100mg Prop EOD
    Week 1-10 600mg Eq
    Week 6-12 100mg winstrol
    week 6-12 100mg Fina EOD
    Cycle Clen and ECA 2 weeks at a time
    Week 13-15 Clomid therapy and also some clen
    Week 12-17 200mg Primo depot (To help keep gains and prevent crash)
    Photo shoot on Sat of 13th week.

    Any thing I need to change please let me know.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    i know that you should prolly lower the winny to 50 mg ed... other than that, wait for the other replies about all the rest

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Are you taking winny orally or sticking it? Either way I guess you're gonna be a goddam pin cushion with all that prop.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    thats alot of stress on your liver, running the fina and winny together. and 10 weeks of prop! man, thats gonna hurt! if you run this you will definately be ready for your photo shoot though.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    [QUOTE]Week 1-10 100mg Prop EOD
    Week 1-10 600mg Eq
    Week 6-12 100mg winstrol
    week 6-12 100mg Fina EOD
    Cycle Clen and ECA 2 weeks at a time
    Week 13-15 Clomid therapy and also some clen
    Week 12-17 200mg Primo depot (To help keep gains and prevent crash)
    Photo shoot on Sat of 13th week.[QUOTE]

    Very nice, my friend. Nicely thought out.

    50mg daily of winny, shall suffice. Or 100mg EOD??? Did not get this??

    Obviously to capitalize on potential benefits of primo applications, start before week 12 if needed for photo shoot. If maintenance/ post cycle reasons only, like you stated, then disregard.

    Obviously, lots of pinholes. I suppose you considered Testaviron for Weeks 1-6 rather than Virormone EOD?? After all, by photo shoot time the TV will be long gone, with propio running from week 7-10. This will save you from about 20-24 pinholes with probably the same effect by photo time.

    If you have ever utilized t3 in your past regimens, consider from week 9 or 10 onward for drastic effects. If never tried before, then hold off, since you have a photo shoot riding on this one.

    Hopefully that EQ is 200mg/ml. If not, I guess you'll be a jabbin alot ED. Good training and gearin'!!


  6. #6
    The winny is ** tabs so I running them at 100mg ed becuase I ve read that they are a little underdosed and that 2 tabs are alot better than 1 tab.
    I am doing the primo for maintinence and recovery and help aviod the crash
    Planet X- Iam doing Testivit prop and I already have it so thats what I have to use. Do you think I should stop it earlier?
    I dont think I want to mess with the T3, If all this shit wont cut me up then somethings wrong!!!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Los Angeles
    I recommend that you only run the Winny at 50mgs ED, and I also think that you should separate the Fina from the winny (run Winny 1-5 and Fina 6-12 or vice versa). Protect that liver with milk thistle, you only got one

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    No!!! do not stop it earlier. It will be out of your system in 3 days, theoretically less. All test will be absent from your system by week 13 photo shoot. (no water retention) Propio is number 1 choice of test when cutting.

    Stick with it. A long acting ester of test only INITIALLY would allow your arse, bi's, tri's etc... the benefit of less injects early on (weeks 1-6 or 7) for example.


  9. #9
    Thanks planetX for the info

    Anybody else think I should run the winny at only 50mg instead of 100mg. I have read several post where people got nothing from 50 and whole lot from 100.
    Also Solid, every cycle I have seen posted says to run the winny and fina together if nothig else to prevent gyno from the fina.
    Any body else have any thoughts on this.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    BTW, thought your winny was injectable. That is why I said 50 ED. Honestly, I-P is up in the air, IMO, on "standard/consistent" dosage. Varies from lot to lot.

    I know this is last minute bro. But if opting for oral winny, can you secure some (Greece) Genepharm 5mg's?? Consistent, proven, lab QUALITY. 100mg if in fact that, is a lot of stress on the liver. 8 or 10 Genepharms tabs per day are spot on.

    I know of several Europeaners that swear by it. Zambons, too, of course, but only at 2.5 each.


  11. #11
    planet X- Icant get the genefarm 5mg but I can get the Zamboons
    But 100 @ 2mg each for $45 Yikes!! It would cost me about $550. I think Ill stick with the 50mg tabs for a buck apiece.
    Thanks for the input though.

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