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Thread: My Second Cycle (Test E/EQ)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Rio Grande Valley Texas

    My Second Cycle (Test E/EQ)

    Okay, I wanted to start one of these threads to keep up with my results. I took my first shot last night (5/24/04)

    My Cycle:
    Wk 1-12: 250 mg Test Enanthate (twice per week)
    Wk 1-12: 200 mg Equipoise (twice per week)
    21 days after last shot: 300 mg Clomid
    Next 10 days: 100 mg Clomid
    Next 10 days: 50 mg Clomid

    My stats:
    I currently weigh between 153 and 156 lbs. My goal is to gain 10 - 15 lbs of lean muscle. I am 31 years old. I have been working out off and on for the last 12 years; however, I have been extremely dedicated for the last 16 months.

    My Workout Routine:
    5-7 days / wk
    My basic routine is to do 4 sets per exercise, always adding weight after each set. My reps are 12, 10, 8, and between 3 - 6 on the last set. I usually put enough weight on the last two sets so that I fail after the last rep. I always try to do one more on the last set. As soon as I can do 6 reps on the last set, I up the weight. I usually work 2 muscle groups every time I work out. I try to focus on one group for a few weeks by adding an extra set to my routine (which is why you see more sets for certain muscle groups below). After a few weeks, I will change it up and focus on different muscles. I also change up my routine after about a month so that I am not always doing the same exercises. For example, I alternate incline and decline every few months.

    Day 1: Chest (40 min) & Back (30 min)
    4 Sets Flat Bench (12, 10, 8, 3-6 reps)
    4 Sets Incline Bench (12, 10, 8, 3-6 reps)
    4 Sets Dumbbell Flat Bench (12, 10, 8, 3-6 reps)
    4 Sets Machine Flys (12, 10, 8, 3-6 reps)
    4 Sets Lat Pulldown (12, 10, 8, 3-6 reps)
    4 Sets Dumbbell Bent Over Row (12, 10, 8, 3-6 reps)
    4 Sets Reverse Flys (12, 10, 8, 3-6 reps)
    Day 2: Biceps (40 min) & Triceps (30 min)
    4 Sets Barbell Curl (12, 10, 8, 3-6 reps)
    4 Sets Dumbbell Curl (12, 10, 8, 3-6 reps)
    4 Sets Preacher Curl (12, 10, 8, 3-6 reps)
    4 Sets Machine Curl (12, 10, 8, 3-6 reps)
    4 Sets French Press (12, 10, 8, 3-6 reps)
    4 Sets Machine Pushdowns (12, 10, 8, 3-6 reps)
    4 Sets Overhead Extension (12, 10, 8, 3-6 reps)
    Day 3: Shoulders (30 min) & Legs (40 min)
    4 Sets Military Press (12, 10, 8, 3-6 reps)
    4 Sets Dumbell Shoulder Flys (12, 10, 8, 3-6 reps)
    4 Sets Shrugs (12, 10, 8, 3-6 reps)
    4 Sets Squats (12, 10, 8, 3-6 reps)
    4 Sets Calf Raises(12, 10, 8, 3-6 reps)
    4 Sets Leg Extension (12, 10, 8, 3-6 reps)
    I also try to run 3 to 4 miles (at a pace of 9 min/mile) 1 or 2 times per week for cardio.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    i am about to end my firsy cycle of test e and EQ. up around 20 pounds so far. Only thing i see a change needed is to run the test one week longer then the EQ that way the pct times match up. good luck!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2004

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Rio Grande Valley Texas
    Thanks for the help.

    Day 4: Did my second shot yesterday. No side effects yet!! I weighed 155 on the day that I started this cycle and I weighed 157.8 yesterday. The gain is probably due to my diet. I started eating 4 meals a day to help with the weight gain. I eat breakfast, lunch, a mid afternoon meal, and dinner. I plan to keep up with a few key exercises in order to document my strength gains. This week's maximum weight:

    Flat Bench = 225 (4 times)
    Incline Dumbbell = 85's (6 times)
    Barbell Curl = 115 (6 times)
    Dumbbell Curl = 50's (5 times)
    French Press = 115 (6 times)
    Military Press = 150 (4 times)
    Squats = 165 (6 times)
    Last edited by Jabo2002; 06-04-2004 at 08:19 AM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2003
    lookin for a new home
    You should eat 5-6 small meals a day and you will really grooooooooow!!!

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by MrDezel
    You should eat 5-6 small meals a day and you will really grooooooooow!!!
    That really depends on the calories.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Rio Grande Valley Texas
    Day 9: Did my 3rd shot yesterday. I gained a few more pounds over the weekend. Now I weigh 160.5. Not bad at all. I am surprised that I am gaining weight already. I thought it would take about 3-4 weeks for the gear to kick in. I noticed two bruises on my buttocks where the last two shots were given. So, I decided to give this last one in my arm. I will probably do the same on Thursday and then back to the glutes next week. No real strength gains yet.

  8. #8
    You might be holding water, though. I started around the same time as you and I am up three pounds, but I can actually look at my muscles and see the three pounds.

  9. #9
    this is a very similar cycle to what i was thinkin of running next. would it be aight to run it 10 weeks or even 8 weeks instead of 12? and could you start out w/ 30mg of dbol for the first 3 weeks to jump start the cycle.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Rio Grande Valley Texas
    I don't think it's water retention. Just going from 3 to 4 meals a day will make you put on a few more pounds, gear or not. Psk, a longer cycle was recommended to me. I think you would regret not going taking full advantage of the cycle. I have researched the dbol question, and I think it is good to jump start the cycle but only if you are not a beginner. The sides on that are serious.

    Day 12: Did my fourth shot yesterday. The bruises are gone, so I did this one in my buttocks. Still no sides! I weighed 158 yesterday so I am still up 3 pounds. I haven't noticed any strength gains yet. This week's maximum weight:

    Flat Bench = 225 (4 times)
    Incline Dumbbell = 85's (6 times)
    Barbell Curl = 115 (6 times)
    Dumbbell Curl = 50's (6 times)
    French Press = 115 (6 times)
    Military Press = 150 (6 times)
    Squats = 165 (6 times)

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Rio Grande Valley Texas
    Day 16: Did my fifth shot yesterday in my buttocks. No problems. I am hungrier today that usual. I doubt it has anything to do with the gear yet. I am just waiting for the 4 week mark. I still weigh 158 pounds (up 3 pounds). Still no strength gains.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Rio Grande Valley Texas
    Day 19: I forgot to do my 6th shot yesterday, so I plan to do it tonight. Nothing new to report. I weighed 160 and 161 this week, but I was back down to 158.4 yesterday so I am still up 3-5 pounds. Still no noticable strength gains. I am still waiting for the gear to kick in. I expect to start seeing gains in the next 2 weeks. This week's maximum weight:

    Flat Bench = 215 (5 times) (I did incline first so I was tired)
    Incline Dumbbell = 90's (6 times) (Since I did this first, I could have done even more but no spot)
    Barbell Curl = 115 (4 times) (I did dumbbell first so I was tired)
    Dumbbell Curl = 55's (6 times)
    French Press = did not do these this week
    Military Press = 150 (6 times)
    Squats = 165 (6 times)

  13. #13
    hey jab, how tall are you? Seems we have similar weights and experience, just curious what kind of structure you are. still considering simliar cycle as well. I think you may have seen alot more immediate results if you went with some dbol in the beginning. However, I see many people suggesting test prop instead. What would the advantage of that be? Seems to have very similar effects but just means more pokes.

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Rio Grande Valley Texas
    I am 5' 7". I agree with you about the dbol, but I am not going to do that until I get some more experience. I am nervous about that steriod because it has some serious sides. Also, it can be hard on the liver. I want to see how my body reacts to the gear first. I am sure it will be worth the wait for now. I think that test-prop is a much better kick start, but it requires a lot of shots. I may try dbol or test prop on the next cycle.

    Keep an eye on my cycle and I'll let ya know what results I get.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Rio Grande Valley Texas
    Day 22: I think the gear is starting to kick in. I weighed 161.5 yesterday. That is the most I have weighed in my life! Also, it just feels like I am starting to increase in size. I have noticed that my arms rub against my lats more than they ever have. I walk around with my arms flared out to the side.

    I'm not sure if the sides are starting to kick in, but I have noticed some behavior changes. My girlfriend told me that I have started to get violent when I sleep. She says I must be fighting someone in my sleep. Crazy! I believe her because I woke up a few mornings and my gums hurt like I was clenching my teeth all night.

    Well, I do my 7th shot tonight...

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Jabo2002
    Day 22: I think the gear is starting to kick in. I weighed 161.5 yesterday. That is the most I have weighed in my life! Also, it just feels like I am starting to increase in size. I have noticed that my arms rub against my lats more than they ever have. I walk around with my arms flared out to the side.

    I'm not sure if the sides are starting to kick in, but I have noticed some behavior changes. My girlfriend told me that I have started to get violent when I sleep. She says I must be fighting someone in my sleep. Crazy! I believe her because I woke up a few mornings and my gums hurt like I was clenching my teeth all night.

    Well, I do my 7th shot tonight...
    I am hoping that is placebo effect... if not I am worried to see you are having that much aggression on this cycle.

  17. #17
    glad to see the gear is starting to kick in. flaring out is always a good thing. tho the aggression is kinda curious, hopefully like mentioned before thats just placebo effect.
    Quote Originally Posted by Jabo2002
    Day 22: I think the gear is starting to kick in. I weighed 161.5 yesterday. That is the most I have weighed in my life! Also, it just feels like I am starting to increase in size. I have noticed that my arms rub against my lats more than they ever have. I walk around with my arms flared out to the side.

    I'm not sure if the sides are starting to kick in, but I have noticed some behavior changes. My girlfriend told me that I have started to get violent when I sleep. She says I must be fighting someone in my sleep. Crazy! I believe her because I woke up a few mornings and my gums hurt like I was clenching my teeth all night.

    Well, I do my 7th shot tonight...

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    Rio Grande Valley Texas
    Day 25: I did my 8th shot last night. I usually do them on Monday's and Thursday's, but I going out of town today. I weighed 160 lbs yesterday. I agree with the Placebo Effect. I think my weight is up due to that and my diet change. I am still not sure about the aggression. I am fine when I am awake.

    I am anticipating some serious gains starting next week since I will have been on the gear for 4 weeks at that point. I have been serious about my workouts up to this point. I'm averaging 5 days/week. I have noticed some slight strength gains. This week's maximum weight:

    Flat Bench = 225 (3 times)
    Incline Dumbbell = 90's (8 times) (I did these no problem, so I am going to start doing 95's or 100's next time)
    Barbell Curl = did not do these this week
    Dumbbell Curl = 55's (4 times)
    French Press = did not do these this week
    Military Press = 155 (5 times) (up 5 lbs)
    Squats = 185 (6 times) (up 20 lbs)

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    South of Heaven
    Quote Originally Posted by Jabo2002
    Day 25: I did my 8th shot last night. I usually do them on Monday's and Thursday's, but I going out of town today. I weighed 160 lbs yesterday. I agree with the Placebo Effect. I think my weight is up due to that and my diet change. I am still not sure about the aggression. I am fine when I am awake.

    I am anticipating some serious gains starting next week since I will have been on the gear for 4 weeks at that point. I have been serious about my workouts up to this point. I'm averaging 5 days/week. I have noticed some slight strength gains. This week's maximum weight:

    Flat Bench = 225 (3 times)
    Incline Dumbbell = 90's (8 times) (I did these no problem, so I am going to start doing 95's or 100's next time)
    Barbell Curl = did not do these this week
    Dumbbell Curl = 55's (4 times)
    French Press = did not do these this week
    Military Press = 155 (5 times) (up 5 lbs)
    Squats = 185 (6 times) (up 20 lbs)

    im running test enth/eq as my first cycle as well. why arent your gains more than that? seems too little?

  20. #20
    Join Date
    May 2004
    to much carido ?

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Rio Grande Valley Texas
    I don't do any cardio. I stopped running when I started this cycle. Do you really see gains before 4 weeks? All the research I have seen says no. I haven't expected to see any noticable gains until the gear starts to kick in after 4 weeks. If that is wrong, then something could be wrong with the gear. It could be fake, or just way underdosed. When did you start to see gains? Do you have a cycle post? Did you take anything to kick start the cycle like d-bol or Test Prop?
    Last edited by Jabo2002; 06-17-2004 at 01:04 PM.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Rio Grande Valley Texas
    Day 30: Did my 9th shot last night. I weighed 160.8 yesterday. I have noticed some increases in my strength this week. It will be on my next post. I had a few zits this morning...not sure if they are due to the gear or not.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Rio Grande Valley Texas
    Day 33: I went out of town, so I am doing my 10th shot tonight instead of last night. I weighed 161.0 yesterday. I am a little surprised that I have not started to gain some serious weight yet. I haven't noticed any side effects that I am positive were due to the gear.

    This week's maximum weight:
    Flat Bench = did not do these this week
    Incline Dumbbell = 95's (8 times) (up 10 lbs) (I did these no problem, so I am going try 100's next time)
    Barbell Curl = did not do these this week
    Dumbbell Curl = 55's (6 times) (up 5 lbs)
    French Press = did not do these this week
    Military Press = 155 (6 times) (up 5 lbs)
    Squats = 195 (6 times) (up 30 lbs)

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    i would up the calories by 500kcal a day to see if that helps with the weight gain

  25. #25
    Join Date
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    Rio Grande Valley Texas
    Day 36: I ended up doing my 10th shot on Saturday instead of Friday. That's 2 days late. Oh well.... I weighed 163 over the weekend (that's the most I have ever weighed in my whole life!!). I feel like I am getting stronger. On Friday, I lifted 100's on incline dumbbell bench press!

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Rio Grande Valley Texas
    Day 46: I did my 13th shot on Tuesday. I am still only weighing about 161 - 162 lbs. I was expecting to see some major gains by now. I have been on the gear for 6 1/2 weeks. There are still no side effects, except maybe a few zits (though I am not sure if that is attributed to the gear or not). Last week, my max weight lifted was:

    Flat Bench = did not do these this week
    Incline Dumbbell = 100's (7 times) (up 15 lbs)
    Barbell Curl = did not do these this week
    Dumbbell Curl = 55's (5 times) (up 5 lbs)
    French Press = did not do these this week
    Military Press = 155 (6 times) (up 5 lbs)
    Squats = 195 (6 times) (up 30 lbs)

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    what brand?
    possible underdosing or fakes?

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Rio Grande Valley Texas
    Could be, but I am not sure. Looks real. It is PVL.

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