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Thread: Clenbuterol question

  1. #1

    Clenbuterol question

    I have been taking 120mcg of clen for about a week now and have also takin it before about 2 months ago for a 4 week period. I also have xanax to help me sleep because of night time axiety. The other day I took one xanax with my usual 120mcgs of clen and it extremely helped reduce the heart palpitations I get while on clen. Would this be a safe mixture? Or would it take away from any of the actions of clen such as fat burning? Thanks!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
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    Well, you shouldn't have trouble sleeping at night if you don't take your clen past 3-4pm. As for mixing the 2, I don't know - you'll have to get the answer from someone who knows about the 2 in detail.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Since xanax is a Benzodiazepine, I wouldnt recommend mixing it with clen. I'm not too familiar with xanax but it can intefere with clen's effects. Just take the clen at least 5 hours before you sleep and you should be fine. Personally, I'll be taking it in the morning after my AM cardio, and I've never heard anyone having sleeping problems if they took it in the morning.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    I've heard of a few ppl taking anxiolytics while on it should be OK. But if you're having actual palpitations, and not just a HR increase, I would reconsider taking the clen at all.
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  5. #5
    I have always had sleeping problems so it's not from the clen. I usually take the dose during the late morning. My heart beat goes up after I take it and I'm sure that it's a normal side affect. It's not like I'm have irregular beating, skipping or anything. It's not so bothersome to where I would need to not take it. I just thought that maybe taking xanax at the same time would help get rid of that side affect. I was mainly worried about the xan taking away from clen's positive affects. I basically do not want to be taking it for nothing.

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