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Thread: D-bol question

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Under the gym

    D-bol question

    Can someone tell me simply the pro's and con's of D-bol, more specifically if i will need to take anything else with it. Also if it is appropriate for my situation. I want to get as big as i can in about a month without getting into a hardcore cycle of many different roids. I will only cycle once.

    Thanks a lot!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by brian11
    Can someone tell me simply the pro's and con's of D-bol, more specifically if i will need to take anything else with it. Also if it is appropriate for my situation. I want to get as big as i can in about a month without getting into a hardcore cycle of many different roids. I will only cycle once.

    Thanks a lot!
    Research bro this is your first post , if you research you would several different things (1) dbol is liver toxic (2) you should use test with it (3) one month wont to anything but waste gear...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by brian11
    Can someone tell me simply the pro's and con's of D-bol, more specifically if i will need to take anything else with it. Also if it is appropriate for my situation. I want to get as big as i can in about a month without getting into a hardcore cycle of many different roids. I will only cycle once.

    Thanks a lot!
    only cycle once..dont do dbol then, and yes stack it with an injectable, dbol is liver toxic but useful for fast gains

    do some research what i just told u was very basic

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    here we go again! How old are you & whats your training experience?? There are no roids for 1 month for you. Unless you just want h20 gain for 2 wks

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by brian11
    Can someone tell me simply the pro's and con's of D-bol, more specifically if i will need to take anything else with it. Also if it is appropriate for my situation. I want to get as big as i can in about a month without getting into a hardcore cycle of many different roids. I will only cycle once.

    Thanks a lot!

    1 month comon bro

  6. #6
    hey bro 7yea do more to edu your self but my first was d-bol and it was great my diet was not so good but i put on 9 pounds for my first cycle kept 5 ran it for 4 weeks at 20 mgs
    my second cycle run d-bol only again @30 mg put on 9 pounds run it for 4wks kept all this is after 3 months and still had my gains about 1 year after which is now i am running 30mgs and sus 250 sus now kicking in but with the d-bol 16 pounds in 4 wks i know most of it is water but 16 pounds
    u know what the diffrence is diet and tranning eat more get mote
    always rember train hard, train smart

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    You sound too new to the game to phuck with anything.

    Read and research. You also sound like one who will only do orals because injecting is too hardcore.

    BTW, "big as I can in about a month" you say. Well, what do you expect to gain in 4 weeks............a sh*tload of water, that's about it!

    Just eat 5 tablespoons of salt w/every meal, same affect. Once you quit using the D, it's all gone.


  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    You sound too new to the game to phuck with anything.

    Read and research. You also sound like one who will only do orals because injecting is too hardcore.

    BTW, "big as I can in about a month" you say. Well, what do you expect to gain in 4 weeks............a sh*tload of water, that's about it!

    Just eat 5 tablespoons of salt w/every meal, same affect. Once you quit using the D, it's all gone.

    good answer swole jesus

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by brian11
    Can someone tell me simply the pro's and con's of D-bol, more specifically if i will need to take anything else with it. Also if it is appropriate for my situation. I want to get as big as i can in about a month without getting into a hardcore cycle of many different roids. I will only cycle once.

    Thanks a lot!
    pros: great and fast strength gains
    appetite increase (atleast with my experience)
    fast weight gains
    cons: acne and lots of it
    hair loss
    LOTS of water retention and fat retention

    4 week cycles SUCK A$$. gains from 4 weeks will hardly be permeanant. it would be stupid to go through with it and get all the side effects for just a few pound which u will lose anyways. if u really want to only cycle once i would do a cycle of test 500mg for 3 months, though in the long run u will lose a big portion of the gains u make, u will still defenitelly maintain new quality muscle mass, if u keep at it. but chances are u'd be like one of those who will just quit the whole thing when done with the cycle. so one piece of advice....train NATURALLY.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2004
    what do you want to beat someone up or somthing!!!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Land of milk and honey.
    This game we play is long term. Nothing really gets done in four weeks, try 4 years of hard work. Dbol has its place now days as a kickstart drug while you wait for injectables to kick in. It is used as an alternative to test prop that has to be injected every day. It is liver toxic but works its purpose well for 4 weeks but it should not be used alone unless you want to be disappointed and get the side effects with gains that vanish. Do some more research here, look at beginner cycles. Post your stats, most here do not recommend messing with roids until you are at least in your early 20's. I wouldn't recommend getting into this stuff until your late 20's if you are just a recreational user and are not in any type of competitions.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Under the gym
    I am not a hardcore body builder...I do lift quite a bit but not for the purpose of getting huge. I only want to take this stuff because I am getting ready for a cruise in August. I know that will draw a lot of criticism and I know it sounds stupid but regardless that is the deal. I just want to know how bad can the side effects be if only taking for 4 weeks. My buddy who is getting me the stuff is telling me that it wont really have any side effects for only 4 weeks, and since im not going to continue using after this cycle that i dont really need to run a test cycle either. Also, I am not worried about maintaining after I'm off. So, how bad will it be for 4 weeks!?!?

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Im not sure why im evan addressing you.. Im sure you will look great for your real big fun cruise, girls are attracted to a mans personality, qualities, kindness, & for some young ladies looks>But perhaps not with a young man full of Zits so I suggest start working on your personality quickly.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Under the gym
    I'm not looking for advice on getting women...I simply want to know how bad any side effects will be for taking d-bol for a month. I realize how it sounds and what not, but I'm just looking for a quick boost. Thanks

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by brian11
    I'm not looking for advice on getting women...I simply want to know how bad any side effects will be for taking d-bol for a month. I realize how it sounds and what not, but I'm just looking for a quick boost. Thanks
    Well, for starters, DBOL will bloat you. You will also get acne while on it. It is also liver toxic. So, if you jump right into a drinking binge while on the cruise, thats not good. DBOL is used to help "jumpstart" a correct cycle. the main reason people take it is to help with strength gains while waiting for their TEST to kick in. For most people, as soon as your off, You will lose most of your gains.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    This should help...

    Since Dianabol quickly increases the body weight due to high water re-tention, a high blood pressure and a faster heartbeat can occur, some-times requiring the intake of an antihypertensive drug such as Catapresan. Additive intake of Nolvadex and Proviron might be necessary as well, since Dianabol strongly converts into estro-gens and in some athletes causes gynecomastia ("bitch tits") or worsens an already existing condition. Because of the strongly androgenic component and the conversion into dihydrotestosterone, Dianabol, in some athletes, can trigger a seri-ous acne vulgaris on the face, neck, chest, back, and shoulders since the sebaceous gland function is stimulated. If a hereditary predispo-sition exists Dianabol can also accelerate a possible hair loss which again can be explained by the high conversion of the substance into dihydrotestosterone. Another disadvantage is that, after discontinuance of the compound, a considerable loss of strength and mass often occurs since the water stored during the intake is again excreted by the body. In high dosages of 5 0 mg +/day aggres-sive behavior in the user can occasionally be observed which, if it only refers to his workout, can be an advantage. In order toavoid uncontrolled actions, those who have a tendency to easily lose, their temper should be aware of this characteristic when taking a high D-bol dosage

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    One last thing. NO SUCH THING as 1 cycle. We all have said it. So, if your not prepared to handle that, stay away...

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Under the gym
    thanks for the info. that helps out a lot!!! My only question though is do you think those side effects will be very severe considering I only take it for 4 weeks...? (and i am keeping in mind the potential for my desire to keep taking it later, but for now im just wondering about the severity of the side effects in the short term)

    Thanks alot

  19. #19
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by brian11
    thanks for the info. that helps out a lot!!! My only question though is do you think those side effects will be very severe considering I only take it for 4 weeks...? (and i am keeping in mind the potential for my desire to keep taking it later, but for now im just wondering about the severity of the side effects in the short term)

    Thanks alot
    the descirption of side effects you are reading is from short dbol cycles coz most bros do dbol for only 4-6 weeks with test....ect. so yes you will get the sides, but logically should not be as bad because you are not doing anything else with it. coming off might be alitle bad regarding acne and rapid weight loss. like i said if u stop lifting that will be the biggest bummber, and like i said bros who do these types of cycle with the goal of only doing 1 cycle (believe me many have thought like you, including me in the early days) end up quitting everything, coz of the rapid weight loss that occurs. even when the loss of weight is almost all water! sure ull gte weight gain and strentgth during, but wont be that great that i think its worth being called a cycle....maybe a steroid "try out" cycle, or something like that. in any event...hope this helps....good luck

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