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Thread: Winnies affect on strength gains

  1. #1

    Winnies affect on strength gains

    Obviously winny is not used for the purpose of strength gains, but as a Powerlifter i have to question is there any chance of winny hurting my strength gains? Obvliously I need certain amount of lubricants around my joints and I work with pretty decent weight for a 200 lber so I really cant risk the chance of joint pain or any loss in strength.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    winny doesnt hurt my joint...but i do take 1g of msm, 1g of gluc, 1g of chond ed for joints....and ive been getting strong as hell on winny...i know a few guys that run it 6 on 6 off and love the strength gains

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by SL-Dubbs
    Obviously winny is not used for the purpose of strength gains, but as a Powerlifter i have to question is there any chance of winny hurting my strength gains? Obvliously I need certain amount of lubricants around my joints and I work with pretty decent weight for a 200 lber so I really cant risk the chance of joint pain or any loss in strength.

    if u are worried about having ur joints dry out then why not run a low dose of deca!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    I started runing winny last Saturday and my strength is already up....... CS gave some good tips on how to help with joint pain...... I will add one more........ WATER and lots of it..... keep yourself hydrated and it will help out a lot.

  5. #5
    As a power lifter I would be seriously concerned about the joint pain that winny can cause. I wouldn't think it would be worth the risk.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Matto20
    As a power lifter I would be seriously concerned about the joint pain that winny can cause. I wouldn't think it would be worth the risk.
    True........ A-bombs and D-bol are best suited for a PL use........ and even Anavar if you're worried about making a weight class but need the strength increase.

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