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Thread: a little guidance please

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Enchanted Broccoli Forest

    a little guidance please

    Hey bro's, I am need of a little help. I am just about finished with my first 4 week cycle of M1t and 4derm. I just received my 50 ml vials of nolva and clomid. I am curious how I can tell if the stuff is legit. I had some trouble with my order, and I thought I got taken. I filed a pay pal complaint, and I finally got my stuff. The bottles did not have any seals on them, is this normal. Also, since this is my first cycle of anything, I am not familiar with the measuring devices used to administer the stuff(I have nsa's m1t info saved to a word doc, so I know the recommended doses). Is a 50 ml bottle of both enough for a 4 week pct cycle? Oh WTF, I am not that good with mg's/ml's how many mg's are in a ml, and so on. Thanks.

    Also, as far as hair loss goes, has anyone had any problems with hair loss on M1t? I don't see any hair coming out, but I read on a thread that testosterone is the daddy of them all for hair loss.. It cited a severely itchy scalp as a good clue.. Does that go away on PCT? Also, is Saw Palmetto sufficient for this, or do I need propecia, proscar? Thanks is advance

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Lovin Alba's butt
    the bottles should say what the dosage is.... normally clomid is 50mg/ml and nolva is 20mg/ml. Measure them out with a syringe. Id do a test PCT for the M1T...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Enchanted Broccoli Forest
    Then nolva bottle says 20mg/ml, but the clomid bottle just says USP24 clomiphene citrate, no dosage. The site says it is 50 mg/ml. What is a test PCT for the M1T?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Lovin Alba's butt
    I think that this will suffice... Here
    But have been reading where 2 weeks of clomid will work

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Enchanted Broccoli Forest
    Thanks, I've seen that before, but I'll be using:

    Weeks 5-8: 40 mg ED of Nolvadex for the first two weeks, Then down to 20 mg ED of Nolvadex
    Weeks 5-8: Clomid Therapy, 300 mg of clomid first day, 100 mg of clomid next 10 days, 50 mg of clomid for final 10 days of clomid therapy.
    Weeks 5-8: Milk Thistle 1000 mg of milk thistle ED

    I just need to know how I can tell/test if the stuff is legit. I will be taking it orally, but am unsure what measuring device to use. I'll try a search to determine how many mg in a ml, etc.

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