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Thread: throwing clomid in mid-cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2002

    throwing clomid in mid-cycle

    I'm currently running a cycle using enathate 750 and deca 400. I have a lot of extra clomid. would it hurt anything if i gave the boys a little spike by adding 1/2 clomid for like a week? Thanks for the input.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by web03
    I'm currently running a cycle using enathate 750 and deca 400. I have a lot of extra clomid. would it hurt anything if i gave the boys a little spike by adding 1/2 clomid for like a week? Thanks for the input.

    Wait till your cycle is over!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2002
    not where I want to be
    Well, MikeXXL (whom i havent seen on the board recently) said he runs -or has run- his clomid at 50mg/day throughout the entire cycle. If i remember correctly he liked it enough to do it on multiple cycles.

    Also, the "warrior method" as dubbed by biggreen i believe, entails running clomid at 1 half life before the cycle ends. Though I do not know how it worked for either of them, but will try it myself soon.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Lovin Alba's butt
    why not use HCG???

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by symatech
    Also, the "warrior method" as dubbed by biggreen i believe, entails running clomid at 1 half life before the cycle ends. Though I do not know how it worked for either of them, but will try it myself soon.
    Yeah - I prefer that method. It feels the best... if anything it gives the testes a wake up call. You can't expect to fully recover until all exogenous support has ended but I like to begin 50mg ED at the end of the first half life and then do a little load at the end of all active lives. For instance...

    Weeks 1-10, TE 250mg E3D
    Weeks 1-9, Deca 200mg E4D
    Weeks 1-5, Dianabol 30mg ED

    I would begin the Clomid at 50mg 4 days after the last TE shot... run it like that for 2 weeks (all active lives would be cleared), and then increase it to prepare for a full recovery... total time on Clomid should not exceed 6 weeks since studies (medical abstracts) have indicated visual disturbances in long term treatment...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2002
    not where I want to be
    cool, ive been meaning to pm you or green and ask how that worked out for you. last i heard green lost all his notes on it. and since his cycle went bad I didnt know how it worked. Ill be trying that soon.

    so after you finish 50mg at 2 weeks you up to the standard 300/100/50? or do you modify that as well? also, what kind of visual problems are we talking about? permament?
    Last edited by symatech; 07-09-2004 at 01:43 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by symatech
    cool, ive been meaning to pm you or green and ask how that worked out for you. last i heard green lost all his notes on it. and since his cycle went bad I didnt know how it worked. Ill be trying that soon.

    so after you finish 50mg at 2 weeks you up to the standard 300/100/50? or do you modify that as well? also, what kind of visual problems are we talking about? permament?
    Because you will already have a Clomid build up in your blood - that large of a load prolly ain't necessary... if you are starting from nothing than it can be since the half life of Clomid is a few days...

    But since you would have been building up blood levels over the last few weeks... not necessary IMO. I just turn around and up the dose to 100mg ED for 7 days and then down to 50mg ED for about 2 weeks...

    HCG could also be used also while waiting for the TE and Deca to clear the system (did that last time with this method and good results)... since the goal at that point is simply to wake up the testes and resensitize them (plus you ween yourself off the joy of injecting )... and then after the active lives are all clear - completely recover...

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