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Thread: Embarking on The Chosen Journey

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Cutting up TheChosenOne

    Winter season has turned into summer and we all know that means time to cut for us fat kids. So I have opted to attempt to follow in the footsteps of my idol BigGreen and post a cutting thread as well. Like BG's cutting experience I too will be choosing Clen and ECA for my thermogenics. And my diet is quite similar to his as well (minus all those protein bars at wierd times).
    Here is the diet I have outlined for myself.

    Training Days

    Cardio (10 am)
    Meal 1 (11 am) Pre-workout – 55g Protein with and 1 apple, or a protein drink that has some carbs (like 25 grams of carbs). Take the ECA a half hour prior to the workout!

    Post-workout (1 pm) - 55 grams of protein (Isolate) and 85 grams of carbs (dextrose).

    PPWO (3 pm) Will contain the same amounts as above, but in the form of solid food. Chicken and rice, turkey and potato, Tuna and pasta, etc.

    Meal 4 (6 pm) 55 grams of protein using protein powder and Egg Beater whites. A tablespoon of flax oil or 1oz Almonds (about 14 grams fat).

    Meal 5 (9 pm) Roughly 55 grams of protein and 14 grams of fat. This will be a solid food meal.

    Meal 6 (12 am) 55 grams of protein from beef, chicken, turkey, fish, tuna, cottage cheese, etc.

    Breakdown: 330g Pro, 220g Carb, 50g Fat (2650Kcal)

    Non Resistance Training Days
    Cardio 10am
    11am Meal 1 – Protein and Fat (55g Protein/14g Fat)
    2pm Meal 2 - same as above.
    5pm Meal 3 - same as above.
    7 pm Meal 4 - same as above.
    11pm Meal 5 - lean protein (55grams), a starchy carb (20-30 grams), and a fibrous carb.
    1:30am Meal 6 – 55 grams of protein using protein powder made with water and flax oil here.

    Breakdown: 330g Pro, 45g Carb, 70g Fat 2130 Kcal

    Supplements : Glutamine 15g, Tribulus 3750mg, Creatine 2g taken with each meal, Clen (dose has been established at about 125mcg), ECA, Taurine 1.5g taken each meal, RT and homebrewed Prop.
    Last edited by TheChosenOne; 06-25-2004 at 03:27 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    I actually began this cutting diet on monday. So far it has gone with ease. I eat generally the same foods whether bulking or cutting so it has not been a big adjustment, although I was surrounded by cookies today which are my weakness. I must admit that cookies are on an orgasmic playing field!
    Unfortunately I have only been able to do resistance training two day since beginning this diet because of schedule constraints. I have to drive an 1.25 hr to work daily which cuts into time I can workout on some occasions.

    Today I went to the gym and opted to have my body composition taken. I thought hell if I am cutting I might as well know where I stand currently and where I need to go. I had my bf% tested using the Futrex machine (infa-red tech I believe). The problem was the machine said I was at 27.4%. 27.4 f*cking percent. Yeah right I said so I had them test it over. This time it was 28.5%. At this point I am quite pissed off because I know the machine cant be accurate, however, I had the lady that was doing the measurements test herself and hers came out correct. Being that I weigh 200lbs at 5'11" if I were legitmately 28% that would mean I lost 12lbs of muscle and gained 30lbs of fat in a year all while eating clean and cycling. Not to mention I dont know too many 28% bf people who have veins running across their delts, legs, forearms, biceps, etc like I have. For whatever reason I was so pissed off and frustrated by the sh*tty machine results that I cut my workout short because I couldnt concentrate on the task at hand. I have opted to again post my pics after I completed my Test/EQ/Fina cycle a couple months ago for a quick reference point. Maybe I am retarded but by looking at these pics I sure the hell know I'm not anywhere past 15% let alone 28%. Granted I have lost about 6lbs since my cycle (be it water, muscle, fat whatever). As a result of my tramatizing experience tonight I will be pushing my start date on my Prop up to next week. I am planning on running RT prop at 100mg for the first month and then homebrew for however much longer I feel is appropriate (most likely 10 weeks).

    Here is the link to my pic thread after cycle.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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    Last edited by TheChosenOne; 06-25-2004 at 01:10 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    I just snapped these pics on my phone (I dont have my good cam with me). It should give you some idea of current body composition. Sure I'm not Ronnie Coleman but I'm not Danny Devito either. I realize these may not be good pics but chime in on any critiques you may have on either set of pics.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	phone pic 2.jpg 
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ID:	35286   Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	35287  

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by TheChosenOne
    I had my bf% tested using the Futrex machine (infa-red tech I believe). The problem was the machine said I was at 27.4%. 27.4 f*cking percent. Yeah right I said so I had them test it over. This time it was 28.5%.
    Bro you're not at 28% bf. How much skin/fat can you pinch on top of your abs? (while standing straight up) Your stomach/ab area is the only noticable area of fat. Everywhere else you're looking lean n mean. Do a caliper test, forget the **** computer.

    Quote Originally Posted by TheChosenOne
    I am planning on running RT prop at 100mg for the first month and then homebrew for however much longer I feel is appropriate (most likely 10 weeks).
    Are you running ed or eod?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Austex
    Bro you're not at 28% bf. How much skin/fat can you pinch on top of your abs? (while standing straight up) Your stomach/ab area is the only noticable area of fat. Everywhere else you're looking lean n mean. Do a caliper test, forget the **** computer.

    Are you running ed or eod?
    Thanks for the feedback. Yeah I definetly know I'm not 28% but it sure p*ssed me off when I was told that. I have an outline of the top 4 abs so I'm quite sure I dont have 28%.

    I will be running the prop at 100mg ED. I love fina but I'm hesistant to run it while cutting because I dont want to break out like hell again. My back is just starting to clear up.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    12,000 feet above it all
    Jesus, even in your "face-blurred-out" pics, you still look like a cocky bastard. I'll enjoy thrashing you in the ARFFL this fall.

    I'm looking forward to this journal, as I've always maintained this forum is the true wealth of knowledge once you've become more than a mere newbie insofar as the basics are concerned.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by BigGreen
    Jesus, even in your "face-blurred-out" pics, you still look like a cocky bastard. I'll enjoy thrashing you in the ARFFL this fall.
    I am not cocky. How could you ever so come to this assanine conclusion? You assertion is preposterous BG and I resent that! Just for your sins you shall reap your due harvest come September 9th.


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    goodluck bro, keep us updated

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2004
    yes cocky he is BG... only to hear himself talk in third person daily is enough...instead of TheChosenOne...maybe ur name should be must be nice to get up so late in the day...but ur doing great...ur getting me to lose my fat...maybe we need to concentrate on ur 28% fat...
    Last edited by dawn3rj; 06-27-2004 at 01:17 PM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    12,000 feet above it all
    Quote Originally Posted by dawn3rj
    maybe we need to concentrate on ur 28% fat...kidding....
    I don't quite know how it happened, but I believed the skinfold calipers *somehow* and mysteriously measured his "actuality-to-fantasty" ratio...menaing that our dear Chosen One is capable of performing exactly 28% of that which he *believes* himself to be capable. Normally, it requires much more extensive testing with hi-tech machines, but, apparently the skin fold calipers were spot on.

    Okay, from here on in, all my posts will be relevant, about AAS and your cycle, etc, etc. I promise. Well, i'll intertwine the occassional jab or smart-ass remark, but it'll be couched in relevancy.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Look what you started BigGreen. Now you got my girlfriend in here making fun of my fat ass! I guess I will have to be nice being that she can read anything I post. Oh well only a couple more days and it's time for her to start doing my injects! I'm excited for that.

    On a serious note. I am shaking like Michael J Fox off of the 125mcg of clen. It is a task to try to write when you cant hold a pen steady. I am going to try to stay off the scale and follow your lead BG and go strictly by the mirror and my lifts.

    My training hasnt been too solid the last couple days. I work out by myself whenever dawn3rj has to work or I'm in the big city so I dont push myself near as well when I am working out alone. I did try out a DC style chest workout yesterday that I liked pretty well. I chose Incline Smith and concentrated on slow negatives which is somewhat of a change for me. I think I will be switching to a DC workout during the winter when I bulk and can have a spotter more regularly.
    Diet is still holding steady. I have managed to resist cookies for 6 days now but you better believe I am gonna attack them bastards tomorrow on my cheat day.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Latest Update

    Today I opted to begin my Prop portion of cutting. I have also chosen to cut the original prop dosage of 100mg ED to 80mg ED. As opposed to BG I absolutely love glute injections. My RT prop when in like Ron Jeremy on a barely legal! No pain or discomfort yet although it has only been about an hour. One minor note: It is difficult to hold a pin steady on clen! I have been told that some of RT's original gear has very little bite to it so I am hoping that holds true for my gear as well. And in case anyone is wondering whether or not my RT prop is legit or not, I purchased the prop over a year ago back when he was still making d*mn good products. It's too bad the f*cker starting scamming because he had great gear.

    Also today is cheat day. Can you say #3 EVM at McDonalds. I think that will be my cheat meal of choice today. Although I will definetly have a couple cookies also today dont you worry. I would have already done so but the cookies I had saved up for this glorious occasion were devoured by dawn3rj before sunday rolled around. D*mn women

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    hit the tren!lol...goodluck man..and you arent 28%...

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Latimus
    hit the tren!lol...goodluck man..and you arent 28%...
    Yeah I want to hit the tren bad, but my back is just starting to clear up and I'm not sure I want it breaking out like a 14yr old school boy anytime soon. I do happen to have a 2g kit on me currently, but I dont have sh*t for money so I may have to hold off on the tren for now. I am thinking about ordering up some anavar powder here soon and running it at 40mg ED. I have B5 powder I also need to cap that could help lessen the acne.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Let me just add that McDonalds was f*cking ORGASMIC. I have the oven on right now and the cookies will be going in shortly. THANK GOD FOR CHEAT DAYS!!

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    12,000 feet above it all
    Quote Originally Posted by TheChosenOne
    Truer words have never been spoken, and by you no less....WOW.

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    12,000 feet above it all
    Quote Originally Posted by TheChosenOne

    On a serious note. I am shaking like Michael J Fox off of the 125mcg of clen. It is a task to try to write when you cant hold a pen steady.
    Wow, we're running the same dose of the same brand and I'm hardly "tremoring" at all, to say nothing of full on "shakes". I hesitate to up the dosage any higher than 125mcg, but I almost feel as if it's the case that if you're not shaking a bit then you're not reaping the full benefits of the clen. I'll give it another day or so at 125 and see what I think.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by BigGreen
    Wow, we're running the same dose of the same brand and I'm hardly "tremoring" at all, to say nothing of full on "shakes". I hesitate to up the dosage any higher than 125mcg, but I almost feel as if it's the case that if you're not shaking a bit then you're not reaping the full benefits of the clen. I'll give it another day or so at 125 and see what I think.
    I definetly dont shake quite as bad as I did when I originally went on clen. I think it is very accurate to say that your body quickly adjusts to particular clen dosages which is the rationale behind switching to ECA every two weeks.
    Still very little pain from my RT injection today. I'm definetly looking forward to feeling that kick soon.

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    12,000 feet above it all
    So, any news to report? I know it's only been a day, but,'re THE chosen one.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by BigGreen
    So, any news to report? I know it's only been a day, but,'re THE chosen one.
    Yes indeed I am TheChosenOne....

    I must admit I have been struggling with the cardio aspect of things as of late. With my schedule the way it is if I dont get up right on time it effects my entire day by not permitting me the time to do sufficient cardio. I would say I have only been doing cardio 4 days a week rather than the 6-7 I would prefer. Oh well my diet has been remaing quite steady although at times it can be a struggle to get my meals in exactly on time because of the nature of my job.
    I tried cutting previously choosing only 40-45g Pro per meal and I must say that I like the results of 55-60g per meal much better. I dont feel so small and girly like this way.
    Clen is starting to wear off I would say. I dont get the shakes the way I once did on 125mcg. Today I bumped it up to 150mcg and the shakes have again return (it actually is a pleasent experience).
    The first two injects of prop went in the glutes. The right glute welcomed the prop with open arms, however, the left one wasnt nearly as friendly. I still have a little discomfort from that inject but I feel it is probably because I moved the needle or hit a nerve and not a result of the prop. I put on shot in my delts yesterday and it feels like a champ so thus far no complaints about the discomfort associated with RT's prop.

  21. #21
    Keep up posted...we need our reality board fix for entertainment. I made my own testE and it is literally painless, so enjoy your pain in the ass prop Chosenlikearaggedourstreetwhore.

  22. #22
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    Mar 2004
    I'm still a little disappointed in my efforts at this stage in the game. My cardio is suffering to a large degree for a number of reasons however my diet continues to be dead on. I may be absolutely dreaming or envisioning something I am not but I believe my muscles look and feel a bit fuller this week than a week ago. As I said earlier I find that 55g Pro per meal works much better than a lower amount for muscle retention. I have the next couple days off of work and plan on hitting the cardio each morning all weekend.
    I am still waiting my prop powders arrival so I will update the board when I receive my parcel from overseas. I have purchased all of the conversion oils, filters, etc so when my package arrives I will be partaking in my maden voyage into the land of home brew AAS. I did convert my tren the last cycle so I guess I have lost my virginity to some degree.
    I'm starting to identify with what BigGreen said in his cutting thread about how much pain in your glutes factors into everything you do in a daily routine. I have had pain in both my left and right ass cheeks and it is far from a pleasant experience. My delts have been my money maker thus far. I have done the last couple injects there and had no problems at all, well aside from the small drops of gear that finds its way out of my muscle and onto my skin. I have always noticed that I have a hard time of keeping every last drop of juice in my delts, however, never really experience that problem with glutes.

  23. #23
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    12,000 feet above it all
    Quote Originally Posted by TheChosenOne
    I'm still a little disappointed in my efforts at this stage in the game. My cardio is suffering to a large degree for a number of reasons however my diet continues to be dead on.
    Well, in my opinion, if you've got to have one of the two "in line", you've picked the better of the two for sure.

    Quote Originally Posted by TheChosenOne
    As I said earlier I find that 55g Pro per meal works much better than a lower amount for muscle retention.
    Though I've yet to fully experiment in the true sense of that word, I've found my best results coming from about 40g per meal with a very concscious effort to get those meals more frequently and steadily. In a perfect world with nothing but time on my hands, I'd eat every hour on the hour with about 25g of protein per meal. Since that would kill my social/professional/academic life, I find a happy medium. While bulking this winter, however, it is my FULL intention to eat every 2.5 hours (40-45g pro per) with a "small shake" in between EVERY meal containing about 10grams whey.

    Quote Originally Posted by TheChosenOne
    I am still waiting my prop powders arrival so I will update the board when I receive my parcel from overseas. I have purchased all of the conversion oils, filters, etc so when my package arrives I will be partaking in my maden voyage into the land of home brew AAS. I did convert my tren the last cycle so I guess I have lost my virginity to some degree.
    While I very much want to do this, given most minimum orders, I just don't know that I could trust myself with a good year's worth of test or any other compound calling my name.

    Quote Originally Posted by TheChosenOne
    I'm starting to identify with what BigGreen said in his cutting thread about how much pain in your glutes factors into everything you do in a daily routine. I have had pain in both my left and right ass cheeks and it is far from a pleasant experience. My delts have been my money maker thus far. I have done the last couple injects there and had no problems at all, well aside from the small drops of gear that finds its way out of my muscle and onto my skin. I have always noticed that I have a hard time of keeping every last drop of juice in my delts, however, never really experience that problem with glutes.
    Yeah, i'm done with glutes for sure....had only one or two go correctly. I'm essentially down to delts and quads only (with two distinct locations on each quad, so 'quad one' and quad two' if you'd like) and occassionally hit pecs only if necessary. While pecs are an easy shot and rarely go wrong, almost every shot does result in some serious fluid retention in that area for some reason....don't know why but it happens like clockwork.

    At any rate, keep us posted...everything sounds in order and ready to take off.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    End of Week 2 Update

    Doing much better with cardio recently. I have managed to get the past 3 days in right after waking up which has gone well thus far. July 4th was cheat day which consisted of multiple cookies and 5 Papa John's pizza slices. I had definetly been looking forward to my thin crust pepperoni for quite some time.
    I hit my chest with an inject 2 days ago and I must say it is a pain in the ass. My chest feels like it's really tight as if I have been working it out in excess. Don't know if I will hit chest again anytime soon.
    I am not sure that I am losing at the rate I would like to but that most likely is in large part due to my lack of cardio. My diet continues to be the way it was originally outlined, however, the big stumbling block has been cardio.
    I switched over to ECA today and I must say that ECA ain't what it used to be. It has very little effect on me if any at all. I will continue to run it for the next two weeks but I'm not sure if there will be any benefit from doing such. I have taken ephedrine for so long that my body has become quite immune to it. Also I drink a load of diet soda daily which limits the effects of the caffeine as well.
    Part of me would like to throw T3 into the mix but I am quite leary of messing with my thyroid. I know many have had great success with such however I just dont think I am comfortable jeopardizing such an important aspect of my body. Thyroid and Insulin are two things I am rather concerned about incorporating into my workout equation. Maybe I am being a sissy but I just don't necessarily trust the long term success/failure rate of either.
    Well I am off to the gym to double up my cardio for the day and hit the weights.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    South Jersey, near Philly

    I am with you...T3 scares the **** out of my too. I don't want to mess with the thyroid at all.

    Just keep at the cardio and the clen. I started clen a few weeks ago and the stuff gave me horrible shakes and extreme headaches on only 60mcg. I stopped it and am going with just the ECA has helped some.

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Sorry kids I havent had much time this past week to update this thread. I will be out of town tomorrow also so I will do my update today.

    Week 3 Update

    Diet has remained steady. I have not strayed from my diet the least bit this past week outside of occasionally being late for a meal or so. My grandmother is in the hospital and I visited her so needless to say I wasnt all that concerned about hitting my feeding time on the head. I am going to list what I have eaten today and see if anyone would like to tweak it the slightest bit.

    Resistance Training has been hard to come by this past week. I hit it 5 days last week but then havent been able to get into the gym for the past 4 days and wont have a chance to do so today or tomorrow either. I drive an hour to work each day and lately my schedule has been altered so that I only have enough time to get cardio in during the a.m. hours and by the time I get off work and drive home my gym is closed.

    Cardio Starting to do much better religiously making it to the gym to accomplish this task. I have been having troubles with shin splints when I attempt to walk then entire 45mins so I have switched to the bike and the eliptical machine which has complications of its own. The bike hurts my knees and the eliptical is hell on my calves (its a sh*tty machine). I feel like an old woman having pain trying to do cardio. Oh well I have continued to get er done.

    Progress Is slower than I would like but steadily coming along. MissChosenOne made a comment the other day about noticing my progression which is a plus. I am only down about 4-5lbs which is ok but could obviously be better. I think things will be much easier next week when I start up my clen again.

    Gear/Supplements The prop has begin to manifest itself. It is a shame I havent been able to hit the weights now that it has been active, but my biggest concern is muscle retention at this point which has been a success. I know this sounds stupid but I have found that the prop pain has lessened recently although I have litterally been punching my injection sites lightly which has seemingly helped to some degree.
    ECA has almost zero effect on me. I certainly dont get the shakes or raced heart like I did the first time I ever used the compound.

    I will post today's eating pattern and foods on a seperate post to be examined and tweaked

  27. #27
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    Mar 2004
    I know I said I wouldnt step on the scales for quite some time but I'm a LIAR. Ok so I have been weighing myself maybe once or twice a week or so. I weighed around 194lbs the last week however I weighed myself yesterday, and this morning and it said 199.5lbs. I know I didnt gain almost 6lbs in a couple days because a) I havent hit the weights hard in the past few days. b) I havent strayed from my diet outside of my cheat day. c) I can visibly see that I am a much leaner 200lbs than I was when I snapped the above photos. This may be a case of water retention via the prop, however, I have not noticed this to be the issue.

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by TheChosenOne
    I know I said I wouldnt step on the scales for quite some time but I'm a LIAR. Ok so I have been weighing myself maybe once or twice a week or so. I weighed around 194lbs the last week however I weighed myself yesterday, and this morning and it said 199.5lbs. I know I didnt gain almost 6lbs in a couple days because a) I havent hit the weights hard in the past few days. b) I havent strayed from my diet outside of my cheat day. c) I can visibly see that I am a much leaner 200lbs than I was when I snapped the above photos. This may be a case of water retention via the prop, however, I have not noticed this to be the issue.
    Has to be water weight...unless you have some "Chosen" genes.

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Austex
    Has to be water weight...unless you have some "Chosen" genes.
    I think you had a typo. I have TheChosenOne in my jeans!

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    I know its been a little over a week but I promise I will update this today or tomorrow.

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Week 4/5 Results

    Diet I am getting more and more accustomed to this style of eating. I got essentially carbless on my off days and it doesnt bother me the least bit. I used to get bad headaches from not eating carbs at all but I havent gotten them this time around for whatever reason. I get the bulk of my carbs most likely from all of the Crystal Light I drink. I know it only has like 1g C per 8oz but I'll be d*mned if I dont drink that like it's going out of style. I definetly have to say that Sunrise Orange is tops. I will also get stray carbs here and there from my protein powders or other misc. items but I stay under 12g C per meal.

    Training I am still struggling to get my resistance training in as much as I would ideally like. If I make it in 4 days a week it is a very good week. I have been focusing on getting my cardio in sometimes at the expense of my strength training.

    Progress The gains are continuing to come along. I am approaching half way and am not quite sure whether or not I will be pleased with my results at the end of the 12 weeks or not. I am down to about 193 or so but I am not sure how far down I am going to go before I am pleased.

    Gear I converted some test prop which is much smoother than the RT I was running. It has zero bite to it at only 2% ba. I am getting quite used to running injections ED. I am back on clen this week and again getting used to the shakes. The thing I hate most about it is the weakness and lethargy it seems to give me at times. I often times feel as if my legs are mere dead weight. I have toyed with the idea of incorporating IGF into the PCT portion of this cycle although the cost is the biggest issue at this point. It is outrageously expensive even going through MR. I am laying out my cycle for the winter months when it is back to bulking and it should be a nice one and will undoubtedly include IGF.

    Pics I will try to have them added as soon as possible but I have to get my camera back from a buddy before I can ever get them posted up.

    I will attempt to be more religious in updating this although there is little change on a daily basis.

  32. #32
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    Mar 2004
    Things seemed to have slowed down for me. I am not quite sure why but the fat doesnt seem to be shedding itself to the degree it was previously. I havent stepped onto the scales lately but judging by the mirror I am staying steady in weight. I have not made any changes to my diet nor my training so I cannot pin point where the problem lies. I know I said this earlier but I will try to get some pics up as soon as I get my camera back.

  33. #33
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    Mar 2004
    I went to a new gym tonight (gave them the old I just moved into the area and wanted to try out your gym and see if I want a membership trick). I had my bf% tested and at 197lbs I was at 11.1%. Thats a far cry from the 28% that bullsh*t reading gave me 6 weeks ago. Going by the scale alone I have only lost 6lbs but have definetly lost all of those lbs in fat weight. Test prop is still going great. I am planning on incorporating IGF during PCT for 50 days which will lead me close to beginning my winter bulker. This should be a good year for TheChosenOne. I will post up my bulker when I get around to it.

  34. #34
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Awesome news man
    Now wheres the pics?

  35. #35
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by DoubleHelix
    Awesome news man
    Now wheres the pics?
    Yeah I know I have been saying I will get pics up soon. I just havent gotten my camera yet. I am going to be going on vacation next week but hopefully I will get them up before then. I have the feeling I will cheat pretty often while on vacation so.

  36. #36
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    Mar 2004
    In the event anyone is still following along in this thread. I am planning to run DNP when I return from vacation on the 15th. I will be running it according to KOM's lay out (great read). I will be adding before/after/during pictures. Hopefully this will finish off the 12 week cutting process with a bang. I will be beginning a new cycle result thread for this and copying all posts to this thread as well. I am also prepared to run IGF (MR) a week before starting PCT (IBElabs).

    I have laid out my winter cycle so why not throw it up in this thread for the time being.

    November 15th
    Days 1-50 IGF 40mcg ED (MR)

    November 20th
    1-10 Test Base 100mg ED (Homemade/PEG300)
    1-10 EQ Base 75mg ED(Homemade/PEG300)
    1-7 Tren Acetate 75mg ED (Homemade)
    1-7 Nandrolone Phenylprop 75mg ED (Homemade)

    Cycle ends January 28th

    10-13 IGF and PCT (MR and IBElabs)

  37. #37
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    August 2nd Update

    I missed my cardio session today due to covering Colts camp. Thankfully the overpaid NFL players eat well so it was steak, lobster, tuna fillet, chicken and rice on the menu. Although I couldnt get cardio in I didnt miss a beat or a minute on meals.

    I hit the gym after training camp and weighed in at 200lbs. My weight continues to increase while my bf% seems to be dropping. Since I have upped my prop intake to 100mg per day I think it has allowed me to retain and gain more muscle than the previous 80mg ED. I have noticed acne beginning to creep up on my shoulders. I am sure that can be attributed to the prop raise as well.

    I will be going on vacation next weeks which means I will struggle to continue with my diet's effectiveness. I am vacuum packing some isolate powder and bringing along some peanut butter to hopefully fill the voids where I can not get a meal in according to the rest of the family's schedule. I am planning to have Dawn3rj overnight my gear to me so that I won't miss a single beat.

  38. #38
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    here is one I snapped at the gym (again with the picture phone). I am leaving town for 10 days so this thread will be dead basically until I return. It's DNP journal time when I get home. This will include diet, supplements, workout, pics, hopefully the whole nine yards. At least by taking pictures, although very ****ty ones, I will have some before pics in the event I cant get to my good camera to take legitimate others when I return home.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	pic 1.JPG 
Views:	215 
Size:	29.3 KB 
ID:	37655   Click image for larger version. 

Name:	pic 2.JPG 
Views:	189 
Size:	28.3 KB 
ID:	37656  
    Last edited by TheChosenOne; 08-05-2004 at 11:00 PM.

  39. #39
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Vacation didnt quite go as I would have liked for it to. Needless to say when you are on other people's time schedule's it is very difficult to get the meals in you would like and with the content that would be optimal. My self discipline has been unmatched throughout this entire time not cheating a single ounce however this week was a different story. Brownies, cookies, pizza, rolls, fries, you name it I ate it during the 4 days I endulged in the goodness of florida eating. I also did my fair share of drinking which is extremely rare for me. I have only drank about 2-3 times in the past 6 months but I managed to grab some alcohol each of the first 6 nights of the trip. I dont feel like that was probably best for me being that alcohol slows metabolism and increases estrogen. I honestly feel as if my nipples were feeling irritation as a result of that and thankfully I have returned with nolva to curb the situation. The good thing is that I have carb depleted for the past 2 days and prepared myself for the DNP run.

    Here is the link to my DNP thread I will also be doing in addition to the one I have begun here.

  40. #40
    For some reason I did not get emails when people posted on this thread. How are your results now? Throughout your thread, your results seemed similar to mine last summer. I decided to do some bulking this summer. I probably should have been cutting, but the job has made morning cardio tough.

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