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Thread: Help!

  1. #1


    I'm an Aussie 18 year old Track athlete. My speciality is 400m and 800m and I also run 1500m. I'm considering taking on some Gh, Epo or winni, etc etc? For the off - season then maintaining that through the summer track season. For what I do what recomendations would you have?

    Keeping in mind drug testing is a reality for me.

    Thankyou in advance bro.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by LL08
    ...For what I do what recomendations would you have?
    Seirously, your going to love this! But for your own good. Id recomend you dedicate your intire sumer to eating, training, and sleeping perfectly! And leave the drugs alone untill your done growing, mentally and physically.

    If you do decide to heed to this advice, which at your age! I seirously doubt that you will. You'll spend the rest of your life being gratefull that you waited!

    Good luck to ya!


  3. #3
    What effect would GH have on a 18, 19 and 20 year old. At the level of competition I am in it is naive to say that it is clean. I train perfectly, eat perfectly and sleep perfectly as is and have for the last year. Have the growth plates closed...?

    When i Say i'm interested in using some. I am saying in such small quantities. Nothing like I have come across on this site.

    Isn't HGH made for kids? help them grow. etc?

  4. #4
    EPO wouldn't really be of any benefit to a 400-800m guy.....if you were only a 1500m+ guy, then maybe you could consider it, but it's really only advantageous for true endurance events.

    rather than saying, "I'm considering GH....what will it do for me?", I'd rather hear you say, "I'm considering GH for the following reasons.....does this sound right?"

    A very common sprinter cocktail is test suspension, winny and/or anavar, but that doesn't mean you should jump on that

  5. #5
    Well I'm considering GH for the following reasons;
    Short half life hence...Hard to test for and out of the system quickly
    Slight increase in height and other phsiological responses
    MORE power, strength
    If used properly, little or no side effects.
    Able to keep gains
    Growth of MORE muscle fibres as well as stronger ligaments, etc.
    AND MORE...


    does this sound right?

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by LL08
    Well I'm considering GH for the following reasons;
    Short half life hence...Hard to test for and out of the system quickly
    Slight increase in height and other phsiological responses
    MORE power, strength
    If used properly, little or no side effects.
    Able to keep gains
    Growth of MORE muscle fibres as well as stronger ligaments, etc.
    AND MORE...


    does this sound right?

    With GH, often comes add'l water retention too though, although this may not be a big factor in most. Increased tendon/ligament strength is definitely a plus, however, often times joint pain is associated with GH use as well. Even though growth plates may not yet have sealed in long bones, post-pubertal growth with GH isn't something you should prepare likely won't see anything.

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