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Thread: Packing on more mass...cycle proposal

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    The dog pound...

    Packing on more mass...cycle proposal

    I'm sitting about 243, and I was going to run a Prop/Slin/Anavar/Masteron/Winstrol cycle in late Fall 2004, however, I think I'd like to pack on some more mass, and I've never tried Deca. I never tried Deca because of it's long detection time, and also I've had some progesterone gyno symptoms with Fina, so I think Deca would not be something I'd want to mess with (at least right now). Instead, I was thinking of running Durabolin, the shorter ester phenylpropionate "sister" of Deca, because of its shorter half-life, if gyno symptoms cae on, I could stop using it immediately to avoid any permanent side-effects. So here's my proposed cycle:

    1-4, 16iu's/ED Humulin-R
    1-12 150mg/ED Test. Propionate
    1-8 50mg/ED Anavar
    1-12 50mg/ED Durabolin
    9-12 50mg/ED Winstrol

    1-12 10mg/ED Miotolan
    1-15 20mg/ED Nolvadex
    1-12 200mg/ED Vitamin B6
    1-15 .5mg Liquidex
    13-15 Clomid PCT

    Comments? Suggestions?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2003
    United States
    thats alot of testprop a week

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    if you want to pack some more mass i would take out the Prop and take some Test E 250mg EOD

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    The dog pound...
    Quote Originally Posted by ElWrightyJr
    if you want to pack some more mass i would take out the Prop and take some Test E 250mg EOD
    LOL, not to be a dick, bro, but T. Propionate and T. Enanthate are the SAME HORMONES. The only diference is their esters, or simply pur, their half-lives. And BTW, I ran T. Enanthate for my first cycle, and the next four cycles after that I used nothing but Propionate, because 1.)stable hormone levels, 2.)I liked the ED injects, and 3.)it's in/out of my system quicker. It takes me 4 weeks to notice Enanthate kicking in, whereas Prop is rocking me after Day 3! Trust me, from experience, Prop is my first choice when it comes to what test to run.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    The dog pound...
    Quote Originally Posted by pietro75
    thats alot of testprop a week
    I tried 1400mg/wk my last cycle for the first 9 days, but backed it down to 1050mg/wk due to bad sides (dangerously high BP). I've found 150mg/ED for me is the magic number...

    Does anyone have any experiences with Durabolin?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by GymDog
    I'm sitting about 243, and I was going to run a Prop/Slin/Anavar/Masteron/Winstrol cycle in late Fall 2004, however, I think I'd like to pack on some more mass, and I've never tried Deca. I never tried Deca because of it's long detection time, and also I've had some progesterone gyno symptoms with Fina, so I think Deca would not be something I'd want to mess with (at least right now). Instead, I was thinking of running Durabolin, the shorter ester phenylpropionate "sister" of Deca, because of its shorter half-life, if gyno symptoms cae on, I could stop using it immediately to avoid any permanent side-effects. So here's my proposed cycle:

    1-4, 16iu's/ED Humulin-R
    1-12 150mg/ED Test. Propionate
    1-8 50mg/ED Anavar
    1-12 50mg/ED Durabolin
    9-12 50mg/ED Winstrol

    1-12 10mg/ED Miotolan
    1-15 20mg/ED Nolvadex
    1-12 200mg/ED Vitamin B6
    1-15 .5mg Liquidex
    13-15 Clomid PCT

    Comments? Suggestions?
    Cycle looks fine to me bro...happy growing!!!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by GymDog
    I'm sitting about 243, and I was going to run a Prop/Slin/Anavar/Masteron/Winstrol cycle in late Fall 2004, however, I think I'd like to pack on some more mass, and I've never tried Deca. I never tried Deca because of it's long detection time, and also I've had some progesterone gyno symptoms with Fina, so I think Deca would not be something I'd want to mess with (at least right now). Instead, I was thinking of running Durabolin, the shorter ester phenylpropionate "sister" of Deca, because of its shorter half-life, if gyno symptoms cae on, I could stop using it immediately to avoid any permanent side-effects. So here's my proposed cycle:

    1-4, 16iu's/ED Humulin-R
    1-12 150mg/ED Test. Propionate
    1-8 50mg/ED Anavar
    1-12 50mg/ED Durabolin
    9-12 50mg/ED Winstrol

    1-12 10mg/ED Miotolan
    1-15 20mg/ED Nolvadex
    1-12 200mg/ED Vitamin B6
    1-15 .5mg Liquidex
    13-15 Clomid PCT

    Comments? Suggestions?
    Anavar/winstrol/Masteron is overkill!
    3 DHT derivatives will not lead to any benefit (since they all sort of have the same characteristics)!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by kingofmasters
    Anavar/winstrol/Masteron is overkill!
    3 DHT derivatives will not lead to any benefit (since they all sort of have the same characteristics)!
    Are you just commenting on his idea that he changed?Or am I missing something here?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    The dog pound...
    bump for any Durabolin (Nandrolone Phenylpropionate) experiences?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Montreal (Canada eh!)
    Just to inform you there Gymdog not to seem like an ass but there is a difference other than the esters and there half-lives.... With a finished product Prop has 84mg Test per
    100mg of oil while enth has only 72mg

    ... not to seem like an dick or anything bro

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    The dog pound...
    Quote Originally Posted by Angelis
    Just to inform you there Gymdog not to seem like an ass but there is a difference other than the esters and there half-lives.... With a finished product Prop has 84mg Test per
    100mg of oil while enth has only 72mg

    ... not to seem like an dick or anything bro
    I'm aware of that, but look at my post a little closer...ElWrightlyJR said I would acheive MORE mass by switching to Enanthate instead of Propionate. First of all, they're the same friggin' hormone! Testosterone is testosterone is testosterone. The only differences are the ester chains and release times. Yes, you are right, Propionate does give you more test/ml than Enanthate, because of ester weight. The point you were trying to make falls in "esters and their half-lives" category. The ester chain is longer with Enanthate, and therefore heavier, so some of the volume is taken up by the extra atoms attached to the hormone. ElWrightyJR said I'd see better gains of 250mg EOD of Enanthate? 250mg/EOD roughly equates to 750mg/wk. 750mg would equate to 540mg of the base hormone, testosterone. I've taken 1050mg/wk of Propionate in past cycles, and 1050mg equates to 882mg of raw do the math.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Da Bull
    Are you just commenting on his idea that he changed?Or am I missing something here?
    Yes ---> I'm a total idiot sometime

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