Just a little usless info....
The Science of Farting
What exactly is a fart? The word "FART" can stand for: Frequency Actuated Rectal Tremor. Farting, also known as flatulence, is the act of passing intestinal gas from the anus. Intestinal gas comes from several sources: air we swallow, gas that seeps into our intestines from our blood, gas produced by chemical reactions in our guts, and gas produced by bacteria living in our guts. Burps are not farts that come out your mouth. They have to do with your stomach.
Who Cut the Cheese? Finding the Farter
Have you heard that saying: "Whoever smelt it, dealt it?" A fart smells the same to the person who delivered it and to the person smelling it. However, the farter probably smells it last because the fart is propelled away from the body in the opposite direction of the farter's nose. Unless the fart happens upwind.
Stinky - Why Farts Smell
The smell of farts comes from gas and mercaptans (other gases) in the mixture. These compounds contain sulfur. The more sulfur-rich foods you eat, the more sulfides and mercaptans will be made by the bacteria in you guts, and the more your farts will stink. Foods like cauliflower, eggs and meat are really bad for making stinky farts. Beans on the other hand, may make you fart a lot but they aren't usually the smelly kind.
Let it Rip! The Sound Of Farting
The sound of a fart is caused by the vibrations of the anal opening. The sound of your fart depends on the speed of the fart leaving your body and the tightness of the sphincter muscles of your anus.
Famous Fart Food
The most famous farting food is the bean. What is it about these little things that cause such a stink? Beans contain sugars that we can't digest. When these sugars make it to our intestines, the bacteria go berserk, start feasting and make loads of gas. Other foods that are great for making you fart are broccoli, cabbage, raw apples, milk and raisins. So if your best friend has a broccoli and cabbage salad for lunch with an apple for recess and a big glass of milk - Don't sit too close on the bus ride home.
Under Pressure - Farting in Space
Think about this: If you could go into space without a suit and you let one rip, your fart would have enough pressure to push you forward.