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Thread: jumping back on a powerlifting team for only one reason......

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    on the dip rack.

    jumping back on a powerlifting team for only one reason......

    this past week has brung nothing but agravation/frustration to me. i went ahead and ordered 12 weeks of test suspension and var, with clomid, all under $300 for a second cycle.

    heres the deal. theres a man who i have been in a powerlifting federation with for a while now. ive disliked him all 3 years. he was in the 219 weight class, benching 450.his build is more of a bodybuilders body, rather than a powerlifters body. he has more bicep,calf, forearm, hamstring, etc than needed for benching and deadlifting. i never competed against him in his weight class, because ive always weighed less than him, dropping me into the lower weight classes. ive always done good but, this is gonna be one hell of a challenge for me. i weigh 205 cold, when i wake up in the morning, and i can bench 400/405 on a good day. i am starting this cycle in hopes of ripping this guy off the face of the earth because he a cocky bastard, and he thinks he's the "sh!t". last week, i got into a major argument with him, and a pesonal trainer(more of a gym b!tch to all of the bigger guys), and got my gym membership suspended for a week. i came so close to knockin his head off.

    its not ONLY a bench division though. its a bench/deadlift division. and i have never seen him deadlift, ever. i can pull a clean 550-570 if i go buck wild. but i heard he coule still do some damage. the reason i jumped on the team, was because i wanna show him who's king, once and for all. no more of this cocky bullsh!t i keep hearing about from various kids in the gym about how he talks garbage "behind my back".

    so what do you guys think? with the help of test supsension,var, and ammonia(my best friend on meet days), im gonna feel like a freight train. the only thing im worried about is going over weight. i promised myself i wouldnt cycle for another year, but whatever.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Only if Loz lets you bro.

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