Which test is best? Propionate, Enanthale, or Cypionate. Knowledgable people only please. This will be a first inject/ cycle. Thanks.
Which test is best? Propionate, Enanthale, or Cypionate. Knowledgable people only please. This will be a first inject/ cycle. Thanks.
i've heard good stuff about enenthale...
oh, and check out the STEROID PROFILES on the main page....good stuff!!!
Prop if you don't mind ED injections, the reason i say this is because if for some reason it doesn't agree with you, it's ester is shorter lived than cyp or enth..just my .02
TEST IS TEST BRO,some have a higher rate of conversion to free testosterone such as suspension which at 100mg will have i believe 98% of it free,which is what you want,enenthate is in the high 80's...there a thread around somewhere with the accurate amounts on it,maybe somebody can post it if you are unable to find it,but when it comes down to it,they all do the same thing given the dosages are the same to keep your blood levels stable
Test is test! The ester just slows the release of the hormone.
Originally Posted by almostgone
ED Injections?
ED= everyday, some go EOD, but levels are more stable with less sides with ED
Test is Test..thats for sure...I like enth., My next cycle I will be trying Proponate
yeah,..ed would more than likely be fine,....I thought you where saying ed as in erectil dysf? thank God,...but just trying to narrow it down to which Test ill be using.
If you have never done your own injections I dont think I would recommend prop. Every single day you will be doing injections and unless you are making it yourself prop can be quite painful. I would recommend enanthate or cyp rather than shooting everyday. Trust me it gets old I have done it the last 2 cycles (24weeks).Originally Posted by Cuttup
Enathate dawg very little water retention.
Originally Posted by TheChosenOne
Cool, it seems like more peeps are leaning towards Enanthate. If possible id definatlely rather go 2 - 3 shots a weeks instead of ed.
Originally Posted by builtthekid
Really,..is that a fact?
If you do have a problem with water retention, use some l-dex or femera along with your nolva, any of the tests will work, prop is just a shorter ester and it's effect is shorter lived, but if you're not experienced with injections, then i would go with a longer ester like Chosen One and others suggested...
sustanon is always an option, it has four test
True, but if you have a problem with it, you don't know which ester is responsible, now for a second cycle it would be great...just my .03(a little extra jingle for inflation)
you heard! have u try any! dont give your opinion based on what u hear but on what u have experience with! by the way I heard good things about enenthate too!Originally Posted by zayened
Prop is very fast acting. I use this in the beginning of the cycle to see results fast, for me I gain very quickly on Prop. Test E I start on the same day as the Prop. I tried just Test E once but it took too long to kick in, but once it does it does a great job. Also, I recieved no sides with these, but I did take l-dex and nolva throughout the cycle.
I like prop best, but just because its faster acting and I don't mine ED pokes.
iM DEFINATELY ,LEANING ON THE ENANTHALE,.. it sounds as though you will hold less water than with Prop , wont have as much pain, and see the same results.
u will hold more water with enanthate. i just fininished a e cycle and im bloated like **** right now. u could always run some nolvedex to keep the water down. many people say cyp will make u hold more water than enan. u also have to wait about 4 weeks to see results with a longer ester as opposed to prop which should only be like a week
WRONG!Originally Posted by Cuttup
Enanthate will hold MORE water than Prop.
To better determine what test you should take answer these Q's.
-What are your goals?
-How often do you want to shoot?
-What other compounds are you taking?
Do not worry about the holding water issue, because thats what anti-E's are for.
Actually, if I'm not mistaken, Testosterone Enanthate is about 72% of 100mg & Testosterone Propionate is about 84%...Originally Posted by DEVLDOG
i'll check through some books i have,i'll put it up when i find itOriginally Posted by GymDog
ethanate and cypoinate are pretty i dentical as far as release times.Doctors use both interchangebly when theraputically treating guys with test deficiency. Being that sustanon releases slower rhe general concensus is that it keeps you leaner, however it depends on diet. I loaded carbs like a mad man and was very water logged on sustanon.
And to further confuse you, i had one training partner who had used EVERYTHING under the sun, and he said that ethanate kept him leaner. Go figure?
Propianate is def not the one if you wanna stay somewhat dry.
would like to run it with 30mg of dbol ed for the first 4 weeks,..already have the dbol and nolv.Originally Posted by custom fit
Originally Posted by AnabolicBoy1981
im definately trying to keep the bloat at a minimal
It's not that that much test will be free, it's that the esters take up less space in the molecule. 100mg of TNE is 100mg of pure testosterone, while prop is 84mg of pure test, cyp 72mg. They will still be bound by SHBG at the same rates. The shorter the ester the more actual test you get in you.Originally Posted by DEVLDOG
what about TESTOVIRON on a first cycle???
If this is the case, make sure to have all proper ani e's on hand. Dbol will sure bring on the bloat. I recieved terriffic gains, but acne and bloat were a major issue. Remember if you have a reaction you are not going to be able to figure out what substance caused it. My suggestion again-Prop to kick start, start test E and the same time, and it should kick in just as you come off the Prop. Take the Prop again at the end of the cycle and wean off of the test E as it is harder to come down off of.Originally Posted by Cuttup
What kind of reaction could you be alluding to? First off the test wont be active for the first 4 weeks so you could easily eliminate test as the culprit of any "reaction". Keep in mind though that if he gets gyno from Dbol he will most likely get gyno from the test also. They have the same pathways to gyno as opposed to Deca and tren which cause progesterone gyno. If he is running nolva, as he said he plans to, then "reactions" should be kept to a minimum if any at all. If acne is the "reaction" you were intending well that is part of the game and something you have to expect to take place before going in. If you cant stand the acne you probably cant stand to juice.Originally Posted by m1514
..ok, cuttup, which test is best...
..test-osterone of course, now you have to decide which ester you want..please make sure you have your nolva and l-dex or femera,milk thistle, cranberry extract, etc. on hand before you start the cycle..if you're nervous about injections, get a very ripe orange and a couple of darts and practice on the orange, study up on maintaining sterile injection procedures,and of course have your diet up to par....as you see by now, if you have any problems, you've got a wealth of experience/information to draw from.....so set your cycle length and objectives and enjoy the ride..and of course, keep us posted....and here, have a banana..
with test e, is there a big difference between splitting up the dose to 2-3 shots per week or is it ok to do it all in one shot per week?
two per week for optimal blood levels.Originally Posted by LookinToGrow
thanks, super helpful info
here's a list of various testosterone esters and what the amount of actual test is per 100mg:
Testosterone Cypionate: 70mg
Testosterone Decanoate: 65mg
Testosterone Enantate: 72mg
Testosterone Isocaproate: 75mg
Testosterone Phenylpropionate: 69mg
Testosterone Propionate: 84mg
Testosterone Suspension: 100mg
Testosterone Undecanoate: 63mg
Wow that means that running 100mg of Suspension each day is the same as running 1g of Test Enanthate a week. I just got even more excited for my winter cycle!! Great post xOriginally Posted by xxxl83
Cool,..Im gonna do some heavy azz research and narrow it down to which one is most likely suitable for me,..please keep sending any ideas you guys have and of course i will keep all posted. Thanks fellas...
I'm in love with Depo Testosterone. It feels like a juse from Haven:-)
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