Well I know this is somewhat of a loaded question. We're a pretty tight knit group from my standpoint and I'm sure if everybody else is like me they will be afraid of hurting some peoples feeling by omitting them. Honestly, I would love to train one on one with all my friends herev (especially you Caines) but for the sake of this thread, pick 2 or 3 and give a brief reason why. Please don't hate me if your name is not here
Bert doesn't count because she's my wife and we train together all the time. Sinve I've already trained a few times with Tigress she doesn't count and since my boy eye_candy lives so close, it's a given that we will hook up after his competition so he doesn't count either. Hopefully I will have a chance to train with both Jason and Tobey this summer...again, doesn't count
1) Mike - Not just because he's God, but because he and I have become good friends since he first took me under his wing a little over a year ago. Just ask him about the difference between the first pic I sent him and the latest pics
2) Big Kev - Do I really have to give a reason. Seriously, he and I have chatted a bit and he's the type who is going tp push me to my limits just by watching the wieghts he uses. I hate to be outdone so I would train heavier and harder than normal (still not at his level...but after a period of time the progress would be amazing I feel).
3) Primodonna - Another intelligent strong willed individual who I know gives 110% every single time she steps foot in the gym. That focus and intensity can only motivate me to push the limits.
Honorable mentions - kiser_soce, Dane, Diesel, Mallet, Papapump, partyboy, Art, Annie, Billy and bufchic.