Hello everyone,
I'am currently on my cut-up program and heavily rely on tuna for
my prime source of protein(5 cans a day and add a few protein shakes). I'am
afraid to add other sources of protein such as lean cuts of steak because it
contains more fat then tuna. I think that if I add like 1 meal containing 1
serving of lean steak, I will set back my "cutting fat progress" by alot. Im at
like 14% bodyfat right now, perform cardio 4-5 times a week, I weigh 172
lbs, I'am age 18, and have a moderate metabolism. So my question is, would I
still loose fat if I were to include steak to my daily diet? Or should I stick to
my old tuna routine since it has zero carbs and very little fat? Any advice is