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Thread: HGH Results Survey

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Milwaukee, WI

    HGH Results Survey

    I'd like to compile some actual user results for HGH. I know there are serveral people who have posted their results in here, but I would really like to get a bunch of results all in one place. (see the Steroids forum for for similar survey on DNP)


    1) Cycle time, in WEEKS?

    2) How many doses per day?

    3) Size of each dose?

    4) Total body weight at start of cycle?

    5) Total body weight at end of cycle?

    6) %BF at start of cycle?

    7) %BF at end of cycle?

    8) Age and gender?

    9) Did you do any other cycles during this one, such as Test, Deca,
    etc? If so, please provide details.

    10) Anything relevant you want to add?

    Thank you, everyone!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    hells yea now this is something id LOVE to see! comon guys!!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    somewhere in reality
    Einstein1905 is the best source of information regarding GH on here. Do a search of his postings and I would bet most if not all of your questions can be answered.

    Good luck

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    ) Cycle time, in WEEKS? 36 weeks

    2) How many doses per day? 1 in the morning. mornings worked best for me.

    3) Size of each dose? 2/3ius ED

    4) Total body weight at start of cycle? 168

    5) Total body weight at end of cycle? 150ish (yeah, I leaned out that much) weight came right back when I started my cycle.

    6) %BF at start of cycle? not sure

    7) %BF at end of cycle? not sure

    8) Age and gender? 36, Male

    9) Did you do any other cycles during this one, such as Test, Deca,
    etc? If so, please provide details. I did GH for 4 months without a cycle and without being able to lift (blew my shoulder out.) I then did Gh while on a Test, Dbol and EQ cycle. Now, during the down time, I was eating and drinking like a pig. But, I kept losing weight. It was amazing

    10) Anything relevant you want to add?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Milwaukee, WI

    Is this it? Just ONE reply??

    Come on, there must be more of you out there who have used GH!?!?!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2002

    What brand of GH did you do?

    Jino, Kexing, Humatrope?
    I'd like to know on this one

    Quote Originally Posted by buylongterm
    ) Cycle time, in WEEKS? 36 weeks

    2) How many doses per day? 1 in the morning. mornings worked best for me.

    3) Size of each dose? 2/3ius ED

    4) Total body weight at start of cycle? 168

    5) Total body weight at end of cycle? 150ish (yeah, I leaned out that much) weight came right back when I started my cycle.

    6) %BF at start of cycle? not sure

    7) %BF at end of cycle? not sure

    8) Age and gender? 36, Male

    9) Did you do any other cycles during this one, such as Test, Deca,
    etc? If so, please provide details. I did GH for 4 months without a cycle and without being able to lift (blew my shoulder out.) I then did Gh while on a Test, Dbol and EQ cycle. Now, during the down time, I was eating and drinking like a pig. But, I kept losing weight. It was amazing

    10) Anything relevant you want to add?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    1)24 & counting

    2)1 @ night

    3)3 ius

    4) 165

    5) 180, 185

    6)not sure



    9)10 week cycle of qv deca300 & sust. 250 @ 500mg

    10) amazing, have maintained most of my ASS gains with an obvious change in body compostion, look better than when i was 25!!!!!!!!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2002

    HGH Survey Results

    1) Cycle time, in WEEKS? 100+

    2) How many doses per day? 1

    3) Size of each dose? 2iu's

    4) Total body weight at start of cycle? 245

    5) Total body weight at end of cycle? 225

    6) %BF at start of cycle? 18

    7) %BF at end of cycle? 8

    8) Age and gender? 41 M

    9) Did you do any other cycles during this one, such as Test, Deca,
    etc? If so, please provide details. 200 mg cyp/wk, 25 mcg cytomel/day, .5 Arimedex eod
    10) Anything relevant you want to add? Be patient and stay on 4ever!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    state of mind
    wow....very nice bf change

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Milwaukee, WI
    Yes, that's definitely impressive, letmein! You and BuyLongTerm have both had great fat loss on hgh, which is very encouraging.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    city of brotherly love
    Quote Originally Posted by letmein
    1) Cycle time, in WEEKS? 100+

    2) How many doses per day? 1

    3) Size of each dose? 2iu's

    4) Total body weight at start of cycle? 245

    5) Total body weight at end of cycle? 225

    6) %BF at start of cycle? 18

    7) %BF at end of cycle? 8

    8) Age and gender? 41 M

    9) Did you do any other cycles during this one, such as Test, Deca,
    etc? If so, please provide details. 200 mg cyp/wk, 25 mcg cytomel/day, .5 Arimedex eod
    10) Anything relevant you want to add? Be patient and stay on 4ever!
    congrats on your progress,but i dont think a 10% bf change in a period of 100+ weeks is reason enough to run GH.with proper diet training and cardio it is possable to lose 1-2% of bf week without GH.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Al Asad, Iraq
    Quote Originally Posted by DEVLDOG
    congrats on your progress,but i dont think a 10% bf change in a period of 100+ weeks is reason enough to run GH.with proper diet training and cardio it is possable to lose 1-2% of bf week without GH.
    2%bf lost per week? very highly unlikely. for a 250lb individual that would be 5lbs of fat lost per week. that's a deficit of 17,500 calories in a week, and 2500 calories a day! If you dipped 2500 calories below your maintenence, then you would be losing more muscle then fat anyway. In other words its totally impossible IMO without losing ungodly amounts of muscle in the process!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    city of brotherly love
    Quote Originally Posted by angelxterminator
    2%bf lost per week? very highly unlikely. for a 250lb individual that would be 5lbs of fat lost per week. that's a deficit of 17,500 calories in a week, and 2500 calories a day! If you dipped 2500 calories below your maintenence, then you would be losing more muscle then fat anyway. In other words its totally impossible IMO without losing ungodly amounts of muscle in the process!
    i went from 277 to 236 in 16 weeks with no gh,went from 18% to below can see my pics in the members pic is very cals are around 6000/ed when bulking and 2500-2000 when takes me about 4500 just to maintain
    Last edited by DEVLDOG; 09-05-2004 at 12:34 PM.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Milwaukee, WI
    What caused the loss of motivation, was it related to the cycle or the ending of the cycle, do you think?

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Jdawg50
    Jino, Kexing, Humatrope?
    I'd like to know on this one

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Hitting bitches
    GOod job man.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    May 2002

    HGH Survey Results

    Quote Originally Posted by DEVLDOG
    congrats on your progress,but i dont think a 10% bf change in a period of 100+ weeks is reason enough to run GH.with proper diet training and cardio it is possable to lose 1-2% of bf week without GH.
    How much more fat should I have lost in 100+ weeks? At 8% I quit trying to diet hard and increased my calories in order to mainatin. I have kept my weight at 222-225 and 8% bodyfat for 8 months. I eat less than 50 g of carbs for 4 days per week and 400g carbs per day for 3 days. I eat half a pizza on cheat day. I have to figure that without the GH I would have to be much more exact with my diet. At 2iu's per day I can see staying on forever. BTW I do zero cardio. I only train 4 days per week. True I could work harder, but why?

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    i took 2 iu am 2iu pm for 6 months with no noticable gains or weight loss,
    i did a 16 week cycle of 100mg a day prop and 500 mg a week eq i got normal gains from that cycle but i dont feel the gh did anything extra i believe you must use insulin to make it work.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jun 2004

    re results

    How old are you? What brand of GH? For six months at 4ius a day I sure would have thought you would notice something............

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    city of brotherly love
    Quote Originally Posted by letmein
    How much more fat should I have lost in 100+ weeks? At 8% I quit trying to diet hard and increased my calories in order to mainatin. I have kept my weight at 222-225 and 8% bodyfat for 8 months. I eat less than 50 g of carbs for 4 days per week and 400g carbs per day for 3 days. I eat half a pizza on cheat day. I have to figure that without the GH I would have to be much more exact with my diet. At 2iu's per day I can see staying on forever. BTW I do zero cardio. I only train 4 days per week. True I could work harder, but why?
    8% is great bro,all im saying is that was attainable without the use of said yourself that your cardio and diet could have been better and your training intensity could improve..."but why"?? just imagine what you would look like if you got those things all at 110%.your overall physique would be that much better...but you seem to be content with...good enough?? whatever works for you bro.goodluck
    Last edited by DEVLDOG; 09-09-2004 at 01:33 PM.

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