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Thread: lr3 igf-1 and fatloss

  1. #1

    lr3 igf-1 and fatloss

    hi i'm on my precontest cutting at the moment. i have about 12 weeks to drop about 24lbs. i wanted to use lr3 igf-1 for 25 days at 40mcg then have a break and run it again for 25 days on the run up to the show. i want use it for additional fat loss on a low calorie diet. should i use t3 with it for max fatloss or will it not be worth it? if so what dose and how should i taper the t3? would igf-1 be beneficial at losing bf at that dose for that period? is igf-1 benefical on a low calorie diet by being anti catabolic or will it make me lose size?

    my cycle at the moment is 750 test enan
    75mg tren ed
    clen/eca 2 day on 2 day off

    any help would be great guys as it's my first show and i don't wanna mess it up.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Ontario, Canada
    I think running your IGF-1r for 4 weeks then taking 4 weeks off and repeating it for last 4 weeks before the show sounds good...i would run t-3 at 25mcg for 12 weeks straight, no tappering up tapper it down once you are stopping t-3 though, take 12.5mcg for a week, then 6.25 per 1 weeks and then off...i feel you still get the benifit of T-3 even at lower doses over longer period of time, jut like you would at higher doses over shorter time frame...IGF-1r at 40mcg right after training or 2 x 20mcg split up every 12 hours...good luck...XXL

  3. #3
    will the 25mg t3 raise igfbh enough to make the use of igf-1 not worth while?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Ontario, Canada
    I used the above mantioned way last time i did a show and it worked good for me, unfortunatly i peaked 1 weeks early so you could say it worked too good...i also used PGF-2a with IGF-1r...XXL

  5. #5
    did it effect your thyroid in anyway or did it recover like normal? becuase i was just worried about using t3 for that long period and damaging my thyroid. isn't 25mg just a little over your normal amount produced? if so will it shut yoiu down? how did the pgf-2 work for you? does it give you any benefits while cutting? i was thinking of using hubernol or some kind of esicliene (spelling)

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