hi i'm on my precontest cutting at the moment. i have about 12 weeks to drop about 24lbs. i wanted to use lr3 igf-1 for 25 days at 40mcg then have a break and run it again for 25 days on the run up to the show. i want use it for additional fat loss on a low calorie diet. should i use t3 with it for max fatloss or will it not be worth it? if so what dose and how should i taper the t3? would igf-1 be beneficial at losing bf at that dose for that period? is igf-1 benefical on a low calorie diet by being anti catabolic or will it make me lose size?
my cycle at the moment is 750 test enan
75mg tren ed
clen/eca 2 day on 2 day off
any help would be great guys as it's my first show and i don't wanna mess it up.