A review database integrated into a vbulletin was added to the WarriorFX domain...
This is the index:
WarriorFX Reviews ... more items will be added as it develops... and I know it could become a valuable resource for people... whether looking for a gym, a good training manual - or a productive message board... by reading reviews by others - using your known Internet message board identity and usernames...
So far there are numerous books and other publications... as well as a few message boards... like Anabolic Review - here is that
AR review link...
Many are familiar with the apparel and stuff... but recently a way for people to leave reviews on items of interest (books, boards, sup companies) from other hardcore athletes was added... kinda like Amazon but with a more targeted member list. The thing was it tied in really well to a vBulletin... an example of
an item with a discussion link here.
Any vendors that want to be added to the list can PM me...
Thanks to everyone that adds to this!
(thanks BC)