Explaination? Ok here it goes. You all know I'm very interested, and committed, to bodybuilding and the bodybuilding lifestyle. But what some of you may not know is I have a guilty pleasure...professional wrestling. The guy in my avatar is Rob Van Dam. I choose him for a couple of reasons. Based on my genetics he has a physique that is attainable for me...235lbs, low body fat. He is very charasmatic (like the Rock) and as such has a huge fan base. But mainly it's because of his charcters catch phrase..."I'm Rob Van Dam and I'm the Whole Fuckin Show". Lets talk titles....Mike is "God"...suits him, very well deserved, Tobey is "The Iron Chef" again...suitable name, he earned the title. It may take a while but I'm gonna do everything I can to get the title of "The Whole F'N Show", and that's the bottom line cause.....no wait a minute...If ya smelllllllllll what the Rock....oh never mind.