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Thread: Proviron

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    east windsor, NJ

    Question Proviron

    I nned someone to reply tome fast though,

    I am starting on Dianabol.. however you spell that. I wanna know if the proviron should be taking while i am on my cylce or after. It is a short cycle of 5 weeks. thats all I am doing. For some reason i am worried. More about the bitch tits appearing and me loosing alot of mass when i go off the dianabol. SO i was wondering since dianabol is a estrogen booster should itake the proviron during or after and if so can anyone send me some sites where ic ould get it cheap and qucikc cause today is tuesday and i started last night. Just the pills htough no injects. I am also getting some chlomid for when i go off the diana. So i duno if anyone can offer me some help it would be greatly appreciate it. I dunno though it felt good to get 55 ups un assisted yesterday. thanks guys

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    There is no place like ho
    Okay I am proud that you asked an intellegent question.. and I will be glad to answer this one, since I have alot of dbol experience.
    Okay first of all, YES. i would have proviron and take throughout your cycle, if you are prone gyno, I woudl anyways. dbol is one of the easiest AS to convert to ester's. I have seen soo many guys get gyno from doing one cycle of dbol.
    Personally I have never done Proviron, but I hear it is good. I like Nolv, and most of the guys here do to. armidex is better so I hear.
    Okay there should be no need to take proviron after you dbol cycle is complete, but Clomid is almost an necessity. Especially with dbol. Dbol is a fast acting AS. You will gain very fast, and loose it fast too.
    I woudl never recommend just a straight Dbol cycle, but different strokes for diff folks.
    Now another thing, I would not do Dbol for longer than 5 weeks cause of possible liver damage. also get plenty of Milk thistle and some ALA to protect your liver. drink plenty of water, and you will be fine.
    Hope this helps. If you have any other questions let me know. Be glad to help.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    east windsor, NJ

    thanks sicilian

    Thanks sicilian,

    I just wanted ot ask you, are there anyways to keep your strngth and gains when you go off it, like maybe going on andro or somehting after your cycle?? and also do you know any sites where you can get proviron or chlomid at a good price??

    Also when taking the dianabol.. should your calorie intake and protein intake be alot higher then normal??

    Thanks alot ofr your help

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    There is no place like ho
    Okay Dark, there are a few ?'s there that I will have to break down.
    first part, keeping your gains. Clomid will help keep some of your gains, but don't expect much after dbol, that is why it is recommended that you stack dbol with something like deca (a long term AS that stays in your body for a while). YOu can take prohormones I see no reason why not, (even though I dont' recommend any) but 1 Ad is about the only one I would recommend if any (gosh I bet I get flammed for that one).
    Second part of your question: NO I CAN NOT GIVE YOU ANY WEBSITES THAT YOU CAN GET CLOMID OR ANTYHING. CAll me a jerk, but I do not give out sources, and you are sorta breaking the rules by asking a fellow AR member to provide you with some.
    Third part of your ?: Yes, your protein should be 1-1.5 x your normal body weight. for ex. if you are 185, then your caloric intake should be about 270 or so. Calories, well, I would say around 3000 a day, but I don't count calories, that much espeically on Dbol, cause it makes you grow like crazy.
    PS you may want to refamilarize yourself about the rules, bud. I forgive you this time cause you are a newbie, but you may get a "slap on the wrist" for this one.. No flame just letting you know.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    east windsor, NJ

    Unhappy sorry sicilian

    I read the rules afteer i sent the reply... But it hought that only mean not slandering other sites or like promoting or advertising.. anways sorry.. and thanks a bunch for the advice. Oh one LAST question.. I bought this stuff onlne bu syntrax its called swoll. It suppoisose to work like creatine but better. I should not mess with that right??ot while on Dbol.. I know its a dumb question but i just wanted to make sure

    Thanks man

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Secret Volcano Lair
    clomid post cycle to help keep the gains.

    proviron throughout cycle and post cycle.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    I have used proviron in a d-bol cycle. It worked! I ran out for a few days and I noticed my nipples start to itch/ache and I went right back on!

    Run it the whole cycle and (maybe I am being too cautious) for a week afterwards to stave off any estrogens that are still floating around in your system.

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