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Thread: should it hurt?

  1. #1

    Question should it hurt?

    Hi everyone,
    when i use sustanon 250 should i heat it up? This is what a friend told me who has been at it for a while now. He uses boiled water in a jug! I use only hot water as i dont want it to get to hot when i inject! But i do seem to be getting pain were ever i inject but not until the next day the feeling is not that bad but its like a dead arm (like after a punch in the arm) i know im injecting in the correct places so this is not the prob, Please can some1 help?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    I dont think its neccessary to heat it up, but you could if you want to aleviate the pain. IMO, you will get used to it and not swell up after the first few times, but If you dont want to bear with it, i think you can put it under running hot water. Is this in the first few weeks? cuz if so, it should go away.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Some mix it with EQ to cut the pain.

    If you run it under water make sure you clean the vial top or the amp with alcohol before you open it or stick the needle through the rubber.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2003
    United States
    like axe said, after a week or so it wont hurt at all anymore. also make sure you message the injection spot. and yes you can run the syringe under hoy water then inject slowley.

  5. #5
    hi all again it aint the first time ive used sus and as long as i can remember its always hurt the day after but only for a couple of days, i just thought i might be prepin it wrong? will try without heatin up! thanks guys

  6. #6
    oh yer i forgot to ask is oxy 50 a good steroid to stack with sus?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    yeah usually when you start back on the sus which is quite painful anyway the first hit into your glute or wherever your chosen sites are does hurt but unless you have been a bit severe with the pin you shouldnt get a repeat of the pain.heating it up only helps at the time you inject not the following day and as pietro75 says massage the injection site this will help dissipate the oil or inject the body part immediately before you train it this also help dispersal...hope this helped

  8. #8
    thanks all who replyed.

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