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Thread: is going to university worth it?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    The Resistance

    is going to university worth it?

    well basically my family is on a very low income so i get to go to uni for free.

    but the thing is i am broke. i sat down and worked out that if i do get a degree and get a job by the time i am able to pay of my mortgage,wedding,car,loans,bills and all that crap i will proablly be about 50 something years old. i will basically be dead. when i can finally enjoy the fruit of my labour i will be 50 years old.

    i grew up in some serously hard times. and becuase i have been through so much as a child(financialy) i have basically given up on even trying to become anything. becuase i know becuase im in my 20's and becuase im financialy screwed i basically don;t bother trying anymore and since i worked out that i will be about 50 when i finally get to enjoy money im serously ****ing pissed off to the point where i almost felt like jumping up in uni (introduction & enrolment day) and basically saying **** it and coming home.

    i serously don;t know what to do anymore. even though where i live is well devolped area its very hard to make serous money like i need to get out of the situation that im in.
    what can i do

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    NW of DFW TX
    a college degree can only help will never hurt you. Other than that, you have to figure out what you want in life....then go from there. Obtain the tools necessary to acquire the things you want in life.

    Do you want to be 50 and still in the same situation....



  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by physio_sport
    i sat down and worked out that if i do get a degree and get a job by the time i am able to pay of my mortgage,wedding,car,loans,bills and all that crap i will proablly be about 50 something years old. i will basically be dead. when i can finally enjoy the fruit of my labour i will be 50 years old.
    Welcome to the real world bro...

    I hate to tell you this, but for most of us, thats what life is all about... and having paid it all "by 50" is a pipe dream for most of us... the average joe is in debt from adulthood until death. The lucky ones get out of debt by retirement... only the silver-spoon elite will never know what it's like to live week by week, paycheck to paycheck.

    Go to university, enjoy life, get a good education... it's worth it. Don't worry about the rest...


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    a state of denial
    Quote Originally Posted by physio_sport
    well basically my family is on a very low income so i get to go to uni for free.

    but the thing is i am broke. i sat down and worked out that if i do get a degree and get a job by the time i am able to pay of my mortgage,wedding,car,loans,bills and all that crap i will proablly be about 50 something years old. i will basically be dead. when i can finally enjoy the fruit of my labour i will be 50 years old.

    i grew up in some serously hard times. and becuase i have been through so much as a child(financialy) i have basically given up on even trying to become anything. becuase i know becuase im in my 20's and becuase im financialy screwed i basically don;t bother trying anymore and since i worked out that i will be about 50 when i finally get to enjoy money im serously ****ing pissed off to the point where i almost felt like jumping up in uni (introduction & enrolment day) and basically saying **** it and coming home.

    i serously don;t know what to do anymore. even though where i live is well devolped area its very hard to make serous money like i need to get out of the situation that im in.
    what can i do
    If university is free, is graduate school free also? With a Dr. before your name, I'm pretty sure you could pay off those loans by the time you are 50.

    I love college. Even if it didnt benefit me in any fiscal manner, I'd still enjoy it.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    yes it is worth it.....

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    North Charlotte
    u can work at mcdonalds and give me my breakfast sometimes.. if u dont wann ago to school

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Hoss's Moms bedroom
    I suggest two things. First go talk to a counsellor or course planner at a local college or university and tell them your thoughts. They deal with people in your situation every day, not everyone is convinced that college can benefit them and most people are not really aware of the scope of programs they have. Second, go talk to an Economics professor, tell him what you told us.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Free college is a lot better than flipping burgers.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Fort Worth
    Most people don't ever figure out what they really want to be when they grow up. Others who think they do discover once they start doing it, they want to do something else.
    My suggestion . . . pick something you like. A hobby, working out, pins, Fina, sex, faciocranial reconstruction, whatever. Then get a business degree so you can get a job (better yet, start your own business) giving whatever you really really really like to other people.
    IMHO, sure beats working in something technical that becomes obsolete every 12 months.
    Good luck,

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    You need patience. Expect to be broke during school. Expect to broke for awhile afterwords. Get the degree, get the good job, reap later in life.

    Its not a get rich quick scheme or anything.

    IMO, unless you got great connections, your going to be way better off with a degree than without one.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    You were recently speaking about joining the army, try to find out how much the British army will help you with college etc. I know its not as good as the American's, but it might be worth your time, plus you'll be getting a half decent wage packet into the bargain too.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    do something with your life. college is awesome, so much fun.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    I dont think there should be anything to think about here. The situation you grew up in sucks, but you get to go for FREE. IMO, you should be greatful. Think about the class right above yours, the kids may have gotten alittle more from their parents, but when it comes to college, they are still to poor to afford it, yet the government doesnt offer any grants to that class so the student is stuck paying for the whole thing itself.

    I would personally take advantage of free college and work part-time to pay other bills or save.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    HEELS 2005!!
    Quote Originally Posted by Red Ketchup
    Welcome to the real world bro...

    I hate to tell you this, but for most of us, thats what life is all about... and having paid it all "by 50" is a pipe dream for most of us... the average joe is in debt from adulthood until death. The lucky ones get out of debt by retirement... only the silver-spoon elite will never know what it's like to live week by week, paycheck to paycheck.

    Go to university, enjoy life, get a good education... it's worth it. Don't worry about the rest...


    no shiit!! **** glad i am not alone here.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Red Ketchup
    only the silver-spoon elite will never know what it's like to live week by week, paycheck to paycheck.
    Thanks for the motivation bro.

    Btw silver spooners can suck my cock! You dont know ****!

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by AandF6969
    Free college is a lot better than flipping burgers.
    NO kidding..

    Wish my school was paid for... but instead I worked 38 hours a week in high school just for the chance to go.. and I receive no financial aid from my family either...

    And big fukn deal that you will be in debt, like Red said, most never get out of it... it's part of life...

    Additionally, if you don't go to school, what kind of job would you be doing? Something not nearly as rewarding as what you would be doing having a degree etc...

    If everyone held this attitude, then there would BE no doctors, lawyers, ...

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    The Resistance
    thanks guys for your help.

    basically i didn't sign up this year.
    im going to go maybe next year.
    im going to try and do something this year and if i screw up then i will go to uni next year.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    The Resistance
    Quote Originally Posted by BOUNCER
    You were recently speaking about joining the army, try to find out how much the British army will help you with college etc. I know its not as good as the American's, but it might be worth your time, plus you'll be getting a half decent wage packet into the bargain too.
    i was thinking about this but then realised that the millitry would probably send me into iraq so i droped the idea.

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    Taco Bell
    if your smart and dedicated you can go to pharm school. Its a six year program but if you push it really hard you can bang it out in five. We walk out of school making a minimum of 45-55 per hour or 100,000 per year (thats wal-mart too, btw). I take loans out for everything and i'll be in for 100,000 by the time im done. I'll have that paid off before im 30 for sure because of 20-30k sign on bonuses.

    Just a thought. It's not easy, but its rewarding.

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by physio_sport
    well basically my family is on a very low income so i get to go to uni for free.

    but the thing is i am broke. i sat down and worked out that if i do get a degree and get a job by the time i am able to pay of my mortgage,wedding,car,loans,bills and all that crap i will proablly be about 50 something years old. i will basically be dead. when i can finally enjoy the fruit of my labour i will be 50 years old.

    i grew up in some serously hard times. and becuase i have been through so much as a child(financialy) i have basically given up on even trying to become anything. becuase i know becuase im in my 20's and becuase im financialy screwed i basically don;t bother trying anymore and since i worked out that i will be about 50 when i finally get to enjoy money im serously ****ing pissed off to the point where i almost felt like jumping up in uni (introduction & enrolment day) and basically saying **** it and coming home.

    i serously don;t know what to do anymore. even though where i live is well devolped area its very hard to make serous money like i need to get out of the situation that im in.
    what can i do
    Blah blah blah money money money. No, I don't think you should go to school unless you actually want to go to improve yourself intellectually. If school is all about money to you, then I can see why you don't want to go. I wouldn't either.

    What do you want to do with your life, career-wise? Does it (necessarily) involve going to college?

    Want to get out of "the situation [you're] in"? Join the military. I think that the purpose and meaning a military career would give one would be far better than treading blindly through life with one's head down.

    Making "serious money" is often a dream held by all and a reality lived by few. What, besides money, is important to you (or your family)? What, besides money, will make you happy in life? What will give your life purpose?

  21. #21
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Fort Worth
    Quote Originally Posted by samoth
    Blah blah blah money money money. No, I don't think you should go to school unless you actually want to go to improve yourself intellectually. If school is all about money to you, then I can see why you don't want to go. I wouldn't either.

    I'd disagree . . . nowadays a high school education won't get ya as far as it used to. You really need to know how to find your way through these more complicated times, need to know a bit about business, in case you need to run or start one, and a bit about everything, really. If you don't go to school, at least become a voracious reader, hang around with people smarter than you and ask lots of questions.

    You probably don't need a diploma to take care of yourself and a family, but you really do need the education that comes with it.


  22. #22
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Go to University.

    I think you need to quit whining, throw yourself into being your best at school, and focus on getting a good job where you live or move to a country or place where you can get a good job after school.

    Too many people have been in your situation (or worse off than you), have gone to school and have risen above the adversity (debt, etc). It takes hard work. So, start focusing on the ways you can do it rather than the ways you can't.

    No one can take away your education. Without an education you'll be dooming yourself to a hard and long row, upstream, against life's current.

    You might have worked out on paper that you won't enjoy yourself until you're 50, but what looks right on paper isn't always how life works. Sometime's life works out far better.

    If you don't go to school, you'll certainly wallow in debt for the rest of your life,

  23. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by Tock
    I'd disagree . . . nowadays a high school education won't get ya as far as it used to. You really need to know how to find your way through these more complicated times, need to know a bit about business, in case you need to run or start one, and a bit about everything, really. If you don't go to school, at least become a voracious reader, hang around with people smarter than you and ask lots of questions.

    You probably don't need a diploma to take care of yourself and a family, but you really do need the education that comes with it.

    I was more trying to get at that if he only sees college as something to trudge through in order to make money in life, that he was wrong. A person has to want to attend university for 4, 5, 6, or more years... and to succeed for all these years, must actually want to, and moreover enjoy it.

    I agree with everything you said... I think we are approaching the same point of view from different angles.

  24. #24
    Join Date
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    Fort Worth
    Quote Originally Posted by samoth
    I agree with everything you said... I think we are approaching the same point of view from different angles.

    In that case, let me give you a protractor and we'll see if we can't square our positions . . .

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    In the world that we live in, money is our god, and in most cases an education is key to making that money. Not everyone that has money is educated, but there are a lot more people with money that have an education than don't have and education. Me personally I have a master's and I am making great money. I Would not be in the same financial situation had I not gone to school. Good luck bro

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    The Resistance
    after reading some of the posts and talking with my family i have desided to join university. i called up the uni today and they said come in on friday and we will enroll you. so im set to go to uni this friday and basically will get my BSc(H) in exactly 3.5 years if everything goes to plan.

    thank guys for your help.

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Oct 2002

    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by physio_sport
    after reading some of the posts and talking with my family i have desided to join university. i called up the uni today and they said come in on friday and we will enroll you. so im set to go to uni this friday and basically will get my BSc(H) in exactly 3.5 years if everything goes to plan.

    thank guys for your help.
    Good deal bro!

    Now be prepared to work your arse off, study like there is no tomorrow, and believe it or not, have fun.

    My college years were the funnest years of my life. Even with all the work which (at the time) seemed so hard and interminable, the social environment of college was the most fun I've ever had.

    Enjoy it bro, and whatever happens, don't give up...


  28. #28
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    The Resistance
    Quote Originally Posted by Red Ketchup
    Good deal bro!

    Now be prepared to work your arse off, study like there is no tomorrow, and believe it or not, have fun.

    My college years were the funnest years of my life. Even with all the work which (at the time) seemed so hard and interminable, the social environment of college was the most fun I've ever had.

    Enjoy it bro, and whatever happens, don't give up...

    im going to do my best and give it my all.
    i sat down and worked out that its only 3.5 years of my life considering if i live my whole life i will probably be 50-60 years old if i don;t die from something.
    and considering the whole degree will be free i have nothing to loose and everything to gain.
    and im going to try and enjoy the 3.5 years the best i can.

    and if you don;t mind can you tell me what subject you studied in.
    and also do you think its worth doing a masters in non-medial and
    non-science courses.

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