what up bros, just wanted to share the changes that my body has under gone w/ in the last year and a half.
ever since i joined AR.
what up bros, just wanted to share the changes that my body has under gone w/ in the last year and a half.
ever since i joined AR.
very good transformations.......stay away from a blimp this time around
lookin good, you transform quickly! good job bro.
Daymn, bro! 30lbs to get rid of on your frame is a lot. I wonder how much blimp I'd have to do to stay at a 7%BF at about 200lbs on my 6'3" frame?
looking great i would stay away from blimp though this time around. Also what does your cycel look like when you are cutting up.
not only do u look better, but you probably feel better about yourself and have more confidence in accomplishing goals that ARENT just related to bodybuilding. the only direction your life can go now is for the better
**** man, thats incredible. I hate you fockers that can change like that so quickly.
what the fck..you can't even say d a m n on this website anymore?
your hard work shows.nice job.most people myself included dont realize how much better they would look if they dieted down.i always feel small when i diet down.but you always look better.
dam dude i work my ass off and i cant get results like that i gotta do cardio for like 2 hours to look like that! great job bro
Originally Posted by moush
believe it or note bro, when i diet down, i'm only doing like 2-3 cardio sesions a week, 20 min on the elliptical.. when you o too much cardio like that, in an attempt to drop weight, or rip up, it becomes counter productive and could possibly tax some muscle on your body... i ran T3, clen last six weeks of my shows, accompanied by prop, Eq, Tren, to keep me anabolic while i do so. also accompanied by the diet... train smarter, not harder.. i hate cardio, and did very little compared to what other people thought i did..
w/ all the knowledge floating around on this board from other experienced members, and combined w/ my own coclcusions, all the know how is rite here on this board...
**** bro, cutting like that on not a lot of cardio is amazing... what did your workouts look like while you were doing it, did they change at all?
yeah looking goodman
Originally Posted by AandF6969
well, during the "blimp" status i would run such compounds for bulking and ate like a pig.. (12 weeker, 750sust, 600deca, D-bol wks1-5@40mg)
kept protein high from shakes alone, 140-180grams whey..
During "pimp" cutter, (10-12weeker, 100mg Prop ED, 600EQ, 100mg Tren ED, clen/T3 combo last 6 weeks of cycle"
my training stayed at about 5-6x a week, cardio at 2-3x a week @20min elliptical.
during cutting, workouts stayed the same, just lifted lighter, on all body parts, 12-15reps, but focused more on form and holding contractions/squeezing at the top.
H20 intake 1 gallon/daily
6 weeks out, cut out all pwdr shakes (makes me look smooth)
meals 7x (#1 oatmeal/eggwhites, #2-7 turkey/brocolli)
during off-season/on-cycle, eat anything i want, back to "blimp status"
You and Lee Priest aren't brothers are ya?
Nice job man, I'm curious though it seems like you have a weight range you like to be in while cut have you ever considered moving up? You'd be one freaky dude if you put yourself into the 180s at that kind of bodyfat (you look pretty short are you not?).
Originally Posted by 1-Cent
well, i would like to ttake a year off from doing any type of dieting/shows for like 1 year or so, and move up in weight and work on some problem areas i need to improve on and thicken up.. however, i compete as a Bantam weight, and am 5'4.. and for the past 3 shows i've done, i have weiged in at
133.5, 131.5, and just lastly 133lbs.. i've done three shows this year and between the 1st and 2nd show was approx 6mo's, and between 2nd and the 3rd show, 1 week apart.
NPC gudlines for open/unlimitied Bantam weight is up to 143lbs..
i have to pack on some quality muscle of at least 11-12lbs... at the same BF% i was at during the comp. i think thats a lot of weight, minus the body fat and wter retention that i'm not even calculating in..
ideally i would love to move up in weight, but i don't know how fast i could grow some quality muscle. i don't know if this is achievable w/ in 1 year of me massing then cutting down... at least for my genetics... i know some that just gro overnite w/ very little gear and effort.
maybe some bros here w/ the experience can shed some light on some routes for me to take.. i know it really lies in my diet, but this time around i would like to throw in some GH and slin... i have still to learn as much as i can before i take the plunge, but i def want to give it a try...
ideally, i would like to be competing as a middle weight.
i want to know how to get to light weight first, this is my next chalenge..
do u mind telling how u train? your exercise ? reps? sets?
lookin real lean man
I wish I had that kind of turn around time. Gives me inspiration though bro. Nicely done!
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