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Thread: M1T Cycle Worry

  1. #1

    M1T Cycle Worry

    I have started my M1T/S+1 cycle about week and half ago, and JUST my left nipple itches, it is the same one that I had gotten nair on like the same day I started. Do you think this due to the cycle or just drying of the skin due to a burn that might have occured. I know M1T not suppose to convert to Estrogen but S+1 Im not sure...

  2. #2
    how long has it been itching? is it still itching?? are your nipples puffy?

    what is your PCT gonna Look Like?

  3. #3
    Weeks 5-8: 40 mg ED of Nolvadex for the first two weeks, Then down to 20 mg ED of Nolvadex
    Weeks 5-8: Clomid Therapy, 300 mg of clomid first day, 100 mg of clomid next 10 days, 50 mg of clomid for final 10 days of clomid therapy.
    Weeks 5-8: Milk Thistle 1000 mg of milk thistle ED

    no puffyness, just started itching past 2 days..

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    the GYM
    ok, i got gyno from m1t. Don't think that you won't get it because it supposedly doesnt covert or aromatize. It went away after a few months of nolva use, but still man be careful.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    San Francisco, CA

    with M1tm will you do Nolvadex only at the end of the cycle

    or as part of the cycle?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Bubba Army
    if you got nair on it thats why.

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