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Thread: My M1T cycle

  1. #1

    My M1T cycle

    OK, here goes. My stats are 6'0 200 lbs as of Monday afternoon. I'll post a picture of me from this August in a couple days to show progress (if there is any).
    here's my cycle...all doses are split, half in the am, half in the pm
    10mg M1T (underground labs)..
    600mg 4-AD
    1000milk thistle
    1000 mg hawthorne
    5g tribulus
    i also take a multi twice a day and take r-ala after my PWO shake and PPWO

    pct will be nolva with metacort. i'll also use creatine and finish up my tribulus.

    i'm following the bulking sticky for my diet. here's a quick rundown of my daily schedule. i eat this almost every day. sometime's i'll go out to dinner and try to stick with chicke and veggis. saturday is my cheat day.

    40 g whey shake with 1/3 cup oats

    chicken breast with almond butter

    12 or 1 pm
    chicken breast or tuna with oats and broccoli

    2 or 3pm
    chicken breast or tuna with almond butter

    5 or 6
    chicken breast with almond butter

    PWO shake 40 grams whey with 40 grams dextrose

    sirloin or chicken breast with 1/2 cup brown rice and salsa

    10 or 11
    40 grams whey with udo's oil

    my workout is Mon, tues, thurs, fri. i do 4 sets, increasing weight each set

    chest - dumbell or barbell

    bent over or seated rows
    reverse grip pulldowns

    cardio in the pm

    legs and shoulders
    deadlift or hamstring curl
    leg extensions
    calf raises
    shoulder press
    upright rows or lateral flies
    reverse rows

    bis and tris
    straight bar curls
    incline curls
    hammer curls
    skull crusher

    Last edited by GQSuperman; 10-12-2004 at 07:55 AM.

  2. #2

    first day

    monday was my first day

    felt fine. no lethargy, no real noticeable pump increase at the gym. weighed in at 200 pounds (which is up from 193 in august)

    also, to give history. i am 28. i played college football, so i've been lifting for the past 12 years. this is my first cycle of anything and the only supplement i've ever taken is creatine. i've never really followed a diet until finding this site a few months back. since then, i've got mine in check and seen decent gains in body composition. i've always had an atheletes body, but this has helped fine tune things. DIET WORKS WONDERS.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    is that 5mg tribulus or 5 grams?
    most ppl run it on the gram side rather than mg

    ps good luck bro

  4. #4


    it was a typo. i changed it in the original post.

  5. #5

    day 2

    here's a rundown of day two (yesterday). did back in teh gym. no noticeable increase in strengths or pumps. i did have a light headache yesterday towards the end of the day, but took in some extra oats with a couple swigs of coke to see if getting my blood glucose back up would help...seemed to do the trick.

    weight was between 200 and so real increase. from what i hear, i should start seeing/feeling something by the end of the first week, so i'll keep you all posted. if by the end of two weeks i don't feel or see anything, i may bump up to 15mgs and see how that goes.

    i'm also working on that pic. i'll try ot get it scanned in later today.

  6. #6

    day three

    weighed in today...i was shocked to see i was in at just over 204. pretty nice considering i've hovered between 190 and 195 since college.

    no lethargy or headaches today. felt a slight increase in strength at the gym...i was able to do a couple more pull ups on each rep than usual. not sure if it's mental, but who cares.

    i did stray from my diet today. there was a departmental lunch, so i had two chicken pitas with a diet sprite for my noon meal.

    i'm excited about this cycle, but do feel like most of my weight will be from water...hopefully i can still be above 200 at the end of this. i think i'll take a month or so off and then start an s1/MOHN cycle for 4 weeks to send me into spring.

  7. #7
    here's a before pic. it was taken about 2 months ago. i was around 193 or so. i'll post an after in a few weeks when i finish the cyle and PCT. as you can see, my left pec (and my left side) is less develped than my right. i guess a lot of people have this problem. i'm right handed, so my ride side is more developed (especially due to throwing baseball and football). i've been working for years to balance this out, but to no avail. maybe i just notice it more also.
    Last edited by GQSuperman; 02-04-2005 at 10:13 AM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Inside a 3cc Dart
    great info man, keep us updated.

  9. #9

    day 4

    yesterday was day 4 of the cycle. i had to deviate from my workout and did arms (bis and tris) instead of my legs b/c i didn't want to wait around forever for the squat racks. i weighed in at 203, so i lost a pound. felt great pumps during my workout though.

  10. #10
    you say youre taking milk thistle, i was under the impression that milk thistle should be used more as a post cycle supplement?

  11. #11

    milk thistle (day 5)

    why do you think its only for PCT? i figure while your taking a methyl, you can do damage...not only when you're done taking it. so, why not be preventative and take a liver protectant while your introducing the damaging agent. i'll continue to run the miilk thistle in my PCT as well. to me it just makes more sense to take it during also.

    i didn't get a chance to workout yesterday. my bro's wife had an emergency c-section, so i took off to go see my new niece. that also gave me an excuse to have two cheat meals in the airport.

    today, (day 6) is looking like cheat day also. i'm not too worried b/c i'm bulking. i'll get back on track when i get back home.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2004
    I remember reading in a post that milk thistle taken during your cycle can adversely effect your results. Maybe NSA will chime in with some advice here. Im holding off of milk thistle until im done with my cycle. Im 2 weeks in and no sides at all.

  13. #13

    never heard

    i heard that this was just another myth. not sure if there's any physiologic basis for how milk thistle would interfer with your bodies use of M1T if it's acting on teh liver.

  14. #14


    so, i ate anything in site saturday and sunday. i was at my bro's place and didn't have access to my protein etc. i figure i'm bulking, so i just at as much as i wanted as often as i wanted, making sure i got meat of some sort. i know it's not the best way, but to each his own i guess.

    so, back to the diet i outlined above now that i'm home. i didn't have a chance to weigh in over the weekend, so we'll see what's happened when i get to the gym tonight.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Its just a myth about taking milk thistle it all milk thistle does is help the liver to create new liver cells and repair old ones it does NOT create more liver enzymes to break down any higher amount of whatever substance you are taking!!!

  16. #16

    day 7

    so, i just got back from the gym. i weighed in at 206.5. i'm surprised my weight is actually going up as i have read. i guess after hovering in the 190's for so long, i was a little skeptical about this stuff.

    felt a good pump today on my chest. i didn't go real heavy, but focused on perfect form, so i'm not sure if there is an increase in strength.

    no headaches. i can say that i haven't felt hungry, but have had no problem making myself eat at my scheduled times.

  17. #17


    skipped my 4-AD last night when i got out of the shower....i regreted it this morning. i had the hardest time getting out of bed i'm exhausted. i'm waiting for my dose this am to kick in and get me going.

  18. #18

    day 8

    back day. was able to crank out 2 more chinups on each i'm seeing a slight increase in strength. also bumped up 20 pounds on deadlift. no severe lower back pumps yet. no headaches, no real decrese in appetite, although i'm not really hungry at all.

    i should note that i've been getting leg pumps...just from walking to work and going up stairs. my legs feel tight most of the time...which isn't bad, but worries me when i have to run for flag football.

    my weight actually dropped a bit to just over 204.

    visually i would say i look bigger. there is definitly water weight gain, but my muscle look fuller also.
    Last edited by GQSuperman; 10-21-2004 at 07:41 AM.

  19. #19


    wanted to note that i didn't apply my 4AD last night or this morning. my nipples were a little more sensitive than usual yesterday, so i figured i'd take a break from teh 4AD, see if i could handle it, and see if my nipple sensitivity changed. i figure i can always add it back to my cycle if i feel i need it.

  20. #20

    day 9

    this was an off day. i decided to skip the cardio. i had no headaches, no back bumps etc. no lethargy today...even without the 4AD. my nipple sensitivity went away, so i may add back the 4AD next week and see if it returns. if not, i'll continue with hte 4AD until the end of the 4 weeks.

    also, i think i'm going to up my dose of M1T to 15mg at the end of week two and carry it out to week 4. i've read posts saying to bump up the dose if your body weight is over 200, so that's what i'm going to do.

    also, i wanted to say that it looks like i may have a drink or two next weekend. there is a halloween party after a big football game here on campus (huge football game....interstate rivalry game). i know you're not supposed to drink while on a methyl, and i'm going to try like hell but....

    i'll continue to take my milk thistle and r-ala and hopefully this will protect me if i do take a few drinks.

  21. #21

    day 10

    no lethargy or headaches. did arms at gym b/c i have football tonight and didn't want to lift with legs before running.

    noticed increase in strenght and tremendous pumps during workouts. make it hard to finish some reps.

    weight was at 206.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Nice to read a journal thats pretty close to the same days as mine, I was around there when i started getting the biggest pumps so far, It feels good.
    Keep the journal going

  23. #23


    so, here's an update on M1T and leg pumps. they suck. i played high school and college football and never had an injury. i play flagfootball last night and just before we quit, i jump and feel a pop. i can barely stand or touch my leg this morning. i'm guessing i tore my hamstring (or severely strained it). anyway, it could be me just getting old, or it could be the M1T.

    so, running on a tread mill may not be bad, but i would recommend against hard sprinting/jumping if your'e taking this. i just can't help but feel like the leg pumps played some role in this injury. needless to say, leg day today is out of the question.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Inside a 3cc Dart
    that sucks bro, hope you heal up quick

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Ontario, Canada
    hey dude, keep pumpin hard and eatin tonnes!.....
    i just finished a 2 on/2 off cycle...did that for 8 weeks...
    in total i gained 19.5 pounds....
    did lots of compound lifts and ate everything i saw.....little fat gain but hardley noticable....

    its good ****, i would definitly try it again

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Good luck with that man sorry to hear I tore my middle trap going on 2 years ago and it still give me problems

  27. #27

    day 11

    so, i took a vicadin and decided to go the gym. i'm still not sure what i did to my hammy, but it's sore as ****. the vicadin helped. i'm thinking it can't be torn too bad (if it is) or there would be bruising. so, i'm hoping for a bad strain, or maybe a slight tear? anyway, i'll keep off it and ice it for a week and see what happens.

    i did shoulders today though (thanks to mr. vicadin). i take shoulders easy b/c mine are in pretty rough shape from baseball and football. they felt good though. no major pump, but i did about 5 pounds more than i usually attempt. weight was at 206.5.

  28. #28

    day 12

    leg feels better, but leg pumps are still an issue. it looks like i'm leaning least in the morning when i first wake up. by the end of the day, i look a little more bloated. i'm assuming this is due to the intake of carbs and water. so, i'm excited to see what i look like when i finish pct and cut a little.

    i haven't had any problems iwht lethargy or headaches or backpumps. my testicles do seem a little smaller, but i must say my sex drive hasn't been affected. when i see my girl, it's like a porno and when i don't, i've been doing my business 3-4 times a day in some cases.

    also, i haven't noticed any increase in acne. i use a loufa to try to keep my pores from being blocked, and i also use differin gel and clearsil on my face to combat things. seems to work.

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Sounds good man
    You seem to be taking every precaution possible which is awesome. I really want to try M1T out after seeing journals like this. But then I remember im only 20 so it probaly isn't the best choice but **** its tempting.

  30. #30

    day 13/14--****

    sunday, so nothing to report. i can say that my appetite is down now for some reason. even today (monday) i'm having a hard time eating. i'm hoping i can work through this for the last two weeks.

    today, (monday, day 14) workout went well. strength up noticeably in my chest lifts. i did my last two sets with 100lbs dumbells and did 10 reps each (usually can do 3-4 on my last set) and felt a GREAT pump. weight jumped up to just over 210. looks like day 14 is the magic day for me with M1T. can't wait to see how the last two weeks go with this stuff.
    Last edited by GQSuperman; 10-25-2004 at 04:46 PM.

  31. #31
    Good Log bro!! keep It up!!

  32. #32
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by ya_man
    hey dude, keep pumpin hard and eatin tonnes!.....
    i just finished a 2 on/2 off cycle...did that for 8 weeks...
    in total i gained 19.5 pounds....
    did lots of compound lifts and ate everything i saw.....little fat gain but hardley noticable....

    its good ****, i would definitly try it again

    Ya Man did u use Tribulus during your cycle? hw did u do your PCT when u were going 2 on 2 off?

  33. #33

    hammy tear

    so, my injury is a hamstring tear. it's not bad. i can jog on it, but it's still tender and bruised like a mother f'er. so, looks like dead lifts and squats etc, are out of the question for the next few months. i'm going to try to still do leg extensions and calf raises, so we'll see how that goes.

    due to this fact, i think i'm going to just finish out this cycle at 10mg a day instead of bumping up to 15 like i had originally planned. if/when i do another M1T cycle next fall, i may try the higher doses (buying my stuff at the end of the month to beat the ban...also buying S1+ and M4OHN for my next cycle beginning in a couple months).

    so, i still feel like the M1T somehow conttributed to this injury. any thoughts out there on this?

  34. #34
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Inside a 3cc Dart
    gq, you got PM.

  35. #35

    day 15

    weighed in just above 207. appetite is definitly down right now. i'm still eating regularly though. i did leave the gym after 30 minutes today b/c of a killer headache. may be from high BP, but i'm not sure. i did my chinups and got 20 on my first set....which is impressive for me...strength is up. no back pumps to date

    visually, i look bigger and a little more cut IMO. may be all in my head, but oh well. i'd like to get up around 210 by the end of this cycle and maintain around 205 after my PCT if possible.

  36. #36

    day 16

    off day. also, a sales rep came and took a group of us out to dinner. i PIGGED out. guess this was my cheat day. anxious to see what scales says tomorrow after eating like i did tonight.

  37. #37
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Inside a 3cc Dart
    GQ, did you get my PM?

  38. #38


    yeah, got it.

  39. #39
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Inside a 3cc Dart
    cool, just wanted to make sure. it was showing unread on my tracking page, that's why i asked.

  40. #40

    day 17

    did arms today. great pumps and increase in strenght. no lethary, so headaches, no back pumps. weight was at about 209. i'm thinking b/c of my size, i should do 15mgs, but like i said before...without being able to hit the legs now, i'll wait until the next go-round. maybe i'll experience some of the dreaded sides then?

    i do feel bloated. this definitly isn't a cutting time for me. i don't think i look fat, but everything is swollen...kind of like what happens when i take creatine.

    anyway, i am planning on drinking this weekend, so hopefully the 10mgs of M1T won't be too much for my liver to handle. i've been taking r-ala and milke thistle, so i'm hoping i'm in good shape. i won't bet too lit, but those are famous last words also.

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