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Assuming your body is still producing a reasonable amount of GH through the course of a day (about 2IU's in your 20's), then here is a way to think of it. If you take your injections at 8:00am, and 2:00pm your body will also be giving you the lion's share of its own 2IU's a day, so you are really getting about 6IU's a day. If you take your injections in the morning and at night, setting off a negative feedback loop (shutting down your bodys own release) you are only getting the 4IU's that you are injecting.
This of course is a simplification, but it serves to illustrate the reasoning behing the morning / early afternoon administration of exogenous HGH. Some anti-aging doctors have patients inject at night, but it is because their body has ceased producing its own HGH....so that is a different scenario to a normal, healthy person augmenting their daily amount of HGH.
As far as its ability to help you grow, one of the main growth factors of HGH therapy is when it makes its pass through the liver, and the liver in turn releases IGF-1. The IGF-1 levels that result from exogenous HGH use will be elevated for some time.....in fact if you have bloodwork done every month or two, you will see that your IGF-1 levels are on the rise....that is one of the markers that your HGH is good. This rise in IGF-1 will assist growth, irregardless of what time of day you are taking your injections.
Hope this helps. Best of luck to you.