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Thread: IGF vs GH in huge doses while on for size..

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    south of heaven

    IGF vs GH in huge doses while on for size..

    Quick question for you guy. One of the bigger guys at my gym says when he bulks he runs his GH at 8-10iu/day for his entire run and keeps at 4 iu when hes off. Is this how freaky size can be attained... also curious if this can be done with igf... or is it just stupid...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    From a long time ago in a
    Genetics are the main factor. GH/IGF will help, but it is not magic. Insulin is another huge factor. When slin is used properly, you will make dramatic gains. Diet is another key factor. If you dont have the fuel to grow, you just wont.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    south of heaven
    I just have heard from people that most people with freaky size stay near a gram a week on test with some deca or eq an oral and like 3-4 time the usual dosing of GH. IM skeptical on slin.. is it a necessity?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Guys I know who use slin, said it gave them about 10lbs extra in a good bulking cycle..

    Not necessarily all muscle...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    city of brotherly love
    Quote Originally Posted by KrashRoute
    Quick question for you guy. One of the bigger guys at my gym says when he bulks he runs his GH at 8-10iu/day for his entire run and keeps at 4 iu when hes off. Is this how freaky size can be attained... also curious if this can be done with igf... or is it just stupid...
    i recently met a guy in the gym who is pretty big himself,we got to talking and he told me he would run his gh the same way 8-10ius while on a cycle and 4ius the rest of the time.this guy was a pro wrestler back in the day he is now 37 and doesnt wrestle anymore(4 knee surgurys).i never ran it but the size of this guy tells me it worked well for him that way

  6. #6
    4ius is also depends on your body weight....I know of a 270lbs IFBB who is on 9-12 ius a day....
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