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Thread: Mixing IGF w/ BW or BA????

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2003

    Mixing IGF w/ BW or BA????

    I have been SEARCHING threads all over and I remember one that JohnnyB did on mixing IGF. I have BW to mix my IGF w/ but I just ran across a thread that stated BA is what should be used. I was going to mix it so I would have 5ml w/ 1mg IGF, which would be 20mcg/.10ml... does that sound right? Also.. after mixing, keep in cool place... but how long does it last mixed?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    city of brotherly love
    i used REDBARONS method and it works like a charm
    88ius bw
    12ius sterile white vineger
    mixed per 100mcg

    NO BA

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