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Thread: Forearm feels like its going to snap w/ heavy weight

  1. #1

    Forearm feels like its going to snap w/ heavy weight

    When I do things like, barbell curls, when im doing them it has a pain, but when i put the bar down, it hurts a lot. Its towards the middle, sitting here typing this I can still feel them from a workout about 4 hours ago. I am on dbol 50mg daily, on the 3rd week. You think this is why im having this? Also on tren/test. Anything to stop the feeling?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    North Charlotte
    two kinds of pain, hurtin pain and pain from a good workout... know the diff, and dont do what causes actual pain..

  3. #3
    ok its deff hurting pain, my forearms arent being pumped. They feel like there bending then when i put the weight down they bend back and it hurts.

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