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Thread: job as police officer

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    job as police officer

    was thinking about going through the process to become an officer in my town.. just wondering if they test for juice or just the stuff like pot.. anyone with experience please let me know..

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Canada, Eh
    My best friend just became a cop, he had to do a drug test (urine) as well as a polygraph for various things, apparently it can come up in the poly questions (aas) if its obvious, hes natty though.

  3. #3
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    It will come up. The polygraph test will ask you to detail any illegal activites you have been involved with, etc.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Depends on what town you are in they all do it differently. For example Some take hair samples other don't, some do blood, some do urine, some do both, most do polygraphs some don't. My buddy is a cop in Cook county in chicago he has done just about every drug under the sun and is clean now and he told me(because I'm thinkin about being a cop) they don't do polygraphs because it would devastate their applicant pool, no one in their right mind wants to work there so they will take anyone they can get.

  5. #5
    It will come out on the polygraph but you need to upfront with them. Just be upfront with them on what you have done they know we are not perfect. Well some of us. hehe. Good luck. HB2

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by hockeybabe2
    It will come out on the polygraph but you need to upfront with them. Just be upfront with them on what you have done they know we are not perfect. Well some of us. hehe. Good luck. HB2

    I wouldnt go by that advice. Lie, lie and lie some more. The moment you say a truth they dont like youre out. My friend said he had done weed before and he was immeidately out during the polygraph. This is in spite of the tester saying to be completely honest and not to worry he cannot get into any trouble. If he had lied and failed the polygraph he would have still been in. Polygraph tests are absolutely worthless, 90% of the time they dont tell crap. They are very subjective so the PD usually doesnt give them much credence. To sum up my advice, lie your ass off.

  7. #7
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    North Charlotte
    Quote Originally Posted by MASStermind
    I wouldnt go by that advice. Lie, lie and lie some more. The moment you say a truth they dont like youre out. My friend said he had done weed before and he was immeidately out during the polygraph. This is in spite of the tester saying to be completely honest and not to worry he cannot get into any trouble. If he had lied and failed the polygraph he would have still been in. Polygraph tests are absolutely worthless, 90% of the time they dont tell crap. They are very subjective so the PD usually doesnt give them much credence. To sum up my advice, lie your ass off.
    and as soon as you show up for lying you wont ever be able to reapply, the bottom line is this, u work in some hick town for 8bucks an hr, the proly dont care if your a pothead, u work somewhere that pays, and pays enough to get by on, then you will be tested. chances are, if you are worried about testin for pot, you wont be a cop, bc you have to pic a side, loser or asshole who arrests losers.

  8. #8
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    ridin dirty
    Quote Originally Posted by Decadbal
    and as soon as you show up for lying you wont ever be able to reapply, the bottom line is this, u work in some hick town for 8bucks an hr, the proly dont care if your a pothead, u work somewhere that pays, and pays enough to get by on, then you will be tested. chances are, if you are worried about testin for pot, you wont be a cop, bc you have to pic a side, loser or asshole who arrests losers.

    hmmm, i'll soon be taking many tests for police departments, do you think i should just be honest and tell them i experimented with AS?

  9. #9
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    Oct 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by 1badcamaro
    hmmm, i'll soon be taking many tests for police departments, do you think i should just be honest and tell them i experimented with AS?
    I don't think telling them about your experimentation will help you in any way. You will asked questions by a group of people for you oral interview but not all of them are police men it will be a group put together by the city and they vote on and discuss applicants. You admit that you used and someone else didn't and you're out the door.

  10. #10
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    In the ghetto
    Quote Originally Posted by 1badcamaro
    hmmm, i'll soon be taking many tests for police departments, do you think i should just be honest and tell them i experimented with AS?

    Since you ask that question let me pose back a question to make you think and answer the question yourself. If you took AS or Weed or anydrug for that matter in the past, and it is undetectable in your system right now. What exactly do you have to gain by telling the truth? Then flip it over, what do you have to gain by lying? Then once you write those two answers down compare them and you will have your answer.

  11. #11
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    North Charlotte
    i havnt ever had them ask about aas, only rec drugs, so dont bring it up less they do. as far as rec drugs, you will have to poly so dont lie, any retard who does, wont have ajob, less u work in mayberry with andy. tellin someone to lie is just screwin them over in the job run so stop. as a cop they want you to be honest, they know almost everyone has smoked weed, and maybe more, so if u havnt in the last 2 years chances are they wont care.. so dont lie, and dont bring up aas.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    ridin dirty
    guys i'm not talkin about the oral interview, i'm talkin about the polygraph, they're gonna ask about illegal drug activity, ie--steroids.......i need to admit it on there dont you think?

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    North Charlotte
    yes, dont lie period...

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    ridin dirty
    Quote Originally Posted by Decadbal
    yes, dont lie period...
    i really hope my honesty duznt phuck me. I'll just say i experimented with them and we'll see what happens

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    North Charlotte
    chances are super high they wont ask..

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    Warren, MI
    do they do the polygraph for all areas of law? i'm 75% through applying be a Deputy at the county prison and it mentions a drug test but nothing about a poly

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    North Charlotte
    just about all major law enfo. agencies do... some dont, smaller towns and so on dont.. it will tell on the app package what all they do

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by D-END
    Depends on what town you are in they all do it differently. For example Some take hair samples other don't, some do blood, some do urine, some do both, most do polygraphs some don't. My buddy is a cop in Cook county in chicago he has done just about every drug under the sun and is clean now and he told me(because I'm thinkin about being a cop) they don't do polygraphs because it would devastate their applicant pool, no one in their right mind wants to work there so they will take anyone they can get.
    Im from Chicago as well. I have family who are cops. For the police test I think they just do urine tests and maybe a blood test. Not because doing the polygraph would devastate applicants but simply because there is no need and cost to much to do. FBI DEA CIA... etc. do every test from multiple polygraphs to testing you hair. But for the police you should have no problem although I would definately suggest staying away from everything including beer for a while.

    Not to flame at all.... but there is a one to two year + wait to get on Chicago's police department. They are pretty selective in who they take. Although I do agree with D-END noone in the right mind would want to work for chicago it would be for other reasons such as having to stay in chicago and not move to the suburbs and plus some of the suburbs pay close to a 100 grand a year where as chicago is much less.

  19. #19
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    Strong Island, NY
    They only test for Rec drugs, whether they do a hair, urine, or blood test. And please dont sweat the Polygraph, that thing is a piece of vodoo science S-hit. It is absolutely beatable. Certain members of the military, (Pilots, special ops, and others with security clearence) are put though a course where they are taught how to manipulate and beat the poly graph. So, it is obviously flawed. There is reason why it is not addmissable in court as evidence.
    this web site sells a step by step manual, written by a former Poly graph tester, that tells you step by step how to beat it.

  20. #20
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    Strong Island, NY
    Quote Originally Posted by 1badcamaro
    i really hope my honesty duznt phuck me. I'll just say i experimented with them and we'll see what happens
    Dear God no. I have been though Police Screening, I'm getting hired VERY soon. No offence, but don't listen to Decadbol on this one. Never honestly admit to drugs, Christ dont even tell them you drink. Here is the general rule with "honesty" reguarding Police interviews for employment. If there is no offical record of something happening(i.e you were never arrested for, or summonesed, or ticketed for the situation in question) then it NEVER happened. If you smoked a pound of weed a day for 10 years, but never got caught, guess what; you NEVER SMOKED WEED EVER IN YOUR LIFE!. Any one that tells you that honesty is the best Policy when applying for Police jobs, Is either a boy scout that never did anything while they were young, or have no clue what they are talking about. An open admission to drug use, even if it was a long time, generaly is an automatic disqualification. It's all a game, and they may suspect that you're full of B/S, but if there is no proof of it otherwise, they must take you at your word.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnDoe1234
    Dear God no. I have been though Police Screening, I'm getting hired VERY soon. No offence, but don't listen to Decadbol on this one. Never honestly admit to drugs, Christ dont even tell them you drink. Here is the general rule with "honesty" reguarding Police interviews for employment. If there is no offical record of something happening(i.e you were never arrested for, or summonesed, or ticketed for the situation in question) then it NEVER happened. If you smoked a pound of weed a day for 10 years, but never got caught, guess what; you NEVER SMOKED WEED EVER IN YOUR LIFE!. Any one that tells you that honesty is the best Policy when applying for Police jobs, Is either a boy scout that never did anything while they were young, or have no clue what they are talking about. An open admission to drug use, even if it was a long time, generaly is an automatic disqualification. It's all a game, and they may suspect that you're full of B/S, but if there is no proof of it otherwise, they must take you at your word.
    where are you workin in NY, bc i was accepted to several extremly hard openings in state patrol, us marshalls and settle on a major department in atlanta and told each of them the truth...

  22. #22
    Join Date
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    ridin dirty
    Quote Originally Posted by JohnDoe1234
    Dear God no. I have been though Police Screening, I'm getting hired VERY soon. No offence, but don't listen to Decadbol on this one. Never honestly admit to drugs, Christ dont even tell them you drink. Here is the general rule with "honesty" reguarding Police interviews for employment. If there is no offical record of something happening(i.e you were never arrested for, or summonesed, or ticketed for the situation in question) then it NEVER happened. If you smoked a pound of weed a day for 10 years, but never got caught, guess what; you NEVER SMOKED WEED EVER IN YOUR LIFE!. Any one that tells you that honesty is the best Policy when applying for Police jobs, Is either a boy scout that never did anything while they were young, or have no clue what they are talking about. An open admission to drug use, even if it was a long time, generaly is an automatic disqualification. It's all a game, and they may suspect that you're full of B/S, but if there is no proof of it otherwise, they must take you at your word.
    bro, we're not talkin about interviews, we're talkin polygraphing here. I know that duznt stand up in court or anything but if it shows i fail then they are no questions asked not going to hire me.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1badcamaro
    guys i'm not talkin about the oral interview, i'm talkin about the polygraph, they're gonna ask about illegal drug activity, ie--steroids.......i need to admit it on there dont you think?
    NO you shouldn't admit anything during the poly before or after. Seeing that the government has enter into a "war on steroids", I don't think the best thing out of your mouth would be I experimented with aas, do the math. One of my co-workers failed a polygraph and they let him retake it. They know how nerve racking it is so if you are a good guy they will be a little less hard on you.
    Last edited by D-END; 11-01-2004 at 08:22 PM.

  24. #24
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    Strong Island, NY
    Quote Originally Posted by Decadbal
    where are you workin in NY, bc i was accepted to several extremly hard openings in state patrol, us marshalls and settle on a major department in atlanta and told each of them the truth...
    For security reasons, I will not say where exactly; but If you use your imagaination you will get it. Aso, how much and what kind of "truth" did you give them?. I learned my lessons the hard way, I gave them the truth, and I got screwed beyond words. i had to go for re-evalutions,second interviews, faced disqualification and eveything. I ultimately came out on top, but not before I took alot of S-hit. I could have saved my self a world of touble if I hadn't mentioned alot of things. I found it frustrating because I thought they would take my honesty into consideration. But in the end that is not what they want, they have a list of answers that they do and dont want to hear.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1badcamaro
    bro, we're not talkin about interviews, we're talkin polygraphing here. I know that duznt stand up in court or anything but if it shows i fail then they are no questions asked not going to hire me.
    Again this web site will get you though the Poly graph. Also you should look at it like this, you are ****ed if you and ****ed if you don't. Tell the truth, and give the "wrong" answer, you still fail. Meaning that if you admit to something that they deem negative chracter trait, they wont hire you anyways. You dont get any brownie points for honesty with Police hiring. I know personally, and I have seen others get screwed for honesty. Like i said I had alot of problems because i was honest. I "won" eventually, but could have avioded much of it, had I just developed "amnesia" when questioned about certain things.

  26. #26
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    ridin dirty
    Quote Originally Posted by JohnDoe1234
    Again this web site will get you though the Poly graph. Also you should look at it like this, you are ****ed if you and ****ed if you don't. Tell the truth, and give the "wrong" answer, you still fail. Meaning that if you admit to something that they deem negative chracter trait, they wont hire you anyways. You dont get any brownie points for honesty with Police hiring. I know personally, and I have seen others get screwed for honesty. Like i said I had alot of problems because i was honest. I "won" eventually, but could have avioded much of it, had I just developed "amnesia" when questioned about certain things.

    yea i'd like to try the book but from experience with things like this its probably a scam. I mean how can a book help your blood pressue not raise and do whatever else the polygraph tests. It is only 20 bucks and supposedly you get your money back so i may think about it but i've got my doubts on it. Do you know ppl that have tried it personally?

  27. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by MASStermind
    I wouldnt go by that advice. Lie, lie and lie some more. The moment you say a truth they dont like youre out. My friend said he had done weed before and he was immeidately out during the polygraph. This is in spite of the tester saying to be completely honest and not to worry he cannot get into any trouble. If he had lied and failed the polygraph he would have still been in. Polygraph tests are absolutely worthless, 90% of the time they dont tell crap. They are very subjective so the PD usually doesnt give them much credence. To sum up my advice, lie your ass off.
    No I`m not lying about this. I told the truth and I am one of them. If you lie you won`t make it. SO NO I`m not full of crap thanks. As long as you are not doing it now it is good for them. They will also ask then how long it has been. Good luck. HB2

  28. #28
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    ridin dirty
    well today will complete a ful 10 weeks and its going to be my last shot. My tests that i really care about (actually want the job) are not until january. that is only the written and physical tests though. Polygraphs would then not be for probably a couple months down the road which would give me abour 5-6 months of being clean. Hopefully i pass, right now im' leaning towards just being honest.

    I also had this question, when they ask and i tell them steroids, could i just say something like stuff they sell at gnc that has now been banned was what i was on, or r they going to see right through that as well?

  29. #29
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    Oct 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Decadbal
    just about all major law enfo. agencies do... some dont, smaller towns and so on dont.. it will tell on the app package what all they do
    Actually small towns do use the polygraph. We had two candidates dismissed for failing the poly.
    1. Once a cheat always a cheat!
    2. YES, SHE can get pregnant the first time!
    3. NO, PULLING out IS NOT a RELIABLE method of Birth Control. DAMMMMIT..... Wrap that shyte UP!!

    Women over 30 are dignified. They seldom have a screaming match with you at the opera or in the middle of an expensive restaurant. Of course, if you deserve it, they won't hesitate to shoot you, if they think they can get away with it.

    For all those men who say, "Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free". Here's an update for you. Nowadays 80% of women are against marriage, why? Because women realize it's not worth buying an entire Pig, just to get a little sausage.

    What the mind can conceive....the body will achieve!

  30. #30
    Join Date
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    ridin dirty
    Quote Originally Posted by Commando_Barbi
    Actually small towns do use the polygraph. We had two candidates dismissed for failing the poly.
    yea i actually heard its the really big departments that may not use it because its so expensive. My buddy said chicago wasnt having a poly exam.

    anyone think that book is worth the $20? Or that it couldnt hurt at least?

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Bump for update.......... I'm curious to know what happened.

  32. #32
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    Apr 2004
    Im going to be dealing with this same thing in about 1 year, because i have a year and a half left on my CJ degree............and ill tell you what, im about to do a cycle, and you bet your ass im gonna be honest about it. I have never smoked weed in my life, never done any drugs, etc, but ill tell em straight up if they ask, yes, i did experiment with AS.

    Oh, and when they ask "have you done any illegal drugs", thats followed by "INCULDING, marijuana, steroids, and taking medication without a prescription"...

    I wanna know what happened too

  33. #33
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by MMA
    not meant as a flame, but this is important for this man's future, so don't answer like you know for sure, unless you do know for sure.

    first off, in this country, every department has their own policies and procedures, so anyone giving a blanket advice without knowing his department is talking out of their ass already.

    you may know your local departments policy backwards and forwards, but your advice could still get him screwed.

    polygaphs can be beaten, research it. one reason they're not admissible in court.

    admitting to a disqualifying situation WILL get you disqualified. lying about something they have on record will get you disqualified too. you can get a surprising amount of info just callin up (anonymously) and asking what the policy is.

    example of drug policy from my brothers police dept.

    multiple piss tests b4 and during academy. just for common rec drugs, but a random 1% get tested for all kinds of things. after you're on, once a year hair sample testing fro common rec drugs. but there is also "probable cause" drug testing, meaning if u suddenly gain 20 shredded pounds and a bunch of internal affairs complaints, your boss can test u for whatever.


    He could not have said it better. Varies from dept. to dept.

  34. #34
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hedzilla
    He could not have said it better. Varies from dept. to dept.
    Agreed. Definitely the best advice yet.

  35. #35
    Join Date
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    Skip the police job become a real man and become a firefighter, actually it's great because I can visit my favorite web sites, workout, watch movies and play xbox all while getting paid.

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by groverman1
    Skip the police job become a real man and become a firefighter, actually it's great because I can visit my favorite web sites, workout, watch movies and play xbox all while getting paid.
    its great isnt it

    i may end up doing both, already FFE

    IMO, tell the truth. where im at, they look for honesty, not your past (to a point). youll have to find out what they are looking for though

  37. #37
    Join Date
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    United States
    One of our departments investigators flat out told me that he took roids in college and lied on the polygraph. Hence he got hired.

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aboot
    It will come up. The polygraph test will ask you to detail any illegal activites you have been involved with, etc.
    I thought the polygraph only worked on yes or no questions?! How could work for telling details of illegal activity?

  39. #39
    polygraphs can only read bodlie sighns like heart rate, sweat, pulse, ecc. it is not a mind reader. Go to and down load the free book that tells you how to beat a polygraph. Trust me from personal experance that it works, don;t be affriad to lie.

  40. #40
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    Mar 2004
    I just went through the entire Hiring process with the local police Dept. I made it through the urine screen, interview, and was told I had the job. Pending the Poly. I was asked on the poly about roids specifically. I was completly honest on everything that I have ever done.. needless to say I did not get the job do to my drug use.. they told me to come back in a year or so and try again.. I was told that if there is any sort of use within the past 5 years then you dont get hired.. I talked to some of my other cop friends and they all lied thier asses off on the poly.. They had to take it 2 and 3 times BUT they stuck with thier guns and got hired.. I mean there is a reason that they dont use it in court..
    I have since changed my carreer path..
    oh yeah.. I had just gotten out of the ARMY as a military police officer and was all trained and ready to go.. I was highly recomended from another station.. and my father works on the force along with many numbers of friends.. So i thought I had it in the bag..

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