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Lets drop the moral arguments and speculation, ok guys?
Ecstacy (MDMA), with regards to bodybuilding goals, will probably not do much damage to you. It is primarily a seritonergic (5-HTergic) drug.
MDMA blocks the reuptake of 5-HT, similarly to any SSRI (serotonin specific reuptake inhibiting) anti-depressant: fluoxetine (Prozac), sertraline, and paroxetine are some examples. In contrast, however, MDMA appears to enter the neuron, either through passive diffusion or directly through the reuptake transporter, and causes the release of 5-HT (alot of people take 5-HTP before and after they use MDMA for this reason).
A good reference point is that MDMA acts on 5-HT similarly to the way amphetamines act on dopamine; i.e. by inhibiting the reuptake and causing the release of 5-HT. This effect is somewhat similar to the effect that SSRI anti-depressant drugs have. It also effects the 5-HT2 (psychedelic) and alpha-2 adrenergic receptors (this should look familiar to people who enjoy their clen/ECA type fat-burners). Ecstacy's effects on dopamine are correlated strongly with its neurotoxicity and psychological effects.
"Pre-loading" (taking before certain stuff before you roll) like anti-oxidants, anti-dopaminergic agents, and agents which block intracellular calcium increases and "pre- and/ or post- treatment "(either right before ingestion or up to 6 hours after) with fluoxetine all block MDMA's neurotoxicity.
Dehydration and very elevated body temperature is a definate concern due to tha stimulation of those adrenorecptors.
None of this is particularly devastating to bodybuilding goals, especially if a pre-and-post-loading protocol is followed. It's even less calories than drinking.
As another side-note, steroids (test and deca at least...but possibly all test-derived and 19-nor steroids) have a neuroprotective effect with regards to alcohol, so that would probably hold true for MDMA (i.e. if you are using steroids, alcohol will less neurotoxic effects on you*...thats probably similar with regards to MDMA).
Rattray-M. "Ecstasy: towards an understanding of the biochemical basis of the actions of MDMA." Essays in Biochemistry. 26:77-87. 1991.
*I've already referenced a study on steroids neuroprotective effect regarding alcohol in another post, if you are interested: do a search if you really wanna see it...