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Thread: If Superman was real he would be skinny

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Tropical England

    If Superman was real he would be skinny

    I mean lets face it. If you can pick up a car, fly into the sun and defeat doomsday then going to the gym and putting up as much weight as the bar can hold isnt exactly gonna be hard. Nothing will really be heavy so the guy wouldnt really grow any larger then he was predisposed to be. So if hes supposed to look like us humans he'd be a skinny bloke probably. And even if he did find some way of training, like say squatting with an ocean liner on his back, hes only going to develop a physique totally out of balance. I mean what can he do for his hamstrings? Hed blatantly always be pulling a hammy!

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Could be.......the grvitational pull of his home planet was far greater then ours. Hence, whenn he came here is muscles will lift for more than we can. If you were born on Jupiter than came to earth you'd be a strong mofo....for how long I'm not sure but you would be a strong bastard for a while. Being born there would be the rough part......go there now and you'd be as flat as a pancake due to the gravity.

  3. #3
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    Somebody needs to get out more!

  4. #4
    Carlos_E's Avatar
    Carlos_E is offline National Level Bodybuilder/Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    Quote Originally Posted by Prime
    I mean lets face it. If you can pick up a car, fly into the sun and defeat doomsday then going to the gym and putting up as much weight as the bar can hold isnt exactly gonna be hard. Nothing will really be heavy so the guy wouldnt really grow any larger then he was predisposed to be. So if hes supposed to look like us humans he'd be a skinny bloke probably. And even if he did find some way of training, like say squatting with an ocean liner on his back, hes only going to develop a physique totally out of balance. I mean what can he do for his hamstrings? Hed blatantly always be pulling a hammy!
    *Carlos_E slips into geek mode*

    Kryptonians are genetically superior to humans. Kryptonians perfected genetic engineering and are a genetically engineered race so men are most likely engineered to appear muscular.

    Theres your answer.

  5. #5
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    Tropical England
    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E
    *Carlos_E slips into geek mode*

    Kryptonians are genetically superior to humans. Kryptonians perfected genetic engineering and are a genetically engineered race so men are most likely engineered to appear muscular.

    Theres your answer.
    if the kryptonians are such great geneticists then explain doomsday. Surely it would have been easier just to make him rather then try and force evolution I think you overestimate the Kryptonians ability.

  6. #6
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    Lets see.........................Ruben goes into Trekkie mode............

    According to my tricorder...opps wrong movie. I think that it was our sun that made him more powerful because of its properties compared to the Kryptonian sun. It gives him like a never-ending pump. Thats the way that the DC (detective comics) explained it as well as the original movie..........Dam that S*** is old. Ok I feel Dorky and old now for knowing that. ha ha ha ha!


  7. #7
    Carlos_E's Avatar
    Carlos_E is offline National Level Bodybuilder/Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    Quote Originally Posted by Prime
    if the kryptonians are such great geneticists then explain doomsday. Surely it would have been easier just to make him rather then try and force evolution I think you overestimate the Kryptonians ability.
    Doomsday was a biological weapon made by an alien who had landed on Krypton hundreds of thousands of years ago.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    HOT ****!! We got a Geek battle goin on here now. Hit it you geekers!!!! hahahahahaha

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E
    Doomsday was a biological weapon made by an alien who had landed on Krypton hundreds of thousands of years ago.
    The way i saw it doomsday was created by the Kryptonians, There may of been an alien involved, that does ring some bells, but they were still incredibly advanced then anyway, and involved in the process. In the comics hes big because its popular. If you look at the original ones he wasnt big at all, just kinda stocky.

  10. #10
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    Dam Carlos, you're SUPER DORK!! Bet you still read the comics as you are drinking protien shakes.

  11. #11
    Carlos_E's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BIG R
    Dam Carlos, you're SUPER DORK!! Bet you still read the comics as you are drinking protien shakes.
    I pick up my comics every Wednesday when they ship thank you very much!

  12. #12
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    Tropical England
    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E
    I pick up my comics every Wednesday when they ship thank you very much!
    do you like Frank millers stuff? I think the Sin City series was amazing, and i liked what he did with batman in the dark knight returns.

  13. #13
    Carlos_E's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Prime
    do you like Frank millers stuff? I think the Sin City series was amazing, and i liked what he did with batman in the dark knight returns.
    I really don't know his work. I collect more Marvel titles than DC. DC is basically Green Lantern, JLA, Outsiders, Teen Titans, Superman/Batman.

    Do you read Authority?

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E
    I really don't know his work. I collect more Marvel titles than DC. DC is basically Green Lantern, JLA, Outsiders, Teen Titans, Superman/Batman.

    Do you read Authority?
    nope. If im honest i stopped reading after my local comic book shop cancelled my standing order twice and i got pissed off. Once i get some money ill be able to get back into them again. Is Authority a new company/title .
    I was a big fan of the classic X-men. I have the first appearance of juggernaught, the issue where mimic loses his powers fighting the super adaptoid. Couple of others too. I got one autographed from Stan lee, several autographed from artists inkers etc. Got the first 20 issues of the new mutants (they became x-factor). The first appearance of Gambit in X-men. First issue of Alpha flight. A flash vs superman from the mid 60's. Almost got my hands on a first issue of daredevil but i couldnt afford it.
    Millers work in sin city is just awesome. Probably on of the best comics i have ever read. Everything from the artwork to the story is pure class, i highly reccomend it.

  15. #15
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    North Charlotte
    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E
    *Carlos_E slips into geek mode*

    Kryptonians are genetically superior to humans. Kryptonians perfected genetic engineering and are a genetically engineered race so men are most likely engineered to appear muscular.

    Theres your answer.
    by whose standerds tho,ours of

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E
    I really don't know his work. I collect more Marvel titles than DC. DC is basically Green Lantern, JLA, Outsiders, Teen Titans, Superman/Batman.

    Do you read Authority?
    What's Authority?

    I've got a butt load of comics....a lot of Dark Horse, DC and Marvel.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jun 2002

    Question What???

    Quote Originally Posted by Juggernaut
    What's Authority?

    I've got a butt load of comics....a lot of Dark Horse, DC and Marvel.

    Let me get this straight......"And we are the Geekers?"


    X-Men Rule,


  18. #18
    Carlos_E's Avatar
    Carlos_E is offline National Level Bodybuilder/Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    Quote Originally Posted by Prime
    nope. If im honest i stopped reading after my local comic book shop cancelled my standing order twice and i got pissed off. Once i get some money ill be able to get back into them again. Is Authority a new company/title .
    Quote Originally Posted by Juggernaut
    What's Authority?
    A couple reviews of Authority:

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