So Prime's post has inspired me. Think about it. The man has a metal skeleton. Plus his superpower is super-accelerated healing. He could kill himself in the gym set after set and be healed almost instantly. Think of the potential. Mark
So Prime's post has inspired me. Think about it. The man has a metal skeleton. Plus his superpower is super-accelerated healing. He could kill himself in the gym set after set and be healed almost instantly. Think of the potential. Mark
Bro no way. Thor! With the Infinity Gauntlet. werd.
You mean the one with the most BACK HAIR!!!
Wrong. Wolverine is short like 5'3" and not big at all. He would make a horrible bbder.Originally Posted by mfenske
If you want to stick to the X-Men pick someone like Colossus.
Height: (normal) 6 ft. 6 in. (armored) 7 ft. 5 in.
Weight: (normal) 250 lbs. (armored) 500 lbs.
Strength Level: In his normal human form Peter Rasputin possesses the normal human strength of a man of his age, height, and build who engages in intensive regular exercise. As Colossus he can left (press) at least 70 tons under optimal conditions.
with his armor he is good, but if i put on his armor i could press probably 50 tons, its like having a bench shirt...u can lift alot more but it really isnt legitimateOriginally Posted by Carlos_E
His lower back and hammies suck. Reminds me of Gunter in a way. Thor baby.Originally Posted by Carlos_E
I think the original point was that wolverines recovery ability is so immense that he could workout twice as much as coleman and grow like no other.
Is is just me or did anyone else realize that wolverine is a comic book character and the possibility of him winning mr. O is zero since he is not real.
how about incredible hulk...i think hes got a pretty good build, dont ya think?
How about goku or vegeta from dragonball. They are pretty symetrical and buff. Never thought about the legs though.
Goku when super sayian 3 is one buff mother****er.
Bingo! MarkOriginally Posted by johan
mfenske! Your my boy! I have often thought about this as well! Wolvie would definetely destroy anybody builder ever, EVEN COLEMAN.
So what if he's short! So is Priest! And wolverine could literally get 5 times bigger than priest. Hell, he could get bigger than that. His growth potntial is unlimites really. He could theoretically ballon up to 1000 pounds with less than 0.3% percent body fat! Heck he could prolly even do it on 2500 cals a day too!
Sure, he might be stumpy, but that might not necessarilly mean unproportionate. Hell, he has the potentail to be the most proportioned bodybuilder ever, because his results are so fast and immediate, he could literally pick and choose what body parts need more growth on and boom, they grow. He could keep tabs on everypart and tweak everything so perfect like he was trimming a bonzai tree.
And he'd pass the drug test, EVERTIME.
Even the draw backs are slight.
The only draw backs are this: His muscles could grow so fast that his tendons might snap of the bone, in which case he would have to stop lifting for a day after the surgery to reatach it. So worst case scenrio is he has to lose a few days her and there to recover from surgery. But that would only be on complete tears, partial tears could heal in several minutes.
He may get too big to move, but then agian his heart might just adapt to it an get huge as well.
Other than that, he's unstopable.
Coleman would be his bitch!
He'd be like "See! A white boy hick like me can win the Mr. Olympia bub! HA!"
Im sorry but you are all forgetting the awesome V-taper and muscularity of PRIME!!
yeaah, he's great, but he can't get any bigger. mAYBE a few pounds.
Wolverine however CAN.
That's what I was getting at. As I understand bodybuilding it's recovery that builds muscle and no one is better at recovery. I know it's just fictional and all but it'd be cool. MarkOriginally Posted by AnabolicBoy1981
I understand, but Prime would still win as his body is just a manefestation of his subconcious created throught the genetic tampering of a crazed millitary scientist. He only has to desire to get bigger and he gets bigger. Who needs to exercise! But yeah being wolverine would be awesome.Originally Posted by mfenske
the tick would eat them all
Level 4 super sayian fusion with goku and vegeta! Now that was huge and ripped! LOL could have used a shave though.Originally Posted by johan
ya but the problem with wolverine is that he has such a low genetic set point. he might have some potential ounce you stick him in the ass with some test
Originally Posted by IronReload04
Sabertooth is roughly 6'6 - he also has an adamantium skeleton and an identical healing factor... he'd be a better body builder than wolverine
The Hulk all the way, he's a freak. Didn't you guys see the movie everytime he got shot by something he got bigger and stronger....he broke a dogs jaw by flexing his trap for god shake...the hulk all the way.Originally Posted by bigrob33
if your picking xmen, dont you all remeber beast? hes already built
yeah if you shave that hairy blue thing he would probably be pretty cut up.Originally Posted by Billy_Bathgate
I'd have to go with Collasus or Juggernaut.....maybe even Thing.
The Hulk!!!!!!!!!
The Hulk is a beast , so is Thor .
Sabertooth has an adamantium skeleton?Originally Posted by Gorgoroth_
Originally Posted by IronReload04
SAY WHAT????? Low genetic set point? The man can grow indefinetly. How is that low.
Originally Posted by Gorgoroth_
Your right! Dam. I totally forgot about Sabetooth! He would be he ultimate BB. Only because he is taller and has the frame to look more proportionata at 1000lbs than the 5'5" wolverine.
But yes, his recovery ability is the same.
Good post!
Yes, he got it recently. His claws/nails are adamantium to.Originally Posted by big k.l.g
tyOriginally Posted by AnabolicBoy1981
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