I want to use this product. I would like to know if the effect are good really... if it can have a profit of muscular mass with the product. as must uses it?
I want to use this product. I would like to know if the effect are good really... if it can have a profit of muscular mass with the product. as must uses it?
m1t is junk. i tried it and all i got was really bad acne
It sucks, I lost like 15 pounds on the ****
I used M1T with great success. I used it for about 4 weeks and loved it. I'd compare my vascularity to eq or tren. As for the other bros who didn't like it, that sucks. I used M1T with 300mg test cyp e3d, and I'd say I gained about 5lbs while using the M1T. Hard and lean mass was what I got with it. Some like to compare it to dbol, but I wouldn't. Kinda like a weak, oral tren. F'ed up aggression, strength through the roof, and veiny like I had pipes running through my arms, yeah, I'd compare it to an oral tren, if there was such a thing. Keep the diet tight. M1T is known to cause lethargy and it can also hinder your appetite as well. I was also shooting 1000mcg b-12 ed to combat the lethargy and appetite suppression. If you start to feel similar symptoms, I'd reccomend doing the same. Just my .02, though.
For those of you who say m1t is crap you must have done somethin wrong...acne???? HAHA
I used M1t for 4 wks and did gain 12lbs and some stength but lethargy was terrible and suffered loss of sex drive, also some acne. Not worth the sides for the gaines IMO!
I did m1t for 2 separate 4 week cycles. First cycle went great, I kept about 7 pounds of mass, lethargy was the only problem I really had. Second cycle was not as good. My gains were minimum and the thing that really turned me away was the knee problems. I got to the point where I could barely walk, it just plain sucked. I don't know if others have the knee thing, but I sure as hell did. I guess if your low on cash you could go for it, if you have a little bit more try some 1-ad, it converts to 1-test and the sides are not as bad. Best of luck bro.
I ran 2 so called cycles of it. The first one was 3 weeks of 20mg per day. Didn't notice crap on that one. Did the second one with 30mg for 3 weeks...gained 12lbs. Noticed a slight increase in strength. I was eating like a mad man though. So, I attribute most of the gains to nutrition. It has the placebo effect on you if you really try! Came off the cycle and used Nolva and some 6-OXO I had and eventually dropped right back to my starting weight. And boy was I bloated on that ****! I was ready to wear sweatpants everyday!
My opinion on it...it's crap. If you are using it with AAS, you will not notice that the M1T did nothing for you. You will attribute gains to it. But that is the very last time I will use any PH or any other crap like that. None of that junk can come close to comparrison with AAS.
I just got off an M1T cycle 4days ago. I ran 15mgs ED for a month. I gained 13pounds and a ton of strength. So far I have kept all the weight. The pumps while on it were insane. However, this can cause many problems. After walking a few blocks my lower back and calfs would burn so bad sometimes I would have to sit down and take a break. The would become rock hard, and it hurt bad. Also had some great bicep workouts on this stuff.
Side effects for me were pretty bad: acne(nothing to bad): muscle pumps, lethargy was terrible on this stuff. I'm going to try another cycle but run some 4derm with it and see if that helps the sides
Originally Posted by ODC0717
it was probably the test bro.
i was also intrigued by this stuff, but i was a little confused about what it truly was. it is sold by the ar-r company so is it on par with their other liquid protects. or can i just goto a nutrition store near me and buy this.
Actually, no, it wan't. I know how I respond to test only cycles. On long esters it's mainly bloat and growth. On prop, it's no bloat and growth. I know 4 weeks of cyp isin't long enough to kick in, but in the 4 weeks I was using M1T, the results I got were very similar to eq and tren, just weaker, with a tad bit more sides. Now, after discontinuing the M1T, I got a little bloated, but not much and I was still as vascular as I was when on the M1T. It's the one the better legal products I've tried, but, now with the way the laws are with PH's, and such, it's easier, and cheaper do get AAS. Which freightens me. I bet we will see a lot more teenagers using AAS or considering AAS use because the supps they used to take are now CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES! It's like being caught with heroin or coke...Absolutley ridiculious.Originally Posted by flabbywussy
I want to use this product. I wait I obtained a great increase of weight and force... will be that I can use this together product with some cycle of winstrol?
Originally Posted by tigre_carioca
using M1t with winstrol is a very bad idea...both put a strain on your liver, could be dangerous.
he is better I to use alone it?
to have good results, I have that to use how many compressed per day and during how much time?
Yeah, winstrol and m1t would be a no no for the liver. I used m1t for 4 weeks at 30 mg a day. I got horrible headaches, it made me sick to my stomach and not able to eat right. I also got nose bleeds, but can't definatly say it was from the m1t, although I believe it was. M1t is definatly no good, its the side effects of juice with none of the rewards.
PM soldier of misfortune, hes running some right now
how I must use m1t?
do a search, theres a FAQ somewhere on here
it's freaking Nitol
M1T is good ****. i gained about 12lbs off of it and i stayed pretty pumped. but u need to keep your blood glucose in check. mine dropped one day and i had a seizure and dislocated my shoulder. So you really need to monitor your vitals my man.
which amount of tablets I have that to take per day ?
I can use for how much time m1t?
up up
Originally Posted by BeerBaron
the certainty is to use 30mg per day during 4 weeks?
I personaly tried 20mg for a couple days, but the sides were so bad I had to drop back down. But anywayz I think unless you weight 250+ 30mg ed is a very high dosage.
actully 30mg isnt that bad. i took it for 4 weeks at 30mg (weight175) and the sides wernt that bad. it just depends on the on the individual. altho i did have anger problems. Anyways Im Gonna Start My Deca Cycle next week and was wondering if i could stack M1T at 15mg with the first 4 weeks as a jump start?
Dude start with 15 mgs a day. Anymore and the sides will outweigh what benefits you get. That **** gave me the worst shoulder acne, sensitive nips (had to cover em with my hands in the shower till they were desensitised (luckily i had plenty of nolva and trib). My strength went up and weight did too but not worth it man. That stuff is side effects in a bottle!
I've been on for a week and love it. Sex drive is up. WIERD. Recommend it b4 you do a real test cycle.
Hell yeah dude, that stuff rocks. Im on my PCT now and keeping size and strength gains. Im doing another cycle next semester or summer. Make sure you keep your calories up and youll grow like a weed.
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