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Thread: Anabolic Steroid Act of 2004 - news

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2004

    Anabolic Steroid Act of 2004 - news

    The American Medical Association (AMA) and Council on Scientific Affairs (CSA) are the main culprits in this massive injustice to lifters/builders across the nation. The CSA and AMA used Report 9 (A-03) to justify this act, and what it now includes as illegal substances. The AMA used Report 9 - with the title of Hormone Abuse by Adolescents as the basis for the recommendation to Tommy Thompson (Secretary of Health and Human Services) who pushed this Act as a "important public health issue" and then continued to say that, "This is an important piece of legislature that represents a significant step foward as we work to protect our athletes, adolescents and children from the risks posed by anabolic steroids."

    The AMA used the following definition for steroid precursor in their recommendations for this new act - "when metabolized in the body, a steroid precursor produces testosterone." Not only is this completely false but it is more misleading to the not knowing. The correct definition of a steroid precursor is a substance that enables the enviroment (the Body) a higher possibiity to produce usable testosterone. A STEROID PRECURSOR DOES NOT PRODUCE TESTOSTERONE.

    The CSA did Report 9 based on 1970's - 2003's literature - (utilizing only a search on the following terms: adolescence / adolescent, student, athlete in combination with anabolic, steroid, dietary supplements, erythropoietin, growth hormone, prevalence, epidemiology, adverse effects, doping in sports and substance abuse detection) {You can see that the study was not intended for across the board results but only a specified area of interest - adolescence}

    While this could have easily been fixed by just making these substances not available to buy unless your 18 or older, they just took it among themselves to restrict everyones ability to make themselves a better, more physically fit individual. This is an injustice to the rights of all individuals. The government has not only put their foot in the door but now they are actually moved into your bed.

    While the country continues to fatten up, those of us that are dedicated lifters/builders have to pay yet again. First the banning of steroids on false claims of roid rage and the horrible effects from use, now the banning of steroid precursors - with miss-information and again horrible effects from use, whats next?????

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Puerto Rico
    Good Post, Bump

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2004

    New to this, but what is BUMP

    New to this, but what is BUMP

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by AKA
    New to this, but what is BUMP
    A "bump" is when someone replies to a thread solely to move it back up to the top of the list.

    How gay would that be if they banned all supplements, including protein? I would kill someone

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by AandF6969
    How gay would that be if they banned all supplements, including protein? I would kill someone
    People are a good source of protein.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Seriously tho... i can't imagine the complete banning of supplements.. is highly possible

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    lol yeah bro a pound of lean beef has 100g of protein...

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2004

    Thanks for the info about Bump

    I agree that the possibility of banning all supplements is slim (there would be to many problems from the general public) but, I do believe that there will be another round of banned substances with in the next year - most likely DHEA and a few of the new (balco type) steroids/supplements. You would think that since there is a war going on and also the epidemic of fat bodies in the U.S. that this would of been something that they wouldn't of done across the board and would have only singled out under 18r's. Seems like a freedom has been taken away from us without the peoples consent.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Heart of Dixie
    Quote Originally Posted by Narkissos
    Seriously tho... i can't imagine the complete banning of supplements.. is highly possible
    How does this effect you in Barbados? You're not a US territory are you? Just wandering if our goofy laws like this reach you as well?

    BTW - I don't know that protein will ever get banned, but I think creatine, NO2 and other supplements like them are next.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Toronto, Canada
    They can't ban protein, it's and whey is big money for the dairy industry anyway.

    They could do things like make certain vitamins by prescription only. (Most amino acids are prescription here in Canada)

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by AKA
    You would think that since there is a war going on and also the epidemic of fat bodies in the U.S. that this would of been something that they wouldn't of done across the board and would have only singled out under 18r's. Seems like a freedom has been taken away from us without the peoples consent.
    This is an excellent point. Across the board bans are flat out unjustified. Why hasn't alcohol or tobacco been banned "across the board"?

    Do you think there will be any chance of a revision wherein an age minimum would be imposed? An age minimum seems perfectly reasonable. JMO

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    30 some odd days left to purchase pro-hormones better stock up if that's what you like.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by BigAndy69
    They can't ban protein, it's and whey is big money for the dairy industry anyway.

    They could do things like make certain vitamins by prescription only. (Most amino acids are prescription here in Canada)
    Actually I understand protein powder is illegal in Thailand. But you can buy gear at the pharmacy! Go figure.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Notice to all, I have been doing non-stop research into the development and pushing of this control act. I have found out that Professional Baseball Lobbyists have had their greedy little hands (and wallets, I presume) in the creation and major push for this act. (My personal belief: this act will help level the playing field for baseball, since a majority of baseball players do not use steroids / precursors. Now with a more level playing field the betting spreads will increase and in turn more money to baseball due to closer games and a tighter race for the title. Funny, no ones even brought up the fact that 98% or more of all NFL players use steroids or precursors, why you ask?...since the majority use, theres already a level playing field, so why screw up a good thing.) I intend to fight this act with legal action with the high hopes of rescinding this act and even possibly rescinding the 1990 act. (According to what I have found out about the 1990 act, it looks like another complete injustice due to improper documentated sources, references and misleading information about the damaging effects of anabolic steroids and the possible danger to society by not scheduled them immediately. I have just begun the fight and I will keep all posted on upcoming finds.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by AKA
    Notice to all, I have been doing non-stop research into the development and pushing of this control act. I have found out that Professional Baseball Lobbyists have had their greedy little hands (and wallets, I presume) in the creation and major push for this act. (My personal belief: this act will help level the playing field for baseball, since a majority of baseball players do not use steroids / precursors. Now with a more level playing field the betting spreads will increase and in turn more money to baseball due to closer games and a tighter race for the title. Funny, no ones even brought up the fact that 98% or more of all NFL players use steroids or precursors, why you ask?...since the majority use, theres already a level playing field, so why screw up a good thing.) I intend to fight this act with legal action with the high hopes of rescinding this act and even possibly rescinding the 1990 act. (According to what I have found out about the 1990 act, it looks like another complete injustice due to improper documentated sources, references and misleading information about the damaging effects of anabolic steroids and the possible danger to society by not scheduled them immediately. I have just begun the fight and I will keep all posted on upcoming finds.
    hahahahahah.... are you for real bro. Where are you getting this bullshlt.

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