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Thread: pittbull on gear

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2004

    pittbull on gear

    i have a friend who feeds his pitt bull steroid chicken feed,now ive been around pitts my whole life and i never seen anything like this dog,his dog house is made old rail way ties and i consider myself a faily strong guy and i can barely budge this thing he is tied to it with a peice of boom chain,coming home from work yesterday he discovered his dog and dog house a block do0wn the road from his house.lil story fer ya. anyways has anyone heard of injectable steroids being used on dogs?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    grey hounds?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    pit bulls are jacked as they are but on some juice that would be one mean ****er.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2004
    FULLY NUDE!!! me!
    pits are known for their pulling power and tenacity at doing so. Usually they need to be egged on by "something" but the fact that the dog pulled that weight with a chain around its neck i'm assuming is whats impressive. In weight pulling contests they are fitted with a special harness to not choke em out or anything to that degree...but I'm sure you knew that.

    anyways, pits are really quite amazing animals. I have one laying on my feet right now....little focker always needs to be touchin ya love my dag!

    and in terms of injecting the dog with juice...I would seriously not bother, they are big enough if trained properly/fed well and dont need it. It will only shorten their life span imo.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by topher
    i have a friend who feeds his pitt bull steroid chicken feed,now ive been around pitts my whole life and i never seen anything like this dog,his dog house is made old rail way ties and i consider myself a faily strong guy and i can barely budge this thing he is tied to it with a peice of boom chain,coming home from work yesterday he discovered his dog and dog house a block do0wn the road from his house.lil story fer ya. anyways has anyone heard of injectable steroids being used on dogs?

    I am a big pitbull advocate. I have two both with some of the best bloodlines around. If you think bodybuilders and steroids have a bad wrap you should get involved in the pitbull world. I dont think your friend should put his dog on roids period. First of all they dont need it (if he has a good bloodline). An if that dog dig ever bite someone (even playing) he is going to have a major law suit.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Bay Area, Cali
    how a bout my two teacup chuchua i want to put them on juice lmfao they be riped taking pit bulls on lmfao

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    gator is the blood line of his dog and i dont agree with giving dogs steroids either. he and i were just amazed that he actually puled this thing but in no way was that his intention to get him to pull it especally without a proper harness i have a 5yr old red nose colbe myself and he beutiful hes about 55 lbs and ripped like mad.

  8. #8
    i think anyone who juices their dog is looking for trouble.
    anyone who is willing to juice their dog, think again as your gonna end up with a walking vet bill.
    i myself own a 5 year old male pitbull and i just hate it when i see people get these dogs and do stupid things to them as an extension of their ego.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    what other stupid things are talking about

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    my dog does not scratch and roll just because thats not what im into but i know people who do and i c nothing wrong with it pitts got mad game and thats what they live for is to fight other dogs its there nature. and the people i know who particapate in this would likely live out there tough guy fantacies on ur face pal fvcking bleeding heart homo fvck

  11. #11
    how old r u 12?
    its people like u who give pitbulls a bad name.
    and no pitbulls don't live to fight its retards like you and your friends who put them in these situations. yes they have been bred for gameness but at the same time its how u raise ur dog and what environment u put them in. u obviously don't know what ur talking about.
    this is just plain stupid.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by bgrisbtr
    how old r u 12?
    its people like u who give pitbulls a bad name.
    and no pitbulls don't live to fight its retards like you and your friends who put them in these situations. yes they have been bred for gameness but at the same time its how u raise ur dog and what environment u put them in. u obviously don't know what ur talking about.
    this is just plain stupid.

    That's right.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    im not saying that all pitts have to brought up in this enviroment these dogs that particatate in scratch and rolls r extra dangerous and r treated as such proper precautions r takien to make sure these dog dont cause havoc to the public. these dog s r the very affectionite towards humans but have enhanched aggresive tendencies towards other animals. some of the pitt blood have so much game inate in them that letting them fight other dogs in a controled enviroment is like a kid opening christmas presents for them they love it. pitts r such a loyal breed that its idiots that beat there dogs and the dog will just love the owner in return but the dog will learn aggresive behavior towards other people. the people i know who do this have not had any incedent to bring a bad name to the pitt bull breed. slow ur role pal

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    im not trying to be a tough guy just correcting u from creating a sterotype, i bet u take some fatty ****s outa that ass pipe u fvcking homo r u impling that one must be large to be a good fighter go swollow dick cheese ass fvcker

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Im a Masshole
    Quote Originally Posted by topher
    my dog does not scratch and roll just because thats not what im into but i know people who do and i c nothing wrong with it pitts got mad game and thats what they live for is to fight other dogs its there nature. and the people i know who particapate in this would likely live out there tough guy fantacies on ur face pal fvcking bleeding heart homo fvck
    i dont speak ebonix what did you say?

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Im a Masshole
    Quote Originally Posted by topher
    im not trying to be a tough guy just correcting u from creating a sterotype, i bet u take some fatty ****s outa that ass pipe u fvcking homo r u impling that one must be large to be a good fighter go swollow dick cheese ass fvcker
    tough guy say goodbye soon

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Now im pissed. Why dont you get in a cage and fight for your life? Pitbulls do not LOVE to bleed and die in a pit for your entertainment.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Not a well known name.
    Quote Originally Posted by bdtr
    Now im pissed. Why dont you get in a cage and fight for your life? Pitbulls do not LOVE to bleed and die in a pit for your entertainment.
    Exactly. Thank you.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Im a Masshole
    Quote Originally Posted by bdtr
    Now im pissed. Why dont you get in a cage and fight for your life? Pitbulls do not LOVE to bleed and die in a pit for your entertainment.
    thank you bdtr was waiting for ya to come along and ban this fool!

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    The DOJO
    D--N!!!! UH...OK

    How about.................HAPPY HOLIDAYS EVERYONE!!!!!

    PEACE YALL!!!!!!

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Thread should be locked.

  22. #22

    Angry Pitbull Terrier

    I absolutely love this pitbulls but I've become sick from how people destroyed this breed. I would love to go to the local shelter and rescue a puppy that will only be killed because of their breed, but being a homeowner the policy prohibits ownership.
    It's a shame, these are very loyal dogs that will go to any extent to please it's owner. It's just to bad that they are ruined by irresponsible owners. I'll bet if someone in the neighborhood seen that pitbull pulling the doghouse down the road, the police would have been called and it probably would have been shot right there. The police in my community have a green light to shoot a viscious animal, and that's what the whole breed is considered.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Chickens are given estrogens, not male hormones; to develop breast tissue. This is done of the form of pellets in the neck. The feed is clean due to regulations as far as I understand.

    Does his pit need a bra now?

    Quote Originally Posted by topher
    i have a friend who feeds his pitt bull steroid chicken feed,now ive been around pitts my whole life and i never seen anything like this dog,his dog house is made old rail way ties and i consider myself a faily strong guy and i can barely budge this thing he is tied to it with a peice of boom chain,coming home from work yesterday he discovered his dog and dog house a block do0wn the road from his house.lil story fer ya. anyways has anyone heard of injectable steroids being used on dogs?
    Last edited by odrorir; 12-19-2004 at 11:14 AM.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by MMA
    exactly the kind of dickhead we DON'T need on AR. thanks BDTR

    and anyone who fits there pitbulls shoud b put in the cage with a couple and c wut happens. then they can feel the pain the dogs do. dogs show nothing but love, why would u do that to them? and injecting them wit juice isnt right IMO either, it shortens there life and its just not good for them.

  25. #25
    I have a 6y.o. pit named makes me sick to think that people would watch a loyal/loving/friendly animal like him fight for his life for their entertainment.

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Anyone that mistreats any animal is a F****** loser. And prolly a wuss to top it all off. Id like to see someone hurt an animal in front of me i will shputgun his ****ing head off

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    I think its terrible that people would even consider giving an animal gear. It is a big decision to put yourself on gear let alone a poor dog who has no say in the matter. I have an English bull terrier and they also get bad press but he is the most loving dog. He does like banana flavout protein shake though!! As for people that fight there dogs, Why? if you like fighting do some bare knuckle or mixed martial arts yourself, no need to go hurting doggies.

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    I had a pitball that I bought from Hot Springs Ark. the family bloodline was used to hunt boars which I did not use her for that. It was the best dog I ever had and never had any problems with aggresion towards other people. The only thing she attacked was an old steel kirby vaccum that was whipped around like a rag doll. What an incredible animal I wonder what makes them so strong and muscular????? Compared to other dogs. The dooshbag that says these animals are made for fighting each other needs to grow up and stop watching WWF, F-ing waste of quality air.............

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    People now in days do anything for money. For sure making pitbulls fight is stupid. But hey what about K1 FIGHING.? its cool I love it. But then again its a fair thing. But really thinking about it, see the majority of people that make the dogs fight are simple airheads starting with this gentelmans thread. I mean by posting this thread you know what kind of person he is. But thats ok if he wont pay for it in this life he will in another THATS FOR SURE.
    Peace out

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Dec 2003

    Dogs on gear....

    People who fight dogs have been injecting dogs with steroids for many years. It makes the dogs more agressive and stronger.

    Quote Originally Posted by topher
    i have a friend who feeds his pitt bull steroid chicken feed,now ive been around pitts my whole life and i never seen anything like this dog,his dog house is made old rail way ties and i consider myself a faily strong guy and i can barely budge this thing he is tied to it with a peice of boom chain,coming home from work yesterday he discovered his dog and dog house a block do0wn the road from his house.lil story fer ya. anyways has anyone heard of injectable steroids being used on dogs?

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Vancouver, Canada
    As a side note, after reading this thread, i've noticed that the breed of preference for all the guys on here is the pitt--lol, figures...

    I have a pitt cross boxer as well. Seems he got the best of both worlds. Very gentle, but looks scary as hell. I live on acreage and the other day I took him for a walk in the back of the property. There were a couple of coyotes out there and when he spotted them his whole demeanour changed. I guess he felt threatened as he turned into one scary mofo. Arched his back, ears pointed straight in the air, wide stance, god **** I wish I had a camera. He stood between me and the coyotes--as if he was protecting me. He let out a couple of growls and the coyotes were long gone. Even after they left, he was circling me, ears cocked. He finally returned to his normal self when we got back tot he house--chasing birds, digging holes, and chewing on the fence. lol

  32. #32
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Injecting any dog with A.S. and fighting them for entertainment is sick and completely wrong but people have been known to do it.. Most people who are involved in this do it for personal gain. I have never been or would ever be a part of something inhumane just to set the record straight. Peace....

  33. #33
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Can you imagine what this dog can do to you on gear!!!!?? I mean it would be retarded to inject this dog with gear you might wake up with no arms and legs.

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