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Thread: Pics- 12 weeks from NPC Teen Metro's

  1. #1

    Pics- 12 weeks from NPC Teen Metro's

    these are pictures i took today at my gym...had absolutely no pump because it was 20 degrees in there. i'm 12 weeks away from the NPC New York Metro BB Championship, which will be my first competition.

    i'm 19, so i'll be in the teenage class.

    take a look at the pictures on the link below...leave a post if u can.

    215 lbs. in the pictures

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    You have a good base and 12 weeks to cut up for the show. Looking good and Good Luck!!!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    look good bro...plenty of time to really get shredded good luck.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    I think your strong point is your back the thickness goes all the way down to your hips, wish I had that. Pretty well porportioned all around. What are your measurements currently?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    nice wheels in the last pic, lookin good bro- keep it up!

  6. #6
    thanks answer beyonddriven,i think my measurements suck actually: my chest is alittle under 50", my quads around 26", calves 17.5", arms 19" pumped, waist went from 31" to 35" since i stopped doing cardio and abs.
    tommorow i will be meeting with Steve Michalik who i presume u all know...he will map out my entire dieting, training and supplements up until March 19.

    i'm hurtin' but i can't stop now...from all the heavy and hard lifting in the past few weeks, I herniated a disc in my spine and partially tore my rotator cuff, and i'm really gonna start to feel it now when I start dieting and training harder as I get closer.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by anteriordeltoid
    thanks answer beyonddriven,i think my measurements suck actually: my chest is alittle under 50", my quads around 26", calves 17.5", arms 19" pumped, waist went from 31" to 35" since i stopped doing cardio and abs.
    tommorow i will be meeting with Steve Michalik who i presume u all know...he will map out my entire dieting, training and supplements up until March 19.

    i'm hurtin' but i can't stop now...from all the heavy and hard lifting in the past few weeks, I herniated a disc in my spine and partially tore my rotator cuff, and i'm really gonna start to feel it now when I start dieting and training harder as I get closer.
    Remember dude, in bodybuilding it's not how big you are, it's how big you look. But geez man, good luck on the injury front. Don't cause yourself any long term damage.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Looking good...

  9. #9
    bro u look good for 19yearold man, u got very similar build to one of my good friends anyways good luck

  10. #10
    Carlos_E's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by anteriordeltoid
    i'm hurtin' but i can't stop now...from all the heavy and hard lifting in the past few weeks, I herniated a disc in my spine and partially tore my rotator cuff, and i'm really gonna start to feel it now when I start dieting and training harder as I get closer.
    Just be careful and try and train around it. Don't do anything that will hit the injured area directly. I tore my adductor 12 weeks out and sprained my ankle 6 weeks out. Trained legs and did cardio in an ankle brace from weeks 6-2. Physically therapy really helped me. I think you should try it.

  11. #11
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    Oct 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E
    Physically therapy really helped me. I think you should try it.
    tell me more about it man..

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Tropical England
    You look really good, and for 19 you look unbelievably big! Ive only ever read about Steve. I think id be scared to work with the guy. Im more of a 2 sets per exercice person. I dont think id like his way of training. Good luck, youre gonna need it!

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    looking thick bro...what happened to your 5 yr bulking plan you were preaching not too long ago

  14. #14
    devldog...the 5 year bulking plan will have to take a break for 12 weeks because of the competition. duh. but i still stand firm in my belief that doing cutting cycles in the first five years of training is not a good idea, because the first 5 years, as ronnie coleman and arnold say, account for 90% of muscle a bodybuilder will ever gain.

    i met with steve michalik today, and starting christmas, he will have me on a 3-day protein, 1 day carb plan. that one day, i carb load, only carbs, the whole day, which my body will store for energy during the next 3 days, which will be protein days where i eat 500 g protein a day. steve said this kind of diet will maintain size while bringing the muscles out more.

    i'm a bit nervous because my diet has been pretty much high carb high protein everyday since i started training, so this will be a big change.

  15. #15
    Carlos_E's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by anteriordeltoid
    devldog...the 5 year bulking plan will have to take a break for 12 weeks because of the competition. duh. but i still stand firm in my belief that doing cutting cycles in the first five years of training is not a good idea, because the first 5 years, as ronnie coleman and arnold say, account for 90% of muscle a bodybuilder will ever gain.
    So even though you think it's not a good idea you're doing it anyway.

  16. #16
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    city of brotherly love
    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E
    So even though you think it's not a good idea you're doing it anyway.
    my thoughts exactly

  17. #17
    ok, let me re-word that then...cutting without competing

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2002

    Looking good bro.. I have been following your web page and it is really motivational.

    I am have gone through the same cycle as you but due to my work and diet over here, I am not as big and massive as you.. which is quite a shame as it is always my dream to grow big.

    Do not disappoint me bro. Would like to see how you lean down for the competition. Mine will be one month earlier in Feb.

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    how tall are you might i ask? other than that you are looking good and should be able to cut it in 12 weeks, with intensive training and dieting of course. good luck bro.

  20. #20
    thanks freakout and plastic..

    freakout, i will not let you down...thanks for the kind words, i really appreciate that.

    plastic, i'm 5'8". around 209 lbs. in the morning and 215 at night (yes, my weight actually fluctuates 6 pounds within the day.)

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    if steve drives you to a beach or anyplace with water dont get out of the car

  22. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by Prime
    if steve drives you to a beach or anyplace with water dont get out of the car
    hahahaha..for those of you who don't know, back in the 80's, during the "INtensity or Insanity" days of Steve Michalik, Steve Michalik met a young teenager who approached him at his gym and told Steve that he wanted to be Mr. America. So, Steve trained him a few weeks, then they went to the beach one day, and as they got into the water, way out into the waters, Steve suddenly grabbed the kid's head and stuck it under water just barely enough so that the kid wouldn't die...and he did it again and again. Then he stopped, dragged the kid off shore in front of everybody and told him, "Do you remember the feeling of having just that one ounce of breath left to live? Do you remember how bad you wanted to breathe? That's how bad you have to want the Mr. America."....a year after that happened, the kid, a.k.a. John Defendis was 1989 Mr. America.

    now its almost 20 years later...but even once in a while, he lets somebody have it..haha.

    i didn't quite understand the Intensity Insanity principle, until i met Steve 2 years ago, and he was so nice that he took time out to train me...for free. what wasn't so nice was that he had me do 60 sets on legs in an hour, and I thought he was out of his mind. Ever since, I kept training with the same high intensity, high volume training and i've gained 75 2 years. i want to win this competition in march for him.

    thanks again for writing prime. i see steve at powerhouse gym everyday, and i'll tell him about you..he'll be delighted.
    Last edited by anteriordeltoid; 12-20-2004 at 03:52 PM.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    what weight clas do you wish to compeat in? Light heavy or middle

  24. #24
    what weight class do you wish to compeat in? Light heavy or middle
    it's my fault that i don't know the exact cutoffs on the weight classes....but I am 215 now, so if i drop 20-30 lbs I'll be around 185-195 lbs. i don't know if that is light heavy or heavyweight. middleweight is out of the picture, i don't want to drop more than 25 pounds and look like a stick.

  25. #25
    Join Date
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    i think if you drop 21 lbs you'll be at the cutoff for light heavy and i bet u'll take it.

  26. #26
    Carlos_E's Avatar
    Carlos_E is offline National Level Bodybuilder/Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    Quote Originally Posted by anteriordeltoid
    it's my fault that i don't know the exact cutoffs on the weight classes.
    Bantam weight
    up to 143.25

    Light weight
    143.25 - 154.25

    Middle weight
    154.25 - 176.25

    Light heavy weight
    176.25 - 198.25

    Heavy weight
    198.2 - 225.25

    Super Heavy weight
    over 225.25

  27. #27
    Carlos_E's Avatar
    Carlos_E is offline National Level Bodybuilder/Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    Quote Originally Posted by anteriordeltoid
    I am 215 now, so if i drop 20-30 lbs I'll be around 185-195 lbs. i don't know if that is light heavy or heavyweight. middleweight is out of the picture, i don't want to drop more than 25 pounds and look like a stick.
    Be careful playing the numbers game. What happens if you drop 25 pounds and you still have fat on your body. Do you want to step on stage holding fat and water or would you rather step on stage in sick ripped conditioning. I had a pro who told me not to weigh myself during contest prep and to go by the mirror. You are ready when you're ripped, hard and dry. He told me to keep dieting till I reach that point.

    Something to consider.

  28. #28
    Join Date
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    Tropical England
    60 sets in 60 mins thats what 50 seconds on 10 off??? is that possible?

  29. #29
    Join Date
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    Tropical England
    oh yeah i read something about steve eating monkey brains is that just bull or is there something behind it?

  30. #30
    60 sets in 60 mins thats what 50 seconds on 10 off??? is that possible?
    many times, one set would be divided into 4 or 5 small ones...for example, if i was doing leg extensions, he would have me pump out 30 reps with 5 plates, and i'd stop for 2 seconds just so he can adjust the weight, then i'd pump out 20...then 15, then 10, then 9, 8, 7, 6....all the way to 1. by the end of the giant set, i'd have done 10 sets in 3 minutes. thats how he condensed 60 sets in 60 minutes.

    did u ever try doing leg extension reps for 3 minutes in a row? it feels like a combination of someone setting firecrackers inside your quads and the blood turning into acid.

    to answer your second question on the monkey brains....steve actually did that because of the growth hormone inside the monkey brains. people don't understand that synthetic HGH did not exist 30 years ago, so Steve went to the local zoo in New York and asked the zoo officials to give him the monkeys that died. He'd crack open the skull and drink the hormone enriched fluids. Thats how bad he wanted the Mr. Universe, and he got it.

  31. #31
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    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by anteriordeltoid
    to answer your second question on the monkey brains....steve actually did that because of the growth hormone inside the monkey brains. people don't understand that synthetic HGH did not exist 30 years ago, so Steve went to the local zoo in New York and asked the zoo officials to give him the monkeys that died. He'd crack open the skull and drink the hormone enriched fluids. Thats how bad he wanted the Mr. Universe, and he got it.
    too bad drinking those fluids did nothing for him.That's just gross.

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