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Thread: Napoleon Dynamite out today... watched it tonight..

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2002

    Napoleon Dynamite out today... watched it tonight..

    Lafaunduh is SOOO hot!

    Memorable Quotes from
    Napoleon Dynamite (2004)
    Kid on Bus: What are you gonna do today, Napoleon?
    Napoleon Dynamite: Whatever I feel like I wanna do, gosh!

    Napoleon Dynamite: Grandma just called and said you're supposed to go home.
    Uncle Rico: She didn't tell me anything.
    Napoleon Dynamite: Too bad, she said she doesn't want you here when she gets back because you've been ruining everybody's lives and eating all our steak.
    Uncle Rico: I'm not goin' anywhere, Napoleon.
    Napoleon Dynamite: Get off my property!
    Uncle Rico: It's a free country. I can do whatever I want.
    Napoleon Dynamite: Get off my property or I'll call the cops on you.
    Uncle Rico: Well then do it! Go on!
    Napoleon Dynamite: Maybe I will, GOSH!

    Napoleon Dynamite: Stay home and eat all the freakin' chips, Kip.
    Kip: Napoleon, don't be jealous that I've been chatting online with babes all day. Besides, we both know that I'm training to be a cage fighter.
    Napoleon Dynamite: Since when, Kip? You have the worst reflexes of all time.
    Kip: Try and hit me, Napoleon.
    Napoleon Dynamite: What?
    Kip: I said come down here and see what happens if you try and hit me.

    Uncle Rico: So what do you think?
    Kip: It's pretty cool, I guess.
    Uncle Rico: Ohhhh, man I wish I could go back in time. I'd take state.
    Napoleon Dynamite: This is pretty much the worst video ever made.
    Kip: Napoleon, like anyone can even know that.
    Uncle Rico: You know what, Napoleon? You can leave.
    Napoleon Dynamite: You guys are retarded!

    Rex: At Rex Kwan Do, we use the buddy system. No more flying solo. You need somebody watching your back at all times. Second off, you're gonna learn to discipline your image. You think I got where I am today because I dressed like Peter Pan over here?
    [points to Napoleon]
    Rex: Take a look at what I'm wearing, people. You think anybody wants a roundhouse kick to the face while I'm wearing these bad boys? Forget about it. Last off, my students will learn about self respect. You think anybody thinks I'm a failure because I go home to Starla at night? Forget about it!

    Don: Hey, Napoleon. What did you do last summer again?
    Napoleon Dynamite: I told you! I spent it with my uncle in Alaska hunting wolverines!
    Don: Did you shoot any?
    Napoleon Dynamite: Yes, like 50 of 'em! They kept trying to attack my cousins, what the heck would you do in a situation like that?
    Don: What kind of gun did you use?
    Napoleon Dynamite: A freakin' 12-gauge, what do you think?

    Deb: And here we have some boondoggle key chains. A must-have for this season's fashion.
    Napoleon Dynamite: I already made like infinity of those at scout camp.

    Napoleon Dynamite: You know, there's like a butt-load of gangs at this school. This one gang kept wanting me to join because I'm pretty good with a bowstaff.

    Napoleon Dynamite: Well, I have all your equipment in my locker. You should probably come get it cause I can't fit my nunchucks in there anymore.

    Napoleon Dynamite: I see you're drinking 1% milk. Is that because you think you're fat? Because you're not. You could probably be drinking whole milk.

    Napoleon Dynamite: Do the chickens have large talons?
    Farmer: Do they have what?
    Napoleon Dynamite: Large talons.
    Farmer: I don't understand a word you just said.

    Pedro: Do you think people will vote for me?
    Napoleon Dynamite: Heck yes! I'd vote for you.
    Pedro: Like what are my skills?
    Napoleon Dynamite: Well, you have a sweet bike. And you're really good at hooking up with chicks. Plus you're like the only guy at school who has a mustache.

    Trisha: Thanks for the beautiful drawing. It's hanging in my room right now.
    Napoleon Dynamite: Really? It took me like three hours to finish the shading on your upper lip. It's probably the best drawing I've ever done.

    Rex: I'm Rex, founder of the Rex Kwan Do self-defense system! After one week with me in my dojo, you'll be prepared to defend yourself with the strength of a grizzly, the reflexes of a puma, and the wisdom of a man.

    Napoleon Dynamite: How long did it take you to grow that moustache?
    Pedro: A couple of days.

    Napoleon Dynamite: Pedro, how do you feel about that one?
    Pedro: It looks nice.
    Napoleon Dynamite: Yeah, it looks pretty sweet. It looks awesome. It's incredible.

    Uncle Rico: So how are things going with you and your girlfriend?
    Kip: Well, I think it's getting pretty serious. We chat online for like two hours a day so yeah, you could say it's getting pretty serious.

    Napoleon Dynamite: Girls only want boyfriends who have great skills. You know, like nunchuck skills, bowhunting skills, computer hacking skills...

    Grandma: How was school?
    Napoleon Dynamite: The worst day of my life, what do you think?

    Napoleon Dynamite: What kind of bike do you have?
    Pedro: It's a sledgehammer.
    Napoleon Dynamite: Dang!... You ever take it off any sweet jumps?
    Napoleon Dynamite: [Cut to Pedro jumping] You got like three feet of air that time.

    Deb: What are you drawing?
    Napoleon Dynamite: A liger.
    Deb: What's a liger?
    Napoleon Dynamite: It's pretty much my favorite animal. It's like a lion and a tiger mixed... bred for its skills in magic.

    Napoleon Dynamite: Tina, you fat lard, come get some DINNER!... Tina, eat. Food. Eat the FOOD!

    Napoleon Dynamite: Tina, come get some ham.

    Deb: Are they still letting you run for president?
    Pedro: Yes. I don't understand... they say you're not allowed to have pinatas that look like real people, but in Mexico, we do it all the time.

    Napoleon Dynamite: Pedro offers you his protection.

    Napoleon Dynamite: I caught you a delicious bass.

    Pedro: If I win, you can be my secretary or something.
    Napoleon Dynamite: Sweet!

    Deb: I'm trying to raise money to go to college.
    Kip: [from the background] Your mom goes to college.

    Uncle Rico: How much you wanna make a bet I can throw a football over them mountains?... Yeah... Coach woulda put me in fourth quarter, we would've been state champions. No doubt. No doubt in my mind.

    Napoleon Dynamite: [drinks glass of milk] The defect in this one is bleach.
    FFA Judge No. 1: That's right.
    Napoleon Dynamite: Yessssssssss.
    Napoleon Dynamite: [drinks second glass of milk] This one tastes like the cow got into an onion patch.
    FFA Judge No. 2: Correct.
    Napoleon Dynamite: Yessssssssss.

    Deb: [setting up Uncle Rico for a glamor shot] This is looking really good.
    Kip: You can say that again.

    [Deb is making a glamour shot of Uncle Rico]
    Deb: Okay, turn you head on more of a slant...
    [all three turn their heads in a slant]
    Deb: Now, make a fist. Slowly ease it up underneath your chin.
    [All three slowly ease up fists under their chins]
    Deb: This is looking really good.
    Kip: You can say that again.
    [Uncle Rico acknowledges]
    Deb: Kay, hold still right there. Now, just imagine you're weightless, in the middle of the ocean, surrounded by tiny little seahorses.
    [Uncle Rico pictures it and give a gleaming look at the camera]
    Deb: [takes the picture] That was one that I think is gonna come out really nice.
    Uncle Rico: Ah, how you did it... wow... well I felt really relaxed. Thanks Deb.
    [Uncle Rico puts his fist down, then swats a fly]
    Uncle Rico: You're up Kip.
    Kip: Is there some kind of vest that I can wear?
    [makes gesture of putting on a vest]

    Napoleon Dynamite: I like your sleeves. They're real big.
    Deb: Thank you. I made them myself.
    Napoleon Dynamite: So you and Pedro getting really serious now?

    Napoleon Dynamite: Who are you gonna ask to the dance?
    Pedro: That girl right there.
    Napoleon Dynamite: Summer Wheatly? How the heck are you gonna do that?
    Pedro: Build her a cake or something.

    Nathan: Napoleon, give me some of your tots.
    Napoleon Dynamite: No, go find your own.
    Nathan: Come on, give me some of your tots.
    Napoleon Dynamite: No, I'm freakin' starving! I didn't get to eat anything today.
    Nathan: [kicks the tots]
    Napoleon Dynamite: Ugh! Gross! Freakin' idiot!

    Kip: I'm just really trying to raise a few bucks now so I can bring her out for a few days.
    Uncle Rico: Yeah, well what does she look like?
    Kip: She's uh... she's got sandy blonde hair. She's uh... pretty good looking face, but I'm just getting really... just kinda TO'd because... I mean she hasn't even sent me a full body shot yet.

    Napoleon Dynamite: Hey can I use your guys's phone for a sec?
    Secretary No. 1: Is there anything wrong?
    Napoleon Dynamite: I don't feel very good.
    [takes telephone and dials number]
    Kip: [making nachos on the other line] Hi.
    Napoleon Dynamite: Is grandma there?
    Kip: No, she's getting her hair done.
    Napoleon Dynamite: Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...
    Kip: What do you need?
    Napoleon Dynamite: Can you just go get her for me?
    Kip: I'm really busy right now.
    Napoleon Dynamite: Just tell her to come get me.
    Kip: Why?
    Napoleon Dynamite: Cause I don't feel good!
    Kip: Well, have you talked to the school nurse?
    Napoleon Dynamite: No, she doesn't know anything. Will you just come get me?
    Kip: No.
    Napoleon Dynamite: Well, will you do me a favor then? Can you bring me my chapstick?
    Kip: No, Napoleon.
    Napoleon Dynamite: But my lips hurt real bad!
    Kip: Just borrow some from the school nurse. I know she has like five sticks in her drawer.
    Napoleon Dynamite: I'm not gonna use hers, you sicko!
    Kip: See ya.
    Napoleon Dynamite: Ugh! Idiot!

    Napoleon Dynamite: Well, what is there to eat?
    Grandma: Knock it off Napoleon, just make yourself a dang quesa-dilluh!

    Deb: It's Deb. And I'm calling to let you know that I think you're a shallow friend.
    Napoleon Dynamite: What the heck are you even talking about?

    Napoleon Dynamite: Deb just called me. She pretty much hates me by now.
    Pedro: Why?
    Napoleon Dynamite: Because my uncle Rico's an IDIOT.
    Pedro: Do you have anything to give to her?
    Napoleon Dynamite: No. Not unless she likes fish.

    Pedro: Who was that?
    Napoleon Dynamite: Trisha.
    Pedro: Who's she?
    Napoleon Dynamite: My woman I'm taking to the dance.
    Pedro: Did you draw her a picture?
    Napoleon Dynamite: Heck yes I did.

    Napoleon Dynamite: My old girlfriend from Oklahoma was gonna fly out for the dance but she couldn't cause she's doing some modeling right now.
    Pedro: Is she hot?
    Napoleon Dynamite: See for yourself.
    [hands him Deb's glamor shot sample]
    Pedro: Wow.
    Napoleon Dynamite: Yeah, I took her to the mall to get some glamor shots for her birthday one year.
    Pedro: I like her bangs.
    Napoleon Dynamite: Yeah, me too.

    Don: Vote for Summer.
    Napoleon Dynamite: Yeah, right, I'm not voting for her.
    Don: Then who you gonna vote for?
    Napoleon Dynamite: I'm voting for Pedro Sanchez, who do you think?
    [Don scoffs and walks away]
    Napoleon Dynamite: Hey, Don. Can I have one of those buttons?
    [Don hands Napoleon a "Vote 4 Summer" button]
    Napoleon Dynamite: [Napoleon tosses it across the hall, stares at Don, and runs away]

    Napoleon Dynamite: You guys having a killer time?

    [Kip and Lafawnduh's wedding; Kip singing]
    Kip: Yes, I love technology But not as much as you, you see But I still love technology, Always and forever. Always and forever.

    [Kip is singing to Lafawnduh after they are pronounced husband and wife]
    Kip: Why do you love me? Why do you need me? Always and forever... We met in a chatroom, now our love can fully bloom... Sure the world wide web is great, but you, you make my salivate... I love technology, but not as much as you, you see... But I STILL love technology... Always and forever. Our love is like a flock of doves, flying up to heaven above... always and forever, always and forever... Why do you need me? Why do you love me? Always and forever...

    Napoleon Dynamite: What are you doing here, Uncle Rico?
    Uncle Rico: Grandma took a little spill at the sand dunes today. Broke her coccyx.

    Uncle Rico: Kip, I reckon... you know a lot about... cyberspace? You ever come across anything... like time travel?
    Kip: Easy, I've already looked into it for myself.
    Uncle Rico: Right on... right on.

    [Napoleon Dynamite straps himself into the time machine]
    Kip: So are you ready?
    Napoleon Dynamite: Yeah, hold on... I forgot to put in the crystals.

    Uncle Rico: Just a little east of the cemetery is a good little area, but don't go down here cause they don't have any money.
    Kip: So how long are we talking about working?
    Uncle Rico: What are you already losing your steam?
    Kip: No, I just... I have a chat room meeting at 4. I gotta be back here by then.
    Uncle Rico: Alright, you just start a little earlier, that's all. Or else work afterwards. How long is the chat room?
    Kip: Jeez, sometimes up to 3-4 hours maybe... Maybe not.
    Uncle Rico: You pay the bills for that? Does that cost money every time you're on, like for minutes on the phone?
    Kip: Yeah, grandma's still paying per minute. She gets kinda pissed at me sometimes cause I'm on there so long.
    Uncle Rico: I bet she does. I'll tell you something, I'd be throwing you out the window.

    Kip: So when's grandma coming back?
    Uncle Rico: I don't know. Not sure.
    Napoleon Dynamite: You don't have to stay here with us, we're not babies.
    Uncle Rico: Ha ha! Talk to your antie Carolyn.
    Napoleon Dynamite: Kip is like 32 years old.
    Kip: I don't mind if you stay.

    Teacher: Your current event, Napoleon.
    Napoleon Dynamite: Last week, Japanese scientists explaced... placed explosive detonators at the bottom of Lake Lochness to blow Nessy out of the water. Sir Godfrey of the Nessy Alliance summoned the help of Scotland's local wizards to cast a protective spell over the lake and its local residents and all those who seek for the peaceful existence of our underwater ally.

    Kip: [typing a poem on his computer] Your sandy hair floats in the air... To me it's like a lullaby... I'm just flying by... Oh so high... like a kite...

    Uncle Rico: Napoleon, you know we can't afford the fun pack. What, do you think money grows on trees in this family? Take it back! And get some pampers for you and your brother while you're at it.

    [Napoleon rides up to Kip and LaFawnduh's wedding on a horse]
    Napoleon Dynamite: Sorry I'm late. I just got done taming a wild honeymoon stallion for you guys.

    Napoleon Dynamite: [referring to Pedro's bike] It's got shocks... pegs... lucky!

    Napoleon Dynamite: [to Pedro] Just follow your heart. That's what I do.

    Napoleon Dynamite: [while hitch-hiking] Are you guys like Rico's cousins with the sweet hook-up?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    East Coast
    i loved that movie.. pedro for

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    look beyond what you see
    really like the movie don't you?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Maybe the greatest movie of all time

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    that was a funny movie!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Havent seen it but I just read it.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    gonna rent it tomorrow

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    a freakin twelve gauge.

    yeah just watched it, funny ass movie.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    man i wanna see that movie..i hear its great

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    i like when kip says , he's training to be a cage fighter,
    and then later hooks up with his internet girl friend,
    oh and when Napoleon is running from his uncle and bails jumping over the fence

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    I love that movie, I have to get it on dvd!!!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    really? you all seem to think its great? maybe i'll go see it then... it looks kinda dumb to be honest

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    its one of those ones where its so dumb its funny, kinda gotta watch it twice

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by DevilsDeity
    its one of those ones where its so dumb its funny, kinda gotta watch it twice

    cool i'll probbaly illegally download it then

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    ACLU headquarters
    yup looks so stupid it has to be good A MUST RENT!

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    if i get snowed in i'm going to learn his dance routine verbatim.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Bulldog5.0
    if i get snowed in i'm going to learn his dance routine verbatim.
    I was surprised, but he can actually dance really well.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Its one of those movies you either love or hate.....Everyone I know hyped it up so much that I was disapointed. I thought Harold and Kumar was much funnier.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by JDawg1536
    Its one of those movies you either love or hate.....Everyone I know hyped it up so much that I was disapointed. I thought Harold and Kumar was much funnier.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    I haven't seen it, but you guys make it sound good. That first post has to be atleast half of the movie, so I dont want to spend the whole 20bucks hehe


  21. #21
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Ontario, Canada
    It's one of those movies where you can't help but laugh and at the same time feel depressed... the character's in that movie must be the most depressing bunch I've ever seen

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    This won't spoil it, but the movie doesn't really have "jokes" per se; it's a look at some people in a small town how how they are just kinda wierd.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    I watched it and by the end of the movie I was laughing....not cause it was funny because somone got paid to make was fvcking horrible.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    i got hold of it, i havent watched it yet, my younger brother started watching it, got 30 mins into it and turned it off, guess he didnt like it

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    on the net
    Some of it was funny...........kept waiting for the dam climax and it never happend....

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by D-END
    I watched it and by the end of the movie I was laughing....not cause it was funny because somone got paid to make was fvcking horrible.
    That's understandable when the jokes fly way over yout head.

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    i loved that movie. bought it as a present and wanted to keep it. great movie

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Running through your mind
    That movie is flippin awesome!
    "hey do you drink 2% cuz you think you're fat? Cuz you could totally be drinkin whole milk if you wanted to..."

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Running through your mind

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    It's a funnyass movie...

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Uncle Rico: How much you wanna make a bet I can throw a football over them mountains?... Yeah... Coach woulda put me in fourth quarter, we would've been state champions. No doubt. No doubt in my mind

    That uncle Rico is too much! The funny thing is....the characters are in the movie remind me of people i see in everyday life. LOL cracks me up.

    Oh yea i dont know if anyone mentioned this part.
    When Napoleon calls home from school and Kip is making that huge plate of Nachos lol with the giant cheese block. Napoleon asks him to bring him his chapstick because his lips really hurt!!! The whole **** movie is great.....

    If you havent seen it. just go rent it now.

  32. #32
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Rented it, copied it the day it came out, LOVE IT, watch it all the time, never gets old

  33. #33
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by aXe
    That's understandable when the jokes fly way over yout head.
    ha ha

  34. #34
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    "You might as well be doin' somethin' while your doin' nothin." --uncle rico

    The replay value of this movie is amazing, its definitely a buy. Napoleon, Big Lebowski, Old School, Cable Guy, and even Zoolander all fall under the same category as well

  35. #35
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Northern Califas
    and cant forget::

    office space

  36. #36
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Northern Califas
    Quote Originally Posted by PaRiS2005

  37. #37
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Great movie.. i watched it with my sister other day.. she was just looking at me like i was crazy cause i was laughing.. i've already seen it about 30 times. I have the dvd

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