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Thread: do u need test with tren acetate

  1. #1

    do u need test with tren acetate

    just wondering do you need test e or any kind of test i luckliy have 1 or 2 ml of test e left i might use it after quitting fina is that good enough . and how will i do gain maintaining wise with no test a little . i have tren acetate 20 ml 100mg per ml and tren e 250mg per ml 10ml vial . how much can i gain my freind says 20 pds from each bottle tren acetate and tren enhtunate . later peace out.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    no, you need to run test with tren.

    Your friend is full of it... tren is more of a lean mass drug, youre not going to gain 40 lbs. Any gains you do get are dependant on your diet.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    in the GYM
    you dont need to run test e with it...but I would recomend it, makes a nice cycle...I dont think you will gain 20lbs off of tren alone...if your going to run test with it, run it at a higher dose and for a few wks longer...and no 1 to 2ml in not enough..I hope your not going to run both tren a and tren e at the same time...I would run tren a with prop for a cutter and tren e with test e for a lean mass cycle..

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2004
    FULLY NUDE!!! me!
    well, science and tech aside.

    personal experience, I have run test with tren and without. I have no dick problems without AT ALL (which is surprising since everyone goes on about how it shuts you down so hard etc0.

    With, well, lets just say, my woman wishes I wasnt on test.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    in the GYM
    Quote Originally Posted by big k.l.g
    Bro I hope you are being sarcastic because I expected better from you . Saluu tren is a strong progestinic steriod, to make a long story short it will shut down your endogenous testosterone HARD. Levels won't return to baseline in a hurry either. Trenbolone is not a lean mass drug, no other injectable in as anabolic as trenbolone.
    bro, not to be sarcastic, but you need to read up on some can run tren alone, and guess what you can also run deca alone..many people do it all the time with no problems..I did it as a first cycle and it was great...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by HollywoodM3
    bro, not to be sarcastic, but you need to read up on some can run tren alone, and guess what you can also run deca alone..many people do it all the time with no problems..I did it as a first cycle and it was great...
    I was being sarcastic it my first reply. Well if someone want's to run a progestin by itself that is their bussiness. Testosterone offsets alot of the negitive female sex hormone effects on the male body. You may not worry about deca/tren dick, but you'll worry about those weak tendons later in your lifting life.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    in the GYM
    Quote Originally Posted by big k.l.g
    I was being sarcastic it my first reply. Well if someone want's to run a progestin by itself that is their bussiness. Testosterone offsets alot of the negitive female sex hormone effects on the male body. You may not worry about deca/tren dick, but you'll worry about those weak tendons later in your lifting life.

    Oh a agree, and I have run test with everything i use..but I was just saying you dont have to run test if you dont want to...

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Just because you can do something doesnt mean it is the most efficiant or the smartest way to go about it.

    My first cycle was a Deca only cycle and I gained weight too, But by far it was my worst cycle I have done out of about 10!!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Outside the walls
    run a little test IMO in every cycle.....

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    in FL (former Masshole)
    low dose 300mg would do it

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Once again my Tren ace is my favorite. The stuff is simply incredible. My first non research run was with out test and a few weeks in suffered tren dick. To some this my not occur.

    On a six week cycle of tren only I gained 15lbs started at 150ED and encounter heavy sides back down to 75ed. The next time I ran Tren @ 50Ed with test and L-dex.

    In short yes it will work and it’s a beast maker in a syringe but you’re rolling the dice on tren dick.

    Good luck bro.

    Post your results from your run…

    Oh yea I agree It’s not a cycle with out test…

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Outside the walls
    This is off the subject but before I knew what I was doing I ran straight tren at 75mg 4 times a wk/I would bang chicks for hours and nothing but frustration for me I'd get ready to blow and it would just go away it was weird
    Then TEST beautiful test came in my life now I blow a couple at least a day on my girl....(had to add the on my girl)....But I love test...some anabolics make me not bust too...

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    My first cycle was a Deca only cycle 600mgs E/W 10weeks. I actually had no problem getting it up. I gained about 15lbs in the cycle, but after about a month and a half I had no drive no aggression in or out of the gym.. By the time it was done and I was coming off I was in worse shape then when I started..

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by big k.l.g
    I was being sarcastic it my first reply. Well if someone want's to run a progestin by itself that is their bussiness. Testosterone offsets alot of the negitive female sex hormone effects on the male body. You may not worry about deca/tren dick, but you'll worry about those weak tendons later in your lifting life.

    Test certainly won't help with those weak tendons. Matter of fact , quite the contrary.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by spooledup
    Test certainly won't help with those weak tendons. Matter of fact , quite the contrary.
    Ah yes the AR heretic speaks out. Testosterone is not NEEDED in ALL cycles. However when using progestinic anabolics like deca and tren. I think you should run test with those cycles. My 1st cycle I started the tren 1 wk before the test e and had uncontrollable spontaneous erections, yet i've seen guys suffer from deca dick so just because it does not happen to you does no mean it does not happen to others. Besides test is cheap as hell and works well it an obvious choice IMO. As for the tendons test in itself is anti-estrogenic and the use of a collagen friendly steriod (deca) with the test will offset test negative effects. JMO.

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