6'2" today I weigh 186
I know the wheels are weak, I had a broken ankle recently. Also I put some fat on from bulking, any comments suggestions (even flames) are welcome.
6'2" today I weigh 186
I know the wheels are weak, I had a broken ankle recently. Also I put some fat on from bulking, any comments suggestions (even flames) are welcome.
Looking real good. I would stay natural for now dude....you have alot of progress to make before you should juice. Just eat alot and train hard.
Private me
Lookin solid bro. Keep up the hard work, its payin off
Work on you lats, lower back-(deadlifts), and pecks. Abdominals will bring everything together. Get em stronger and bigger and show em off when you cut.
Your arms look good, your traps look good.
Stay natural, eat good and be consistent you will get what you want.
Since you broke your ankle I dont need to tell you about your legs.
I did one cycle that ended about 4 weeks ago. It was sust 500 weekly for 8 weeks and dbol 30mg daily weeks 1-4. I honestly regret it somewhat, because I now see I could have made the same gains (not that I even gained much) naturally. I am just a curious person who had to know what the sauce is all about, now that I have done it, I fully understand it, and realize it's best to go natural... for a few years anyway
Yea, it definately looks like if you did a cycle already, you were just trying it out and didnt really know what you were jumping into. You definately look cut man, just keep up eating. you should never be hungry, just keep feeding the machine and it will grow.
you sure as hell dont look like a beer baron to me......
Constructive feed back, thank you. I am tryin to get the pecs bigger, and I have made progress on them. As for lats, the only thing I really do is pull down and row, but I do a lot of them. Any suggestion on some more lat work outs?Originally Posted by phwSSJ
Hit the chest harder, and for back try heavy pulldowns, heavy pullups, heavy DB rows and most importantly Heavy deadlifts.Originally Posted by BeerBaron
use a really wide grip on the lat pulldown machine, and use a lot of weight. us tall people can really pull a lot, but we blow at benching. when im doin pulldowns, i start off using 200-210 and do that 10-12 times, and keep it around the 200 weight for all 5 sets.
My lat routine looks like this:
Wide grip pulldowns: 200lbs 5 sets ~8 reps each set
Bent over dumbbell rows (on a bench): 100lb dumbbell, 4 sets, ~9 reps each set
Pullups (Pullup routine is awesome. If you can do more than 10 pullups, which you probably can no problem, take a 20-25lb dumbbell and hold it with your feet as you do the pullups. Once you start to feel the fatigue come on, drop the dumbbell and keep going. I would do like 8 with the dumbbell on my feet, and do another 5 or 6 without it. Get a really wide grip, and you will DEFINATELY feel that burn.)
Remember-------heavy weight
Thanks hedzilla, I don't normally do pull ups, but will throw them in for sure. I always try to change up my excercises to avoid getting too used to one motion. Also I don't do cardio... ever, and in effort to bring my abs out a little more, was thinking about starting. I'm not too familiar with the theory behind an effective cardio work out, so any help on what cardio to do, and when would help.
Morning after waking up, before you eat anything or ingest any carbs. Walk at a moderate pace for an hour.
pullups are one of the best lat mass exercises you can do. definately throw them in your routine.Originally Posted by BeerBaron
one more of my shoulder and bicept.
delts looking good and rounded, seems like a strongpoint for you. Keep pushin the weight man.
take some tren and then cheat on your bf...
Are you just trying to be a total ***hole or what. I take offense to those remarks. I may start a new campaign to get your ass banned. You do not contribute anything but looking at guys pics, jerkin your freakin dick off, and putting people down.
Not a bad base bro. First off, and as I'm sure you already know, due to your age stay the hell away from gear for another 4 years. After that you're good to go but in the mean time I'd suggest hitting legs twice a week and bump the hell out of your food intake. With the gear you mentioned you already used you should have gained a good bit had you the right diet. Not jumping on you bro just making an observation from what you've posted. The reason I mention doing legs twice a week is those are the largest muscle group and will help you gain mass both in the legs and upper body as well.
Thanks Juggernaut, I have no intention on gear for at least 4 more years if ever again, don't worry. My food intake isn't bad, the problem is scheduling it. I find I tend to eat lighter during the day, and then start trying to play catch up on meals at around 6pm. I think once I get my butt in gear and start preparing meals to go I will have better progress. And believe me, I'm hittin those wheels hard, I can hardly walk today.
Originally Posted by thickmass
WHat an ass.
Originally Posted by BiggerBri2002
yuk!!! but i totally agree with you!!!
Actually that sounds like fun to vote people off, it would be like survivorSwole just having some fun but honestly it does sound like fun.
Originally Posted by SwoleCat
My point is .....take the time to search Thick's posts and you will see that he never contributes anything of value to this board. All he usually does it put people down and say how hot he things guys are. If he wants to do that he should go look at a gay porn site.
YES he was talking about me....just think about it. Why would he bring that up on this guys thread...it has no place here. He only wrote it after I replied to the thread to piss me off.
Any more comments, or actual input?? Anyone??
Would you consider yourself a hardgainer.... Its gotta be hard packing on the mass being 6'2
Just wondering what your diet looks like
Emphasise lats and chest...everthing else looks standard
Now your ankle's healed i expect u to jump headfirst back into leg training
I always thought I was a hard gainer until I got serious and started reading about diets. Once I started to up the protein and fat intake I shot up in weight(as you can see by the stretch marks). But as a kid, I was a lanky bastard.Originally Posted by mass junkie
Diet is as follows:
Meal 1Pre workout)Bowl of oatmeal & shake
Meal 2:Shake
Meal 3:Usually Tuna and wheat thins with 16oz milk
Meal 4:chicken with 16oz milk
Meal 5: Some meat with 2 sides of usually veggies with 16oz milk
Meal 6: Shake
Meal 7: (sometimes) Tuna with 16 oz milk
I drink a hell of a lot of whole milk, would anyone say too much milk is bad? bad? Also, I'm an advocate of tuna.
Yeah...ask Swole. He is not a big advocate of Milk...too much sugar. I find it bloats me alot and always makes me feel fat. I have cut my milk way back...actually almost non existent.
your young bro,stay away from the gear and grow natural,even though youhave already experimented.you have a decent base there,now build on it..it also looks like you have a bit of gyno.your right nip looks soft and puffy...goodluck
Pretty sure I don't have gyno, my nips don't look abnormal to me, and I was on nolva through out my cycle. I've got some nolva left that I could take, but I don't see the need for it.
Originally Posted by BiggerBri2002
True true!
If I were to eliminate or cut back milk, I would be losing 64 grams of protein that I would normally get. Should I drink water instead and add another lean meal into the mix somewhere??? I feel as if my diet is where I am getting held up. It helped me grow up to about 190 but then cut off. It seems apparent that my diet as it is now can only support my body at around 190. Any suggestions, or should I just pay and have a diet created for me? Prehaps Swolegenics
How many grams of protein are you taking in a day? You may want to take a good look at that and then your carbs seem a little low for someone your size. I see alot of guys taking a lot of AS but I wonder if they are putting as much attentin into there diet? Are you eating like a can and a half of tuna per meal and how many grams of protein in your shakes? I would like to try to help if I can.
arms look good bro, id work on everything else bro
swole is tuning his pupils well..................Originally Posted by SwoleCat
as arnold says...milk is for babies..you grow up, you drink beer!
I really don't drink often, maybe 10 times a year. Arnold would be tellin me to smoke weed rather than drink anyways... But In all seriousness, should I cut back on the milk and perhaps add another meal to make up for the protein loss?Originally Posted by bigrob33
its a line he says from pumping iron...
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