I posted back in november about being fresh in the gym and started taking deca and explained my cycle to get feedback. I told you I was benching 135 and got 20 pounds in 2 weeks and was up to 155 on my bench. I was upset when you guys flooded me with the BS of I shouldnt be taking roids...I should work out natual....It wasnt what I wanted to hear. I did stop my cycle short and started to eat better. 6 weeeks ago I stoped juicing and 2 weeks ago I started my diet. I am on a weight watchers type of diet with a little whey protein daily. I am happy to say I am happier with my gains I make today. I now agree I should not of used the gear to start with. My training partner did finish his cycle but he was not a novice like me. I benched 200 lbs yesterday and In my pictures you can see I am making gains in my body. I look less fat and more muscular and I weigh 13 more pounds than I did in the before picture. I dont plan on using gear again. I just wanted a short cut but now I know the gains I have are from hard work and I thank you all for the help and advice. It has been 6 weeks since I injected and my training has not slowed down at all. I am just getting stronger every week.....I am took some chlomid becaue I had it. I dont know if I needed it. I want feedback now to continue to give me some motivation to get less fat and more muscular. I do cardio and free wieghts. I know I am still real fat....I know 200 lbs is not alot but I started out a real piece of **** and am getting enough progress that I love to work out. thanks again for your help and needed advice...P.S. I dumped my gear....