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Thread: Help me design my "cruise" period

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Canada, Eh

    Arrow Help me design my "cruise" period

    Alright heres my ideas for joining my 2 larger cycles (without PCT, this is not a bridge). My goals during this period are to maintain my size while lowering my tolerance to AAS because my gains have really slowed down at this point and I want them to pick up when I switch compounds.

    I'm using Test Prop and Tren Ace right now and I'll be switching to Test Prop and NPP after the cruise period.

    My original idea was 250mg Test Prop /week for 6 weeks (maybe 8?) but my friend with about 15 years of AAS experiance told me I should also throw in Drol at 50mg /day to prevent muscle loss. Well my idea of a cruise was using as little AAS as possible so when you start back up again you gain a lot better, will the Drol hinder that at all?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Im a Masshole
    bro what you just explained WAS a bridge hehe. But i see what you mean maybe try uping the doses that could be why you dont respond well anymore.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jackman
    bro what you just explained WAS a bridge hehe. But i see what you mean maybe try uping the doses that could be why you dont respond well anymore.
    lol by my understanding i thought a bridge was taking a small amount of AAS (like dbol or var) thru PCT not allowing you to fully recover but keeping more gains.

    i did up the doses once, i'm at my limit for test right now, more and my hair gets too angry with me. i started at 75mg Tren /ED, 100mg Test /ED and then after about 8 or 9 weeks I went to 100mg Tren /ED, 150mg Test /ED, I leaned out alot more and got ALOT stronger but not much for mass gains.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1-Cent
    lol by my understanding i thought a bridge was taking a small amount of AAS (like dbol or var) thru PCT not allowing you to fully recover but keeping more gains.

    i did up the doses once, i'm at my limit for test right now, more and my hair gets too angry with me. i started at 75mg Tren /ED, 100mg Test /ED and then after about 8 or 9 weeks I went to 100mg Tren /ED, 150mg Test /ED, I leaned out alot more and got ALOT stronger but not much for mass gains.
    You won't get much mass with test pro and tren ace that is more for maintaining a very lean body while gaining a small amount of lean mass. You will not bloat at all with those compuounds so every pound is most likely lean muscle. I ususally bridge with primo at 50mg a day

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Why are you doing this? So many factors could be involved in why you shopped gaining. Come off let your body go back into homeostasis, then back on again.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChefJ
    You won't get much mass with test pro and tren ace that is more for maintaining a very lean body while gaining a small amount of lean mass. You will not bloat at all with those compuounds so every pound is most likely lean muscle. I ususally bridge with primo at 50mg a day
    You can't be serious.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by big k.l.g
    You can't be serious.
    What I meant was you are not going to put on a lot of weight like you would running a longer test or similar aas ester both compounds are normally used during cutting periods. My avatar is a picture of me while on tren at 100mgs and test prop at 150mg a day. very lean. Any gains will be pure muscle but don't expect 25 pounds in 8 weeks.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Canada, Eh
    so would 250mg /week test prop and 50mg drol /day be a good cruise? or drop the drol? entirely different? lol

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2004
    1- cent why are you not wanting to call this a Bridge?? I cant give any advise on bridgin since this next cycle will be my first.

    Im thinking of doing

    200mgs Test Enanthate
    200mgs Primobolan

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Im a Masshole
    a bridge is using low amount connecting one cycle to another without going into pct. I would come off then start up again.

  11. #11
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    Trenbolone is more Anabolic than Testosterone..

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anhydro78
    1- cent why are you not wanting to call this a Bridge?? I cant give any advise on bridgin since this next cycle will be my first.

    Im thinking of doing

    200mgs Test Enanthate
    200mgs Primobolan
    roar! because lol

    cruise = joining 2 cycles together with a lower dose of test for example to lower your tolerance to AAS

    bridge = using an oral AAS (usualy non-aromatising like var) to run thru PCT so you don't lose size during / after PCT, but you don't fully recover.

    I'm not doing PCT so it would be a cruise... I think? Now IM confused

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Im a Masshole
    bro why on earth would you use during pct? that would not make sence you might as well continue a cycle by your definition of a bridge.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    May 2004
    I see what you are saying I guess what im trying to do is cruise as well. That is exactly what im gonna be trying to do is lower my tolerance to ASS. I would be intrested in the amount of time it takes to do this. I was thinking 6-8 weeks.

    Ooh yeah Im planing on scheduling a IGF-1 lr3 cycle during my cruise..

  15. #15
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    Canada, Eh
    Quote Originally Posted by Jackman
    bro why on earth would you use during pct? that would not make sence you might as well continue a cycle by your definition of a bridge.
    Exactly, I would never do that lol thats not what i'm doing here

    Its not uncommon to see people bridge with Var, Dbol or Primo thru PCT though, they never fully recover though obviously.

    I'm not doing PCT

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    Im a Masshole
    i know your not im just saying by your definition (not saying its wrong) it does not make sence to do it that way.

    Quote Originally Posted by 1-Cent
    Exactly, I would never do that lol thats not what i'm doing here

    Its not uncommon to see people bridge with Var, Dbol or Primo thru PCT though, they never fully recover though obviously.

    I'm not doing PCT

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jackman
    i know your not im just saying by your definition (not saying its wrong) it does not make sence to do it that way.
    Ah ok I misunderstood, yeah its not too smart but I guess if you compete and want to keep nearly 100% of every cycle and recovery is secondary

  18. #18
    you could do your pct with anavar and maybe winstrol and still recover while not being shutdown from these compounds.

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    Im a Masshole
    Quote Originally Posted by carlsky
    you could do your pct with anavar and maybe winstrol and still recover while not being shutdown from these compounds.
    please back up this claim.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by carlsky
    you could do your pct with anavar and maybe winstrol and still recover while not being shutdown from these compounds.
    That's a myth. Var and winny will shut you down.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Canada, Eh
    bump for answer to original question

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