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Thread: Novolog vs. Humulin R for 1st

  1. #1

    Novolog vs. Humulin R for 1st

    I have been reading on Novolog recently and have the oppurtunity to get it and I was wondering if Novolog or Humulin would be better for the first cycle. I have all the products needed (Dextrose, glucose tabs, alcohol swabs, maltodextrin, protein, creatine, and glut). I was reading a previous thread that stated with novolog u run a greater risk of going hypo, so would it be wise to take ur carbs right after injecting rather then wait 5 mins? Any input is appreciated.

  2. #2
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Hey bro, your better of using Novolog instead of Humalin R, as Novolog is quiker acting, its onset time is faster, and its duration period is shorter when compared to Humalin R or any other regular Insulin. And that's excatly what you want. When it comes to Insulin use for BB purposes, Novolog is about the same as Humalog, and Humalog is the most recomended Insulin for BB purposes, so defenitely stick with Novolog.

    It really doesn't matter if you take your dextrose immidietly after injection or 5 minutes later. I use Humalog which is about the same as Novolog, and I take my dextrose right after injection. Hope everything goes well for you.


  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Gear
    Hey bro, your better of using Novolog instead of Humalin R, as Novolog is quiker acting, its onset time is faster, and its duration period is shorter when compared to Humalin R or any other regular Insulin. And that's excatly what you want. When it comes to Insulin use for BB purposes, Novolog is about the same as Humalog, and Humalog is the most recomended Insulin for BB purposes, so defenitely stick with Novolog.

    It really doesn't matter if you take your dextrose immidietly after injection or 5 minutes later. I use Humalog which is about the same as Novolog, and I take my dextrose right after injection. Hope everything goes well for you.

    Thanks alot bro, I will go with the Novolog and use it PWO 3 days a week starting at 2 IU's working my way up 1 IU every day. I shall do this for 2-3 weeks.With the injection sites, i have watched tutorials on it and i was wondering if i should go in on an angle from the side or 90 degree straight in. Also, do you think a simple 1AD/4AD stack would be beneficial while on slin?

  4. #4
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    No worries, anytime. Your plan sounds good. You could even use it straight for 4 weeks, but if you feel more cumfy with 2 - 3 weeks of straight Insulin use then stick with that, that's fine.

    When it comes to injecting, just go straight in, no angles. This refers to both IM and Sub-Q injections. As for 1AD/4AD, well I am not a real big fan of prohormones so I would leave the prohormones out of this. Insulin seems to react well when combined with AAS. But if you have used prohormones in the past and have had satisfying enough results, then I'm sure it won't hurt to use it again. But like I said above, Insulin seems to react well when combined with AAS, and I can almost guarantee you it will work better if stacked with AAS then prohormones. Good luck to you, hope all goes well.


  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Lovin Alba's butt
    If you looking into andro... it is said that M1T lowers blood sugar levels.... But I havent seen proof on the mater. So If you do use M1T... Id becarful with slin.
    FWIW the next time I run insulin, it will probally have M1T along with it.

  6. #6
    I have M1T on hand but im saving that for later use, after i get a few "light" cycles under my belt.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Lovin Alba's butt
    ha.. insulin isnt light

  8. #8
    Im talking androgen wise. I have heard M1T is a hard hitting drug, lots of sides.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by FireFighterMuscle
    Im talking androgen wise. I have heard M1T is a hard hitting drug, lots of sides.
    The hard hitting side with slin you might not even notice it cuz you wont wake up! HARDLY LIGHT! And I know you said androgen wise, but incase anyone else reads this.

  10. #10
    Yes i realize that slin is the most dangerous anabolic u can take, but i feel i will have control over hypo, i have planned everything out ten fold. Im more worried about androgenic sides, such as hairloss, prostate swelling, and liver damage which is why id prefer 1AD/4AD over M1T. Im going to musclemag this weekend to stock up on 6-oxo,milk thistle,flax oil,b-6, and a bunch more. I already have 5lbs of protein and 11lbs of dex on hand along with glucose tabs and alcohol swabs.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Remember that IM injections are absorbed faster....compounded with fast acting insulin....equals a smaller window to down your dextrose/protein shake.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by 01dragonslayer
    Remember that IM injections are absorbed faster....compounded with fast acting insulin....equals a smaller window to down your dextrose/protein shake.
    Yes i will be doing sub-q right in the gym after i lift. I will already have 2 shakes pre-made. Creatine, Glut, and Dextrose in the first for immediatley after injection, then Protein + a little more dex for 10 mins post injection. I will then go home where i have another on hand and i will have glucose tabs with me at all times. I believe my friend will be with me for 2 hours pwo depending on his work schedule.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    I'm looking for some Novolog but I don't know of a legit site to use. Is it legal or can anyone share a site with me.....Thanks.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Ironman5151
    I'm looking for some Novolog but I don't know of a legit site to use. Is it legal or can anyone share a site with me.....Thanks.
    Run a search for Canadian pharms on google.

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