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Thread: It needs to stop, the naming of UGL's

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2002

    It needs to stop, the naming of UGL's

    All the naming of UGL's needs the stop, I remember when I first joined this board no one ever mentioned IP it was ** and if you didn't know what it meant then you didn't need to or you hadn't been around long enough to know. We need to go back to the *** system, like da***ci**bs, if you don't know what that means then you haven't been around long enough, you have someone else you use or you just never heard of them before, so it really doesn't matter.

    We don't need people doing advertising for UG's, besides what ever happened to word of mouth to trusted people? If you have a complaint go to a vet or mod, actually more then one and at more then one board if you can, if you say it's bunk, post the lab report or your word is just hear say. With all the new UG's coming out it seems weekly, there's a lot of hatin' going on. If the opposing lab has lab results for their gear and the other one does to let them post up, so we can be the judges not them.

    Me advise is if someones push one lab over the other in a thread, it's because they have a steak in it. Don't get me wrong there are labs that I like but I don't start posting in a thread about an other lab to try and push one that I like or start a thread bashing another lab either. If someone affiliated with a lab or the lab itself, starts bashing another lab, don't deal with that lab, we don't need the B.S. Believe me if they start losing money cause they're running their mouths they'll stop.

    If someone's that hard up for money and can lie about another lab with on proof of what they're saying, then like the money to much, what's to stop them from running a scam? Once a person starts lying for money they've lost their since of honor, which means they've loss their trustworthiness.

    Now if enough people complain to vets/mods and we see a pattern, then a thread needs to be started to expose the lab that's selling bunk. But before anyone start a thread like this it needs to run by mods before it's started. I remember all the complaints about ** before, but funk fu is still around. The powder industry has advanced quite a bit since he first started.

    We have always had a no flame policy her at AR and that includes labs flaming other labs. This also includes member flaming new members or any member.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    In The Pink!!!!!
    I agree 100%. I stated the same thing in a thread 2 days ago. Its good to hear from you again, JohnnyB. Seems like I have not seen you around recently. Good Post! Peace

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Good post.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    You know what I think. Great post as usual JB

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    One up on you
    Agree 10000000000000000%

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    I agree 100% too. That is why I deleted the long DL thread that was seeming to start some controversy. Just wanted to let yall know that it wasn't a mod/vet that deleted the thread.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    And Johnnyb again shows why he is one of the most respected MODS around. I don't think I could of said it any better.

    A true class act!!!

    Thanks bro!


  8. #8
    Johnny anyone who mentions an underground labs is deff getting kickbacks...Theres alot of that on steroidology. If you wanna Play name that Underground LAb go on a Different board

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Great post!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This should be a STICKY

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by TheMudMan
    Great post!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This should be a STICKY

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    armpit of the country(NJ)

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    in the GYM
    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyB
    All the naming of UGL's needs the stop, I remember when I first joined this board no one ever mentioned IP it was ** and if you didn't know what it meant then you didn't need to or you hadn't been around long enough to know. We need to go back to the *** system, like da***ci**bs, if you don't know what that means then you haven't been around long enough, you have someone else you use or you just never heard of them before, so it really doesn't matter.

    We don't need people doing advertising for UG's, besides what ever happened to word of mouth to trusted people? If you have a complaint go to a vet or mod, actually more then one and at more then one board if you can, if you say it's bunk, post the lab report or your word is just hear say. With all the new UG's coming out it seems weekly, there's a lot of hatin' going on. If the opposing lab has lab results for their gear and the other one does to let them post up, so we can be the judges not them.

    Me advise is if someones push one lab over the other in a thread, it's because they have a steak in it. Don't get me wrong there are labs that I like but I don't start posting in a thread about an other lab to try and push one that I like or start a thread bashing another lab either. If someone affiliated with a lab or the lab itself, starts bashing another lab, don't deal with that lab, we don't need the B.S. Believe me if they start losing money cause they're running their mouths they'll stop.

    If someone's that hard up for money and can lie about another lab with on proof of what they're saying, then like the money to much, what's to stop them from running a scam? Once a person starts lying for money they've lost their since of honor, which means they've loss their trustworthiness.

    Now if enough people complain to vets/mods and we see a pattern, then a thread needs to be started to expose the lab that's selling bunk. But before anyone start a thread like this it needs to run by mods before it's started. I remember all the complaints about ** before, but funk fu is still around. The powder industry has advanced quite a bit since he first started.

    We have always had a no flame policy her at AR and that includes labs flaming other labs. This also includes member flaming new members or any member.

    I was just about to put up a thread like this, in the last two days I have seen more than 4-5 labs on the boards, and posted in them not to use the name.. we and everyone should take this serious b/c it can jeopardize our safety lets face it we are not talking about vitamins here...and with all the heat going down, seems like a new labs comes out and another one gets bagged. keep us and the good labs safe, who allow us to be able to do what we love to do, so that we can continue to push our physiques to the next level

    Stay Safe..

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    i agree, good post

  14. #14
    Join Date
    May 2002
    agree 100%. Quit the flamming and stop talking about all the labs out in the open.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Agreed. Thanks JB.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by JoeyJuice
    Johnny anyone who mentions an underground labs is deff getting kickbacks...Theres alot of that on steroidology. If you wanna Play name that Underground LAb go on a Different board
    I have to disagree 100%! I know and have used tons and I mean tons of labs. Just because I have good things to say about them, doesn't mean that I'm getting something from them in return. It is our responsibility to let people know what our opinions are on labs. If you have used them, then I say you can post an opinion.

    I get tons of emails everyday asking what I think about a lab. I give my honest opinion if I've used them.

    Now, I'm sure there are guys helping to push labs. But, I would hope to think AR is much different than any other board. I have always seen guys on here give their honest opinions.

    Last edited by buylongterm; 01-11-2005 at 07:47 PM.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    I agree with you. Besides, most people and newbies would ask for opinions because they've never tried it before. Granted that there will be people pushing for labs, but they can always look at each of the member's "Titles" and determine if they information is worthy. Hmm, CHEMICALLY SUPERIOR... I assume that buylongterm shoots up by the gallons daily right? His information must be very valuable.

    Quote Originally Posted by buylongterm
    I have to disagree 100%! I know and have used tons and I mean tons of labs. Just because I have good things to say about them, doesn't mean that I'm getting something from them in return. It is our responsibility to let people know what our opinions are on labs. If you have used them, then I say you can post an opinion.

    I get tons of emails everyday asking what I think about a lab. I give my honest opinion if I've used them.

    Now, I'm sure there are guys helping to push labs. But, I would hope to think AR is much different than any other board. I have always seen guys on here give their honest opinions.


  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by buylongterm
    And Johnnyb again shows why he is one of the most respected MODS around. I don't think I could of said it any better.

    A true class act!!!

    Thanks bro!


    tru dat

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by guns626
    I agree 100%. I stated the same thing in a thread 2 days ago. Its good to hear from you again, JohnnyB. Seems like I have not seen you around recently. Good Post! Peace
    I've been around, I hang out in the HGH/IGF-1/slin forum a lot


  20. #20
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by guns626
    I agree 100%. I stated the same thing in a thread 2 days ago. Its good to hear from you again, JohnnyB. Seems like I have not seen you around recently. Good Post! Peace
    I've been around, I hang out in the HGH/IGF-1/slin forum a lot


  21. #21
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by JoeyJuice
    Johnny anyone who mentions an underground labs is deff getting kickbacks...Theres alot of that on steroidology. If you wanna Play name that Underground LAb go on a Different board
    The members may be doing that but none of the mod are that I know of


  22. #22
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Warren, MI
    Quote Originally Posted by TheMudMan
    Great post!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This should be a STICKY
    awww man ANOTHER one?

    no really great idea i'd hate to not be able to get my gear from a trusted sorce if it was posted all over, i made the mistake of saying my sorces letters before and quickly fixed that

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    This is so true I have posted a couple times on this subject. There are some UG names that most def don't want their names brought up on boards (ie. S***a.), and people just toss them around like its no big deal. Like stated above this isn't a game.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Behind Ur booty

  25. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by buylongterm
    I have to disagree 100%! I know and have used tons and I mean tons of labs. Just because I have good things to say about them, doesn't mean that I'm getting something from them in return. It is our responsibility to let people know what our opinions are on labs. If you have used them, then I say you can post an opinion.

    I get tons of emails everyday asking what I think about a lab. I give my honest opinion if I've used them.

    Now, I'm sure there are guys helping to push labs. But, I would hope to think AR is much different than any other board. I have always seen guys on here give their honest opinions.

    Anabolic review is the best board, I mean on other boards I know there Is people making money with UG's!

  26. #26
    Join Date
    May 2002
    I have preached till i'm blue in the face for members not to use the names of Labs or sources in their post on the open boards. JohnnyB hit the nail on the head with this post. If for no other reason but to keep the sources from getting busted we should keep their names out of posts.

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    United Kingdom
    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyB
    All the naming of UGL's needs the stop, I remember when I first joined this board no one ever mentioned IP it was ** and if you didn't know what it meant then you didn't need to or you hadn't been around long enough to know. We need to go back to the *** system, like da***ci**bs, if you don't know what that means then you haven't been around long enough, you have someone else you use or you just never heard of them before, so it really doesn't matter.

    We don't need people doing advertising for UG's, besides what ever happened to word of mouth to trusted people? If you have a complaint go to a vet or mod, actually more then one and at more then one board if you can, if you say it's bunk, post the lab report or your word is just hear say. With all the new UG's coming out it seems weekly, there's a lot of hatin' going on. If the opposing lab has lab results for their gear and the other one does to let them post up, so we can be the judges not them.

    Me advise is if someones push one lab over the other in a thread, it's because they have a steak in it. Don't get me wrong there are labs that I like but I don't start posting in a thread about an other lab to try and push one that I like or start a thread bashing another lab either. If someone affiliated with a lab or the lab itself, starts bashing another lab, don't deal with that lab, we don't need the B.S. Believe me if they start losing money cause they're running their mouths they'll stop.

    If someone's that hard up for money and can lie about another lab with on proof of what they're saying, then like the money to much, what's to stop them from running a scam? Once a person starts lying for money they've lost their since of honor, which means they've loss their trustworthiness.

    Now if enough people complain to vets/mods and we see a pattern, then a thread needs to be started to expose the lab that's selling bunk. But before anyone start a thread like this it needs to run by mods before it's started. I remember all the complaints about ** before, but funk fu is still around. The powder industry has advanced quite a bit since he first started.

    We have always had a no flame policy her at AR and that includes labs flaming other labs. This also includes member flaming new members or any member.

    i couldnt agree more, i know from past admin experience i have had that there is a function in the admin section to mask words with a * maybe you could compile a list of all known UG labs names and send them to the system admin to put in he list

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by The Shredder
    This is so true I have posted a couple times on this subject. There are some UG names that most def don't want their names brought up on boards (ie. S***a.), and people just toss them around like its no big deal. Like stated above this isn't a game.

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    sweet post jb....promise not to flame ** again even know he cost me a few $$
    wont flame any other ugl as well
    Last edited by asymmetrical1; 01-12-2005 at 08:07 AM.

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Great post Johnny. Thank you for getting this out. Questions on labs need to stay in PRIVATE MESSAGES, that's the way it was for me when I had questions.


  31. #31
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Not eveyone has read this, I log on and see 2 or 3 ugl threads.


  32. #32

  33. #33
    Join Date
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  34. #34
    Join Date
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  35. #35
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    up.....and away!!!!

  36. #36
    Join Date
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    Pissing on saluu
    To The Top!

  37. #37

  38. #38
    Quote Originally Posted by GetPumped
    I agree 100% too. That is why I deleted the long DL thread that was seeming to start some controversy. Just wanted to let yall know that it wasn't a mod/vet that deleted the thread.

    I thought only mods or vets could delete threads...?

  39. #39
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Warren, MI
    Quote Originally Posted by promiscio
    I thought only mods or vets could delete threads...?
    the creator can delete thier own thread as well

  40. #40
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Matrix78
    the creator can delete thier own thread as well


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