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Thread: HCG - How long can it last after mixing?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2004

    HCG - How long can it last after mixing?

    Starting a new thread since I do not want to continue jacking that other thread.

    So after mixing, it can last for 14 days? Is it a good idea to just draw up 500 ius in each syringe (with the same needle, then change to new one right before injecting)? That means if I do 500iu every three days, then I'd fill up 5 syringes with 500 ius (total of 2500 ius) and do it every three days but kept in the fridge?

    Is this correct? Thanks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    armpit of the country(NJ)
    once mixed keep the syringes in the fridge, i have always heard 60 days aslong as refirigerated

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2002
    yes you can keep it for 2 weeks, I would use a clean needle to inject but also i would use the same slin needle to draw with. No need to preload the dart if you are mixing the hcg with BW.

    I usually take the hcg/ba and mix it with bw to make a solution that will draw up at a ratio of 500iu/ml. keep it in the fridge

  4. #4
    Once reconstituted it will last for 10 weeks if refrigerated.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Can I mix HCG and lets say Test E or Deca into the same syringe and inject? I have mixed winstrol depot and oil based, not a problem at all. Is this pretty much similar and thus will it be alright?


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