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Thread: Average length on slin..

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Average length on slin..

    Okay I have researched and it would seem that 4 weeks on and then 4 off seems to be the norm. I have seen some threads/material with longer than 4 weeks on.
    Just curious, what are the vets thoughts on this? In your experience will the gains/or gains kept improve with a longer on off cycle..

    Just finished my first week and everything is fine.

    Thanks bro's


  2. #2
    Join Date
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    As far as I understand you keep all of your gains... its muscle you have made.

    4-6 weeks is the norm. 4 weeks is fine though trust me

  3. #3
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    I am no VET, but I can give you some answers. Running Insulin 4 weeks ON, 4 weeks OFF is what most people do and consider as safe. However, some people do run Insulin longer like 5 - 6 weeks ON/OFF. I have ran Insulin for 4 weeks ON/OFF and I have ran it for 6 weeks ON/OFF, and I can tell you there is no difference what so ever. So if you are not really benefiting much by running Insulin for 1 or 2 weeks longer, IMO, its best to stick to the safe guideline by doing 4 weeks ON/OFF.


  4. #4
    Gear's Avatar
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    Its not only muscle you achive when on Insulin. If you intake the right nutrients while on Insulin, then you are more than likely to gain quality gains (muscle). If you intake the wrong sort of nutrients while on Insulin, you are more than likely to gain fat. Your diet decides what sort of gains your body will achive. I believe if your diet is up to date, the gains would be fairly solid and permenant.


  5. #5
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    Thanks guys,

    I would say after the first week I most definitly have not lost any gains and I'm getting first rate pumps. I have increased cardio (compared to my AAS cycle) and have started to lean out nicely.

    4 weeks is my plan then off and then on again. Currently running 10IU's after weight training (5-6 days a week). And as I said no great problems...


  6. #6
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    I have been running 10IU's and in my PWO drink 10 grams of carbs per unit (dextrose) followed by a carb/protein meal 60 minutes later. As I said my sugars have been okay and no real bad Hypo.
    What are your thoughts of dropping the carbs to 8 or 9 grams per IU?

    Over the last week I have not seen any weight gain nor am I'm anticipating any as I'm slowly upping my cardio.


  7. #7
    Join Date
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    I keep my carbs at 1iu per 8g of carbs...

  8. #8
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    Thanks Mr Sparkle,


  9. #9
    Gear's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Smeltfisher

    I have been running 10IU's and in my PWO drink 10 grams of carbs per unit (dextrose) followed by a carb/protein meal 60 minutes later. As I said my sugars have been okay and no real bad Hypo.
    What are your thoughts of dropping the carbs to 8 or 9 grams per IU?

    Over the last week I have not seen any weight gain nor am I'm anticipating any as I'm slowly upping my cardio.

    Hey bro, its hard for me to comment as everyone reacts differently, but I will try and give you some advice. I don't know how you will react to 8 or 9g of carbs for every 1IU of Insulin. Ir really depends how sensetive you really are. I have friends that simply can not take any less than 9g of carbs for every 1IU of Insulin other wise they start to feel hypo symptoms, where as myself on the other hand can handle 7g of carbs for every 1IU of Insulin and feel fine. I have tried 6g of carbs for every 1IU of Insulin and never again, so obviously my limit is about 7g. So as you can now see, you won't know how you feel till you try it, you just have to use yourself as a ginny pig I suppose and find a cumfy zone even if its under 10g of carbs. Be carefull bro and take it easy ok.


  10. #10
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Also, as for your weight gain, don't expect too much weight increase when on Insulin. Especially if you are not using with AAS. Insulin is just a nutrient pusher that allows your body to absorb more nutrients than usual, faster. So all the weight gained from Insulin comes from the nutrients stored in your muscle cells that Insulin has forced in. And we all know that it's fairly hard to gain weight just by the nutrients that we intake. That is why the weight does not come easy. IMO, Insulin is the type of drug that should be used ON/OFF for a while, and if you could somehow compare Insulin use for 6 months (4 weeks ON/OFF) to non-Insulin use for 6 months, you would be able to see a fairly big difference. Good luck man.


  11. #11
    Good questions, bro. I'm using 7.5g/iu of carbs and I really don't even need the second meal (bg values are about 75-80 by hour 2). I really don't see the problem with running slin longer with shorter off periods as long as you're not shooting twice a day every day. Right now I'm only working out 3 times per week and shooting slin right after. So, that's only 3-6 out of 42 meals that you have exogenous insulin in your body. So that's 39 other times every week that your body must produce it's own slin, seems pretty safe to me.

    Well, I'll be doing 4 on 4 off anyways here pretty soon because I'll be running IGF-1 LR3 along with the slin. It's been shown you do need a break from that, so that's how I'll do it.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gear
    I believe if your diet is up to date, the gains would be fairly solid and permenant.

    Are gains achived with slin more permenant than the ones gain by aas ?

  13. #13
    Gear's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jessyjack10
    Are gains achived with slin more permenant than the ones gain by aas ?
    You will defenitely gain more from AAS on its own than Insulin on its own. But the gains you have achived from Insulin would be much easier to keep. As a matter of fact, Insulin does not require PCT even. That just shows us how easy it is to keep what you have gained from Insulin. My theory to all this is, just use and AAS and Insulin to together, but that's just me. Hope that helped.


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